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Saturday, May 18, 2019

AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Admissions 2021 – Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates @

AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Admissions Notification 2021 – Apply online for 6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Online Application 2021 IIIT Nuzvid Admissions 2021 – RGUKT UG Online Form, Dates, Eligibility, Fees | RJUUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Admissions 2021 – Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates @

AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Admissions Notification 2021 – Apply online for 6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme @

AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2021, Andhra Pradesh IIIT Admission Notification 2021 announced for RGUKT IIIT Online Application 2021 for Admission into 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme 2021 in Nuzvid, Ongole, Srikakulam & RK Valley (Idupulapaya) IIIT Institutes at Eligible candidates can apply online through RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid website or AP Online Services from 20-08-2021 to 06-09-2021 For More Details, Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, IIIT Basar 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme Admission Process, How to Apply, Selection List, IIIT Basar 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme Counseling Dates,  Annual Fee Details, IIIT Basar 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme Admission Schedule for 2021-22  etc are given below.
AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Admissions Notification 2019 – Apply online for 6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme @ AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Online Application 2019 IIIT Nuzvid Admissions 2019 – RGUKT UG Online Form, Dates, Eligibility, Fees | RJUUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Admissions 2019 – Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates @ AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Admissions Notification 2019 – Apply online for 6 years Integrated B.Tech Programme @ AP RGUKT IIIT Notification 2019, Andhra Pradesh IIIT Admission Notification 2019 announced for RGUKT IIIT Online Application 2019 for Admission into 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme 2019 in Nuzvid, Ongole, Srikakulam & RK Valley (Idupulapaya) IIIT Institutes at /2019/05/
AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Admissions 2021 – Notification, Application Form, Exam Dates @

AP RGUKT B.Tech Admissions 2021 – Application Form, Fee Details @
Applications are invited for admission to the first year of 6-Year Integrated B.Tech
the programme at RGUKT Basar (Telangana State) for the academic year 2021-22.Candidates, seeking admission in six-year integrated B.Tech programme in RGUKT Basara (TS) and RK valley (AP), should apply on or before the due date. Through this post, candidates can check complete details about RGUKT B.Tech admission 2021.
AP RGUKT notification 2021-22 pdf, nuzvid idupulapaya admissions: The notification will be released by the Rajuv Gandhi University of Knowlwdge Technologies Andhra Pradesh to provide admission into first year of 6-year Integrated program at RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid campus for the academic year 2021-22. The 2021 notification of  AP RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid. Idupulapaya, Ongole Srikakulam admission  can be checked by the candidates for admission. AP RGUKT CET Results 2021 may be released on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

IIIT Nuzvid RGUKT Courses Offered in 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme

The 6-Year Integrated Engineering course is divided in to the following two categories:
a) Pre University Course (2 years):
M.P.C course will be offered with following subjects.
a. Mathematics
b. Physics
c. Chemistry
d. English
e. Telugu/ Sanskrit (Sanskrit will be offered for non Telugu students those who have not studied second language as Telugu)
f. Information Technology
g. Bilolgy(Optional)
b) B.Tech (4 years): Following streams will be offered.
a. Chemical Engineering
b. Civil Engineering
c. Computer Science & Engineering
d. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
e. Electronics & Communications Engineering
f. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
g. Mechanical Engineering

a) Candidates should have passed in First attempt SSC (10th class) or any other equivalent examination recognized by the Governments of A.P. State & Telangana State/ CBSE/ICSE conducted in 2021.

b) The candidates should have completed 15 years of age as on 31st December 2021.

Age exempted candidates by Board of Secondary Education, AP (if less than 15 years of age) are also eligible provided they have passed the examination in first attempt.

c) Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31st December 2021.

d) International students shall be of Indian Nationality / Persons of Indian Origin

(PIO)/ Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders.

e) Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh / Telangana. The candidates should satisfy Local / Non-Local status requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh/ Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended.

AP IIIT RGUKT Exam Pattern: On the subjets Mathematics and General Science AP RGUKT IIIT Admission Test 2021 is conducted. The entrance exam test is of two hours and it is conducted  as paper based with OMR Sheet . All the questions are MCQs(Multiple Choice Questions) only and eack question carries one mark. On the subjects Maths, Physics, Chemistry,  Botany, Zoology AP RGUKT IIIT Entrance Test is conducted with 100 marks.  In both Telugu and English the question paper is printed.

Exam Centers: In each mandal exam centers are setup where 100 candidates are registered.  Candidates are alloted to the nearest exam centers if the No of registered candidates are below 100. as well as 9 centers are setup in Telangana region including Hyderabad. 
In every mandal of Andhra Pradesh test will be conducted and in 10 identified centers in Telangana  subject to a minimum registration of 100 applicants in each center. Next nearest mandal will be allocated as Test Center in case of applicants less than 100. Additional Test centers will be provided  for social distance.
 1. The convener reserves the right to add or delete some Test Centers.

2. The convener reserves the right to allot the candidates to any test center other than opted by the candidates. 

NOTE: There is no Negative marks


                          Alloted marks



   Physical Science(Physics + Chemistry)


                Biology(Botany + Zooloy)




RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Admissions 2021-22 Eligibility

The Candidates who have Objected high score of marks in SSC (10th Class) GPA System or it’s equivalent examination like CBSE Class X, SSLC, HSC, etc and who have not more than 18 years of age as on 31st December the candidates are eligible to apply for the RGUKT Admissions 2021 and the SC/ST reserved categories students have 21 years of age relaxation and they are eligible to apply.

