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Monday, May 27, 2019

NTA UGC NET June Exam Admit cards to be out on May 27 at

NTA UGC NET June Exam Admit cards to be out on May 27 at

UGC NET 2019 Admit Card | UGC NET Admit Card 2019 Will Be Released Tomorrow (27th May) @; Download UGC NET Hall Ticket Now

National Testing Agency has postponed the release date of UGC NET 2019 Admit Card (June session) from May 15, 2019 to May 27, 2019. Candidates have to visit the official portal i.e. to access the document. Read official Notice

 UGC NET 2019 Admit Card

NTA UGC NET June Exam Admit cards to be out on May 27 at UGC NET 2019 Admit Card | UGC NET Admit Card 2019 Will Be Released Tomorrow (27th May) @; Download UGC NET Hall Ticket Now National Testing Agency has postponed the release date of UGC NET 2019 Admit Card (June session) from May 15, 2019 to May 27, 2019. Candidates have to visit the official portal i.e. to access the document. Read official Notice UGC NET 2019 Admit Card/2019/05/
NTA UGC NET June Exam Admit cards to be out on May 27 at

There are two options to download the document viz. Option 1: Using your Application Number and Password (OR) Option 2: Using your Application Number and Date of Birth.

NTA has scheduled the exam from June 20, 2019 - June 28, 2019 in CBT mode. Download UGC NET Sample Papers
The Commission has revised the syllabus of all NET subjects (including Paper I on General Awareness). Check UGC NET Syllabus
Exam timings for Shift – 1 (9:30 AM to 12:30 PM) and Shift – 2 (2:30 PM to 5:30 PM)
Check UGC NET 2019 Exam Pattern

How to Download UGC NET Admit Card?

The document can be downloaded via online mode only. There is no provision to send the admit card by post. Follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the official website:
Step 2: Click on the link Download UGC NET Admit Card on the homepage.
Step 3: Enter Registration Number and Password.
Step 4: Enter the captcha.
Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 6: Your UGC NET Admit Card will be displayed on the screen. Candidates are advised to download the NTA UGC NET hall ticket and verify the particulars mentioned on it.
Login to View and Download the document
Save and Print the Admit Card

Note: In case candidate has forgotten the password or the application number, it can be recovered by answering the security question. The other methods to reset the password are by receiving the verification code on the registered mobile number via SMS or through a direct link received via email on the registered email ID.

Unable to download Admit Card?

Sometimes, due to various factors, one is unable to download Admit Card. Some of the major reasons of the failure are:

  1. Photograph or signatures are not clear
  2. Incomplete information
  3. Non-fulfilment of eligibility criteria
  4. Unable to access Admit Card because of incorrect credentials
  5. Slow or unavailibility of internet service

Things to Remember:

In no case, the duplicate NTA UGC NET Admit Card for UGC NET June 2019 will be issued at the center.
Candidate must not mutilate the document or change any entry made therein.
It is advised to preserve their Admit Cards in good condition for future reference.
No Admit Card will be issued to the candidates whose applications are found to be incomplete for any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/unsigned Applications) or who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria for the examination.
Issue of Admit Cards, however, will not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which will be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of admission process.

Details on UGC NET Admit Card

Admit Card of NET exam carries details such as:

  1. Venue of Test: Center number as well as the full address of the College or University allotted to candidate.
  2. Subject and Subject Code: Candidate’s subject, as well as the subject code which was selected during the application, is also mentioned on the admit card/hall ticket.
  3. Candidate’s name
  4. Father’s name
  5. Person with Disability: If applicable or not is mentioned
  6. Address: Candidate’s address filled during the time of application is mentioned.
  7. Email ID: Candidate’s registered email id is mentioned.
  8. Date of Test: Date of the examination is mentioned in Date/Month/Year format.
  9. Timings: Detailed timing schedule of the examination is mentioned on the admit card/hall ticket.
  10. Application Number: Candidate’s application number is mentioned which is also required to log into the official website.

Note: The candidates must specially check for given details in case of any error – Name, Application Number, Exam Center, Photograph and Signature.

In case, the applicants have received an admit card with incorrect information, they must inform at helpline number immediately. The authorities suggests that the applicant can carry on with the already downloaded admit card, the details will be corrected afterwards.

Documents Required at Exam Centers

Candidates must bring the following documents on the day of examination at the Test Center else they will be disqualified.

  1. Print copy of Admit Card
  2. One passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) should be taken for pasting on the specific space in the Attendance Sheet at Centre during the Examination. Read about UGC NET Registration
  3.  Anyone of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid and nonexpired) – PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ Aadhaar Enrolment No/ Ration Card.
  4. PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming the relaxation under PwD category.
  5. Note: Candidate’s photo and signature along with name on the document and admit card should match each other.

UGC NET 2019 Admit Card Helpline Number
UGC NET has introduced two new helpline numbers for candidates appearing in the exam – 8076535482 and 7703859909. Candidates facing any problem related to Admit Card may call on these numbers from May 15, 2019 to May 22, 2019 between 10:00 AM and 5:30 PM.

Any candidate facing problems such as discrepancy in details on Admit Card or problem in downloading the same must approach the concerned department and intimate the problem soon.

UGC NET 2019 Exam Centers
UGC NET 2019 Exam will be conducted in two shifts at 263 centers across the nation. At the time of registration, applicants are required to select any four cities in terms of their preference. The allotment will be based on the candidate’s preference as submitted during the application. In exceptional cases, a different or a nearby examination city or center could be allotted.

Click Here to Download

NTA UGC NET June Exam Admit cards
Direct Link to Download UGC NET 2019 Admit Card