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Friday, March 29, 2019

YUVIKA (YUva VIgyani KAryakram) - Young Scientist Programme "యువిక" యంగ్ సైంటిస్ట్ ISRO కార్యక్రమం:

YUVIKA (YUva VIgyani KAryakram) - Young Scientist Programme
"యువిక" యంగ్ సైంటిస్ట్ ISRO కార్యక్రమం:

Indian Space Research Organisation has launched a special programme for School Children called "Young Scientist Programme" "YUva VIgyani KAryakram" from this year, in tune with the Government's vision "Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan".

The Program is primarily aimed at imparting basic knowledge on Space Technology, Space Science and Space Applications to the younger ones with the intent of arousing their interest in the emerging areas of Space activities. The program is thus aimed at creating awareness amongst the youngsters who are the future building blocks of our Nation. ISRO has chalked out this programme to "Catch them young".
YUVIKA (YUva VIgyani KAryakram) - Young Scientist Programme "యువిక" యంగ్ సైంటిస్ట్ ISRO కార్యక్రమం:/2019/03/

The programme will be of two weeks duration during summer holidays (second half of May 2019) and the schedule will include invited talks, experience sharing by the eminent scientists, facility and lab visits, exclusive sessions for discussions with experts, practical and feedback sessions.

It is proposed to select 3 students each from each State/ Union Territory to participate in this programme covering CBSE, ICSE and State syllabus.

There are a few seats left for the programme and it is proposed to select through online registration. Those who have just completed 9th standard (in the academic year 2018-19) and waiting to join 10th Std (or just joined 10th Std) will be eligible for the online registration.

The selection is based on the 8th Standard academic performance and extracurricular activities. The selection criteria is given below

Performance in the 8th Std Examination
Membership of Science Club/Space Club
Prize in any school based individual extracurricular activity (Elocution/Debate/Essay Writing, science quiz, computer modeling, scientific prototype model making, etc.,) at District/State/National/ International Level (The higher level will be considered for weightage)
Winners of District/State/National/International Level sports activities (The higher level will be considered for weightage)
Scout and Guides/NCC/NSS Member
Studying in Village/Rural School (Certificate of proof to this effect to be produced from the head of the school . Criteria: The school, where the candidate is studying should be located in Panchayath Area)
Students belonging to the rural area have been given special weightage in the selection criteria. In case there is tie between the selected candidates, the younger candidates will be given priority.

A few seats are left for the programme and the interested students can register online with the link given below from 25 March 2019 (1800 hrs) to 03 April 2019 (1800 hrs). The list of the provisionally selected candidates from each state will be announced on 06 April 2019. The provisionally selected candidates will be requested to send the attested copies of the relevant certificates through E-mail. After verifying the relevant certificates the final selection list will be published on 13 April 2019.

The progamme is planned at 4 centres of ISRO during the second half of May 2019. The selected students will be accommodated in ISRO guest houses/hostels. Expenditure towards the travel of student (II AC fare by train from nearest Rly Station to the reporting centre and back), course material, lodging and boarding etc., during the entire course will be borne by ISRO. II AC fare will also be provided to one guardian/parent for drop and pick up of student from the reporting centre.

Click here to register for YUVIKA

Registered Students click here to Login

"యువిక" యంగ్ సైంటిస్ట్ ISRO కార్యక్రమం:

యువిక అంటే ఏమిటి?

  "యువ విజ్ఞాన్ కార్యక్రమ్" అంతరిక్ష విజ్ఞానంపై అవగాహన కల్పించి బాల్యదశలోనే విద్యార్థులను శాస్త్రవేత్తలుగా మలిచేందుకు రూపొందించిన కార్యక్రమం.

 ఎవరు అర్హులు?

ఇది 8వతరగతి పూర్తై, 9వతరగతి చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థులకు ఉద్దేశించబడింది. అయితే ఇపుడు 9వతరగతి పూర్తై 10వతరగతి చదవబోయే విద్యార్థులకుకూడా కొంతమందికి అవకాశం కల్పిస్తున్నారు. గ్రామీణప్రాంతాల విద్యార్థులకు ప్రాధాన్యం ఇవ్వబడుతుంది.*

యువిక కార్యక్రమం ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ నిర్వహిస్తారు?

మేనెలలో మూడు, నాలుగు వారాలలో. రెండు వారాలపాటు ISRO నాలుగు కేంద్రాల్లొ నిర్వహించబడుతుంది.

యువిక కార్యక్రమానికి ఎప్పటిలోగా దరఖాస్తు చేయాలి?

ఏప్రిల్ -3- 2019 సాయంత్రం 6 గంటల్లోగా. ఇపుడు 9వతరగతి చదివే విద్యార్థులు దరఖాస్తు చేయాలి.

```దరఖాస్తు చేయడానికి```ద్వారా ప్రయత్నించండి.