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Saturday, May 18, 2019

TS Gurukulam 1st YEAR (MPC) COACHING FOR NDA FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 Admission Notification 2020

 Gurukulam Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS), Entrance Test Notification for Admission into

(I) 1st Year Intermediate MPC with Integrated Coaching for NDA / SSB
(II) 6th Class for the Academic Year 2020-21 in TTWR Sainik School (B), Ashoknagar, Warangal Rural District
(III) 1st Year Intermediate MPC with Integrated Coaching for NDA for the Academic Year 2020-21 in TTWUR Jr. College (B), Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy District

TS Gurukulam 1st YEAR (MPC) COACHING FOR NDA FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR                   2020-21 IN TTWUR Jr. College (B), Ibrahimpatnam Admission Notification 2020.


Gurukulam Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS), Notification Entrance Test for Admission into (I) 1st Year Intermediate MPC with Integrated Coaching for NDA / SSB (II) 6th Class for the Academic Year 2020-21 in TTWR Sainik School (B), Ashoknagar, Warangal Rural District (III) 1st Year Intermediate MPC with Integrated Coaching for NDA for the Academic Year 2020-21 in TTWUR Jr. College (B), Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy District TS Gurukulam 1st YEAR (MPC) COACHING FOR NDA FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 IN TTWUR Jr. College (B), Ibrahimpatnam Admission Notification 2020./2019/05/


 All the students (Boys) in Telangana who have passed SSC March, 2020 Public
Examinations from Govt. Welfare Residential Schools, Model Schools, Ashram Schools, Govt.
Schools, Zilla Parishad Schools, Aided Schools and other Govt. Recognized schools are eligible for

The Entrance Test is of objective type. Only the meritorious 200 students from the entrance
test are permitted to attend Physical Screening Test. After Physical Screening Test, the selected 100
students will get admission into 1st year Intermediate MPC with integrated coaching for NDA along
with all benefits which are extended by TS Gurukulam, such as free boarding, lodging, Uniform,
note books & text books, bedding material and examination fee etc.

1. They should also pass SSC in 1st attempt in March-2020 with A2 and above GPA.

2. Students studying in Telugu / English Medium are eligible to appear for the Entrance Test
and the question paper will be in English only.

3. Parental Income for the year 2019-20 financial year should not exceed Rupees Two Lakh
per annum for urban and 1.5 lakh for rural or as per the Government guidelines at the time
of admissions.

4. Selected candidates have to produce necessary certificates like, Caste, Income, Aadhaar
Card, Marks Memo, Study Certificate, T.C., Medical Fitness Certificate (from not less than
Assistant Civil Surgeon), (06) Passport size photos at the time of admission.

5. The Entrance Test will consist of Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks. English (20
marks), Mathematics (20 marks), Physical Science (20), History and Geography (20) and
General Knowledge (20) . Each question carries one mark.

6. The question paper will be prepared from the basics of VIII to X classes (English and
given optional subjects).


Age Limit, Sex and Marital Status:

1. Only unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 02nd July, 2002 and not later than 1st
July, 2005 are eligible.

The date of birth accepted by the Society is that which is entered in the Secondary School
Certificate. These certificates are required to be submitted only after the declaration of the
result of the written part of the examination.

NOTE 1: Candidates should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Secondary
School Examination Certificate available or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission
of applications will be accepted.

NOTE 2: Candidates should also note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them
and entered in the records for the purpose of admission to an Examination, no change will be
allowed subsequently or at any subsequent examination on any ground whatsoever.

Submission of Application Form through ONLINE:

1. The applicant should submit his / her application through ONLINE visiting website

2. Registration fee for submission of application through ONLINE is Rs.50/-
(Rupees Fifty only)

3. Before filling the application through online the candidates are advised to read the
information uploaded in the website

4. The 100 kb pass port size photo and 50 kb signature of the student has to be

5. Gurukulam Helpdesk for online issues: 9121174434/9121333472.
 No postal correspondence may be entertained.

Important dates:

       2. Only the meritorious 200 students are called for in the ratio of 1:2 from the Entrance
           Test and 100 students will be selected by the Physical Fitness Test.

Important Dates 

  1. Date of Notification: 13.01.2020.
  2. Date of online applications starts from: 13.01.2020.
  3. Last date for receipt of the applications (online): 03.02.2020.
  4. Date for downloading Hall Tickets from website: 15.02.2020.
  5. Date of Entrance Test: 27.02.2020.
  6. Release of results in 1:3 ratio through website: 05.03.2020.
  7. Date of Physical Fitness Test: 11.03.2020.
  8. Date of admission into Sainik School: 01.06.2020.

1. Chronic Diseases and Physical Fitness:

(a) A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits.

(b) The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with
each ear at a distance of 610 cms in a quiet room. There should be no evidence of present or
past disease of the ear, nose and throat.

(c) There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels.
Blood pressure should be normal.

(d) There should be no enlargement of liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal
organs of the abdomen will be a cause for rejection.

(e) There should be no hydrocele.

2. Physical Conditioning:

Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition, by
following the under mentioned Routine:

(a) Running 2.4 km in 15 minutes
(b) Skipping
(c) Push ups and sit ups (minimum 20 each)
(d) Chin ups (minimum 08)
(e) Rope climbing 3-4 metres.

Final Selection of Students:

The 100 students who are selected in Physical Fitness Test amongst the 1:2 ratio
meritorious 200 students from Entrance Test will be given admission into 1st year Intermediate

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Official Notification
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