For International students Eligibility

The candidates who have above eligibility the Indian Nationality / Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders also can apply to this 6-Year Integrated B.Tech Programme 2021, and the selections based on reserved seats and performance of candidate in their previous examination GPA.

Age Limit

Candidates should not have completed 18 years of age as on 31.12.2021, (21 years in case of students belonging to SC and ST categories).

RGUKT IIIT B.Tech Admission Procedure

Admissions to the first year of Integrated B Tech Program (2019-20) will be based on merit in the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Grade obtained in each subject in 10th class, and by following the statutory reservations of the State.
At RGUKT, Basar, admissions to 85% of the total available seats shall be reserved for the Local Candidates (Osmania University area, Telangana State) and the remaining 15% of the seats shall be un-reserved (these seats will be filled with both States Telangana and Andhra Pradesh students based on merit) as specified in the Presidential Order 371 Article D in consonance to Section 95 of the A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014.

RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Selection List

The list of candidates selected for counseling will be displayed on the University website or The candidates will also be informed by post, e-mail and SMS message, wherever possible, to the address/mobile number written in the application form.

Application Fee

Candidates should apply through TSOnline services only. Candidate shall pay an Application Fee of Rs. 200.00 (for OC and BC candidates) Rs. 150.00 (for SC and ST candidates) at AP Online service center, for which the center will issue a receipt. An additional amount of Rs. 25.00 per application should be paid as service charges to the TS Online Centre.

RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid B.Tech Annual Fee

a) The tuition fee for the candidates who studied in Schools situated in Telangana & Andhra Pradesh States is Rs.37,000/- per annum (It includes Rs.500/- examination fee per semester).
b) Students who are eligible for tuition fee reimbursement as per the guidelines issued by the respective State Governments need not pay the tuition fee (Students whose parental annual income is below Rs.1.0 lakh for non SC/ST category and below Rs.2.0 lakh for SC/ST category and who fulfill the other conditions as per the latest Govt. rules are eligible for fee reimbursement).
c) Every student has to pay a registration fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST candidates) and a refundable caution deposit of Rs.2,000 (by all), and medical insurance of Rs. 500/- approximately per annum for first two years (by all), that is a total of Rs.3,500/- (Rs 3,000/- in case of SC/ST candidates) at the time of admission.

How To Apply for RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid 6 Years Integrated B.Tech 2021

The candidates can apply Nuzvid, Ongole, Srikakulam & RK Valley (Idupulapaya) campus RGUKT IIIT Six-year B.Tech integrated course admissions through online with filling the applicant required details and the RGUKT IIIT Admission application submission available at any Meeseva or AP Online centers only and there is no possibility to submit an offline application and the facility has not available from any RGUKT or other websites.
Candidates can carry required documents or certificates and visit nearest AP Online or Meeseva Center and provide candidate details with relevant documents and say your applicable RGUKT IIIT Campus like Nuzvid, Ongole, Srikakulam & RK Valley (Idupulapaya) and pay the fee with service charges, the administer of service center will submit your application and provide printouts of registered application hard copy with reference ID number of your application.

Address for posting :

The Convener, UG Admissions-2021,
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies,
Flat Number 202, Second floor, NRI Block(C) ,
Sri Mahendra Enclave, Tadepalli, Guntur District – 522501
by Speed post / Registered post. The candidate should write on top
of the cover “Application for UG Admissions 2021-RGUKT.

Important Dates of RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid Integrated B.Tech Admissions 2021
RGUKT – R.K. Valley (Andhra Pradesh State) Schedule for RGUKT Admissions 2021-22

Application should be submitted online only through
The following information must be kept ready for filling the details during Online application
a. Hall ticket Number/Roll Number of 10th class
b. Date of Birth
c. Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/BC candidates
d. Aadhar Number
e. CAP PH, NCC, Sports etc. for students who claim reservation under this category
f. Income certificate for students who claim scholarship
g. EWS certificate who claim reservation under this category
h. White Ration Card/Rice Card
i. Study certificate 4th Class to 10th Class
j. Residence certificate by those claiming Local category, (for details, see Annexure – II) 

For Online submission, visit the website Candidate has to pay Rs.400/- for OC candidates, Rs.250/- for BC candidates, Rs.150/- for SC / ST candidates as application Fee and late fee, Rs 1000/- (if applicable) through payment gateway of Billdesk by Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking / UPI. After filling the online application form with the required details, the candidate has to verify all the details carefully and press Submit button. The candidate is required to take printout of filled in online application form for future reference and any correspondence.
If any candidate applies more than once, then the latest application will be considered for the selection process.
The Convener, RGUKT CET–2021 reserves the right to reject the application of the
candidate at any stage, if:
1. The Online Application Form is incomplete.
2. The candidate fails to satisfy the eligibility criteria.
3.  Any false or incorrect information is furnished.
4.  The Online Application Form is submitted after the due date.
The Convener is not responsible for non-receipt of application by the notified date and
time for any reason. The Convener, RGUKT CET-2021 is also not responsible for any false
information submitted by the candidate. 

Important Links for RGUKT B.Tech Admissions 2021-22

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