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Friday, May 24, 2019

APTWREIS Gurukulam Inter 1st year Admissions 2024 in AP Tribal Welfare APTWR Junior Colleges

APTWREIS  Gurukulam Inter 1st year Admissions 2024 in AP Tribal Welfare APTWR Junior Colleges

APTWR Junior Colleges Inter 1st year admissions 2024: APTWREIS gurukulam Inter 1st year admissions 2024/general APTWRJC Admissions/APTW GURUKULAM Inter admissions 2024/APTWREIS Inter first year admission 2024 notification/AP Tribal Welfare Inter admissions 2024/APTW Residential Schools Inter admissions 2024.Admissions into first year intermediate of 33 APTWR Jnior Colleges 2024-2025:

AP Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society(APTWREIS)has issued the APTW GURUKULAM Inter admissions 2024 notification in April 24 and application forms are invited by APTWREIS from the eligible SSC passed boys and girls for admissions into Junior Intermediate into APTWR Institutions for the academic year 2024-2025.The instructions to apply for admissions are as follows.

APTWREIS Gurukulam Inter 1st year Admissions 2019 in AP Tribal Welfare APTWR Junior Colleges APTWR Junior Colleges Inter 1st year admissions 2019:APtwreis gurukulam Inter 1st year admissions 2019/general APTWRJC Admissions/APTW GURUKULAM Inter admissions 2019/APTWREIS Inter first year admission 2019 notification/AP Tribal Welfare Inter admissions 2019/APTW Residential Schools Inter admissions 2019.Admissions into first year intermediate of 36 APTWR Jnior Colleges 2019-2020:/2019/05/aptwreis-gurkulam-inter-1st-year-admissions-ap-tribal-welfare-notification-application-form-aptwreis.html
APTWREIS  Gurukulam Inter 1st year Admissions 2024 in AP Tribal Welfare APTWR Junior Colleges

Admission notification has been issued by Gurukulam for inviting online applications for admission into inter first year for the academic year 2024-2025.The guidelines regard to admissions into inter 1st year in Gurukulam Jr.Colleges and upgraded Junior Colleges are given below.


Admissions shall be made into 1st year Intermediate in MPC,BPC,CEC,HEC and MEC in the existing General grouos and A&T and CGA vocational groups only.
Inter  MPC,BPC,CEC,HEC and MEC Groups.

Number of Colleges for Boys and Girls :33

Important Dates:

Applications are Submitted through online in
Application Submisssion Last Date: 15-05-2024
The list of students who are selected will be placed in the website as per their options and merit:
The classes for selected students for Intermediate 1st year will start from 01-06-2024

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The ST students who had appeared for 10th class  March 2024 in TW Residential schools, ashram schools ,Govt schools and other Govt recognises schools should have
  2. secured B2 Grade (7Points) in aggrigate and also have secured B2 Grade in English in SSC Exams.
  3. Students studying in Telugu or English medium are eligible to appear for this.
  4.  The age of students must not exceed 17 years as per 31-08-2024.
  5.  Parental Income must not exceed 1 lakh Rupees per annum.
  6. The certificates need to be produced by the selected students are caste,income,ration card.SSID number, Aadhar Card , Marks Memo. Study TC, Physical Fitness certificates ,6 Passport size photos etc at the time of admission.
  7. The students should produce caste and income certificates certified by the MRO.

Selection Process: 

1. The basis for selection is the Grade Point Average (GPA) obtained in SSC Examination-March 2019 or its equivalent .Option will be given to the student on Group and colleges basing on the merit in SSC. The Groups available in each college and the number of seats in each group is placed in Annexture-III.2. In English medium RJCs ,preference should be given to the students who have studied SSC in English medium on order of merit of GPA  in SSC. The left over seats shall e filled up by Telugu mediumstudents as per merit.3. In Telugu medium RJCs admission should be given to the students who studied SSC in T/E medium on order of merit of GPA in SSC.4. The date of birth of the student (priority shall be given to the senior)5. In the case of admission into vocational groups (A&T and CGA) : Only ST students are eligible.

How to apply:

Submission of Application Form:
The applicant can subkit his/her application through online mode only. So,Submission of applications are through online in All the eligible students  only shall apply online.

Imortant Dates 

  1. Date of Notifiation 24-04-2024
  2. Last date for receipt of applications 25-05-2024
  3. Publishing of merit lists 20-05-2024
  4. Conducting of counselling 22-05-2024
  5. Date of completion of admissions in the frst phase 01-06-2024
  6. Date of commencement of classes 01-06-2024

Last Date for submission of applications is 15-05-2024

For more details at APTW Gurukulam web portal:  or contact any of the nearby APTWR School /Jr college in the District.

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