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Thursday, May 30, 2019

PSTUCET 2019 for Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University PG, Degree Admissions

PSTUCET 2019 for Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University  PG, Degree Admissions

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Entrance Test 2019, Telugu University Entrance Exam 2019, PSTUCET 2019 for Telugu University  PG , diploma, Degree, Certicates cources admissions, TUCET 2019 online application submission last date  22-06-2019, Telugu University  PSTUCET Entrance Exam date to be announced.Telugu University Entrance Test 2019 Notification was given by Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University on may 15th and online applications are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for admission into BFA, PG, PG Diploma, Diploma and certificates courses for the academic year 2019-2020.

Applications are invited byPotti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU), Hyderabad for the following Programme.

PSTUCET 2019 for Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University PG, Degree Admissions Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Entrance Test 2019, Telugu University Entrance Exam 2019, PSTUCET 2019 for Telugu University PG , diploma, Degree, Certicates cources admissions, TUCET 2019 online application submission last date 22-06-2019, Telugu University PSTUCET Entrance Exam date to be announced.Telugu University Entrance Test 2019 Notification was given by Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University on may 15th and online applications are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for admission into BFA, PG, PG Diploma, Diploma and certificates courses for the academic year 2019-2020./2019/05/
PSTUCET 2019 for Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University  PG, Degree Admissions

Programme Details:
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Common Entrance Test (PSTUCET) 2019
Cources: BFA, MA, MPA, MCJ, PG Diploma, PHD Telugu medium.

Eligibility for PSTUCET: Intermediate, degree, PG, in relevent disciplines.
Selection process for PSTUCET: Based on common entrance test.
PSTUCET Exam date: June 8th
How to apply for PSTUCET: Through online mode.

PSTUCET Application fee: 350 Rs

Courses for PG and DEGREE:

1.Graduation courses
2.Post Graduate courses
3.Diploma courses
4.Certificate courses

Like Bachelor of fine arts(BFA), MA Music-Telugu, MA Music- english, MPA Dance kuchipudi, MPA Dance Andhra Natyam, MA Telugu, MPA Rangasthalam, MPA Janapadakalalu, MA Communication and journalism, MA Applied Linguistics, MA Jyothism, MA history.

Application End Date:22-06-2019

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University is one of the few language universities in the country.It was established as ''Telugu University"with head quarters at Hyderabad and campuses at Srisailam and Rajamundry and Siddhendra Kalakshetram at Kuchipudi merged with the University and the school of folk and tribal lore were established at Warangal.The broad objective of the University is  to serve the cause of the Telugu people,both within the state and outside.For this purpose,the Sahitya,Sangeetha,Nataka,Nrithya and Lalitha Kala Academics,International Telugu Institute and Telugu Bhasha Samithi were merged into the University by the state Government.Thus,the University was established to function as a Central Organisation for teaching and research in Language and Literature,History and Culture,Fine Arts and Performing Arts,religion and philosophy of the Telugu speaking people.It strives to inculcate a sense of identity in them as Indian citizens and as responsible representatives of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

ReadHow to Apply Online for PSTUCET 2019 for Telugu University PG,Degree Admissions

Important Dates for PSTUCET 2019

1.Notifications date for PSTUCET 2019:20-05-2019
2.Commencement of submission and registration of online application form:Rs  350 . upto
3.Last date for submission and registration of online application form:22-05-2019
4.With last fee date for Submission and Registration of online Application Form:
5.Exam date (exact date will be announced soon)


1.Incomplete applications and applications which are not received within the stipulated time including postal delay will not be considered.
2. Studying  2 regular courses, even from different institutions, at a time is not permitted.
3. 2 Self addressed stamped envelopes as mentioned in the prospectus should be enclosed with the application form.
4. Attested copies of the certificates and other documents should be enclosed with the application form.
5. The candidate should fill the application form in his/her own hand writing.

More Instructions  to the candidates:

1. Candidates whould occupy their seats at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the exam. The candidate will not be allowed to the Exam Hall after the commencement of the exam.
2. The examination should be written with the Blue or Black Ink or Ball pens only.
3. The candidates will not be allowed to leavethe examination hall until the last half an hour of the examination.
4. Carrying books, papers ,cell phones ,calsulators electronic equipment to the examination hall is prohibited.
5. Candidate should carry the Hall tickets along with them.
6. Candidates violating any of the instructions will be sent out from examination hall.

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PSTUCET 2019 Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University  PG ,Degree admissions