IGNOU June Exams Schedule,Admit Cards/Hall Tickets at ignou.ac.in
IGNOU June 2019 Exams Schedule (Time table), Admit Cards/Hall tickets at ignou.ac.in: Indira GAndhi National Open University (IGNOU) May, 2019 has released the hall ticket for Term End Exam (TEE) June 2019. The varsity has released the hall ticket on its official website. The candidates who have applied for IGNOU TEE 2019 can visit the official website of the University to check and download their Hall Ticket online. IGNOU TEE 2019 is scheduled to begin from June 01, 2019 and will end on june,2019.

The candidates, who had applied for the examinations can download the admit card through the offical website ignou.ac.in. IGNOU admits candidates to its courses twice a year - January and July, Similarly it conducts examination twice - Decemer and May every ;year.
The students who have registered for IGNOU June 2019 examination can follow the step by step guide given below to check and download their admit card:
Follow the below steps to download the IGNOU Exams Admit Cards:
Step 1: Open the official website of IGNOU-ignou.ac.in
Step 2: Then click on Hall Ticket Link On the homepage,
Srep 3: It will redirect to the IGNOU Hall Ticket download page
Step 4: Then enter your roll number and click on submit
Step 5: Your IGNOU TEE 2019 hall ticket will be displayed on the screen
Step 6: Then download and take a print out of the same for future reference.
IGNOU Term End exams admit cards download at ingou.ac.in
Permission for appearing in the examination is provisional and is subject to the following conditions,
- You have completed the minimum time to persue these courses as per the provision of your programme.
- You have submitted the required number of assignments in the courses by due date wherever applicable.
- Your registration for these courses is valid and no time barred.
- You have paid the examination fee for all the courses you are appearing in the examination.
- In the case of non compliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses will not be declared.
Website: online admission at ignou.ac.in
The term-end exams for students of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) would be held in December and June. The students have to download their hall tickets from the IGNOU offical website. The hall-tickets for practical exams will be sent separately to the candidates and they need to approach the training centres to collect them.
The candidates are advised to download the hallticket by entering their name/date of birth and report to the examination centre. In case candidates are unable to download the hall ticket, they can contact the regional centre and obtain the information of examination centre allocated. They need to bring a proof of submission of the entrance test application form along with recent passportsize photograph.
IGNOU December 2018 Exams Admit Cards / Hall tickets at ignou.ac.in
IGNOU Exams Admit Cards at ignou,ac,in
IGNOU Exams Schedule