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Friday, May 31, 2019

Telangana State Samagra Shiksha Websie :

Telangana State Samagra Shiksha Websie :

Telangana State Samagra Shiksha New Website : and formerly known as Telangana State sarva Shiksha Abhiyan :
Samagra Shiksha is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by Government of India in partnership with State Governments, is India’s main programme for universalising elementary education. Its overall goals include universal access and retention, bridging of gender and social category gaps in education and enhancement of learning levels ofchildren. Launched in the year 2000-2001, SSA has achieved considerable success in universalising elementary education.Today, there are 19.67 crore children enrolled in 14.5 lakh elementary schools in the country with 66.27 lakh teachers at elementary level.

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Telangana State SSA Web Portal is samagra

Telangana State Samagra Shiksha Websie : Telangana State Samagra Shiksha New Website : and formerly known as Telangana State sarva Shiksha Abhiyan :
Telangana State Samagra Shiksha Websie :


  1. The Samagra Shiksha is to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the 6 to 14 age group. There is also another goal to bridge social, regional and gender gaps, with the active participation of the community in the management of schools.
  2.  Useful and relevant education signifies a quest for an education system that is not alienating and that draws on community solidarity. Its aim is to allow children to learn about and master their natural environment in a manner that allows the fullest harnessing of their human potential both spiritually and materially. This quest must also be a process of value based learning that allows children an opportunity to work for each other's well being rather than to permit mere selfish pursuits.
  3.  Samagra Shiksha realizes the importance of Early Childhood Care and Education and looks at the 0-14 age as a continuum. All efforts to support pre-school learning in ICDS centres or special pre-school centres in non ICDS areas will be made to supplement the efforts being made by the Department of Women and Child Development.

Samagra Shiksha Details:

Samagra Shiksha Objectives

  1. The major objectives of the Scheme are
  2. Provision of quality education and enhancing learning outcomes of students
  3. Bridging Social and Gender Gaps in School Education.
  4. Ensuring equity and inclusion at all the levels of school eduacation.
  5. Ensuring minimum standards in schooling provisions.
  6. Promoting Vocationalisation of Education
  7. Support states in implementation of Right of Children to Free and compulsory Education (RTE) Act.2009 and
  8. Strengthening and upgradation of SCERTs/State Institutes of Education and DIET as a nodal agencies for teacher trainings.

Samagra Shiksha Major Features

1 Holistic approach to education.

  1. Single Scheme for the School Education Sector from Classes I to XII -extension of intervention to senior secondary stage.
  2. Treat school education holistically as a continum from Pre-School to class 12.
  3. Supporting States to initiate pre-primary education.
  4. Inclusion of senior secondary levels and pre school levels in support for school education for the first time.

2. Administrative Reform

  1. Single and unified administrative structure leading to harmonized implementation.
  2. Flexibility to states to prioritise their interventions under the scheme.
  3. An integrated administration looking at school as a continum

3. Enhanced funding for Education.

  1. The budget has been enhanced.
  2. Learning outcomes and steps taken for quality improvement will be the basis for allocation of grants under the scheme.

4. Focus on Quality of Education

  1. Emphasis on improvement of Learning Outcomes.
  2. Enhanced capacity Building of Teachers.
  3. Focus on strengthening Teacher Education Institutions like SCERTs and DIETs to improve the quality of prospective teachers in the system.
  4. SCERT to be the nodal institution for in-service and pre-service teacher training will male training dynamic and need-based.
  5. Key focus on quality education empasizing capacity building of teachers in onlin and offline mode as well as strengthening of Teacher Education Institutions SCERT/DIET/BRC/CRC/CTEs/IASEs.
  6. Annual grant per schools for strengthening of Libraries.
  7. Almost 1 million schools to be given library grant.
  8. Enhanced focus on improving quality of education by focus on the two T's -Teachers and Technoloty .Outcome oriented allocation of resurces.

5.Focus on Digital Education

  1. Support 'Operation Digital Board' in all secondary schools over a period of 5 years which will revolutionize education -easy to understand ,technology based learning classrooms will become flipped classrooms.
  2. Enhanced use of digital technology in education through smart classromms digital boards and DTH Channals.
  3. Digital initiatives like Shala Kosh,Shagun,Shaala Saarthi to be strengthened.
  4. Strengthening of ICT infracture in schools from upper primary to higher secondary level.
  5. DIKSHA ,digital protal for teachers to be used extensively for upgrading skills of teachers.
  6. Enhanced use of Technology to improve access and provision of quality eduction-'Sabko Shiksha Achhi Shiksha'

6. Strengthening of Schools

  1. Emphasis on consolidation of schools for improvement of quality.
  2. Enhanced Transport facility to children across all classes from I to VIII for universal access to school.
  3. Increased allocation for infrastructure strengthening in school.
  4. Composite school grant increased and to be allocated on the basis of school enrolment.
  5. Specific provision for Swachhta activies-support 'Swachh Vidyalaya'.
  6. Improve the Quality of Infrastructure in Government Schools.

7. Focus on Girl Education

  1. Empowerment of girls.
  2. Upgradation of KGBVs from Class 6-8 to Class 6-12.
  3. Self-defence training for girls from upper primary to higher secondary stage.
  4. Stipend for CWSN girls to be provided from classes I to XII. -earlier only IX to XII.
  5. Enhanced Commitment to 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'.

8. Focus on Inclusion

  1. Allocation for uniform under RTE Act enhanced per child per annum.
  2. Allocation for textbooks under the RTE Act, enhanced per child per annum. Energized textbooks to be introduced.
  3. Allocation for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) increased from Rs.3000 to Rs.3500 per child per annum.Stipend of Rs.200 per month for Girls with special needs from Classes 1 to 12.
  4. Commitment to 'Sabko Shiksha Achhi Shiksha'.

9. Focus on Skill Development

  1. Exposure to Vocational Skill at Upper Primary Level would be extented.
  2. Strengthening of vocational education at secondary level as an integral part of curriculum.
  3. Vocational education which was limited to class 9-12, tobe started from class 6 as integrated with the curriculum and to be made more praticals and industry oriented.
  4. Reinforce emphasis on 'Kaushal Vikas'.

10. Focus on Sports and Physical Education

  1. Sports equipment will be provided to all schools under this component.
  2. Sports Education to be an integral part of curriculum.
  3. Every school will receive sports equipments under the scheme to inculcate and emphasize relevance of sports in the school curriculum.
  4. Support 'Khelo India'.

11.Focus on Regional Balance
  1. Promote Balance Educational Development .
  2. Preference to Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs),LWEs, Speical Focus Districts(SFDs), Border areas and the 115 aspirational districts indentified by Niti Aayog 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas' and 'Sabko Shiksha Achhi Shiksha' MHRD

Telangana State Samagra Shiksha (Sarva Sikha Abhiyam) Official Web Portal. TG State SS (SSA) web site. SSA Telangana State Web Portal. Telangana SSA Web Portal. Government of Telangana Samagra Shiksha (Sarva Sikhsa Abhiyan). Department of School Education, Samagra Shiksha Web Portal.
Telangana State Education Department Samagra Shiksha Web Portal.