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Friday, February 15, 2019

ANGRAU Junior Assistant cum Typist JACT Vacancies Recruitment Notificaiton 2019 Apply Online

ANGRAU Junior Assistant cum Typist Vacancies Recruitment Notificaiton 2019 Apply Online

Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University ANGRAU Jr Assistant cum Typist 215 vacancies Recruitment Notification 2019 details . ANGRAU Junior Assistant cum Typist JACT Eligibility criteria Educational Professional qualifications Online Application Form Downloading of Hall Tickets Exam Patterns Results Selection Procedure Download here angrau-junior-assistant-cum-typist-jact-vacancies-recruitment-apply-online

DIRECT RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR ASSISTANT-cum-TYPIST (JACT)  Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University ANGRAU Jr Assistant cum Typist 215 vacancies Recruitment Notification 2019 details. ANGRAU Junior Assistant cum Typist JACT Eligibility criteria Educational Professional qualifications Online Application Form Downloading of Hall Tickets Exam Patterns Results Selection Procedure Download here angrau-junior-assistant-cum-typist-jact-vacancies-recruitment-apply-online

ANGRAU Junior Assistant Typist Recruitment 2019 Notification

N.G.RANGA Forward and AGRICULTURAL   UNIVERSITY,   LAM,   GUNTUR   for   a   total   of   21 Carry forward and 94  Fresh  vacancies  in  the  scale  of  pay  of  Rs.16,400  –  49,870/-
candidates within the age group of 18 - 42 years as on 01.07.2019. The proforma application will be available on  ANGRAU Website ( from 15/02/2019 to 07/03/2019 (Note: 06/03/2019 is the last date for payment of fee upto 11:59 mid night). Before  applying  for  the  post,  an  applicant  shall  register  his/her  bio-data  particulars through One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) on the ANGRAU Website ( Once applicant registers his/her particulars, Registration/Application ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID. Applicants need to apply for the post using the Registration/Application ID through ANGRAU website. The APPSC conducts Screening test in Off - Line mode, Main in Online mode as will be announced  later.  Instructions  regarding    Off-line    examination  recruitment  test  are attached as Annexure – III If  the  screening  test  is  to  be  held,  the  date  of  screening  test  will  be  communicated through APPSC Website. The main examination in online mode for candidates selected in screening test will be announced later. There would be objective type questions which are to be answered

ANGRAU Jr Assistant Typist Vacancies

Sl. No

Name of the Post

No. of Vacancies


Junior Assistant-cum-Typist in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur.
[carry forward vacancies-21

& fresh


He / She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him unfit for such service:,
His / Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him for such service:,
He  /She  possesses  the  academic  and  other  qualifications  prescribed  for  the  post: and
He / She is a citizen of India.

A   candidate   should   possess   the   Academic   and   Technical   qualifications prescribed, if any, for the post on the date of the notification for direct recruitment issued by the ANGRAU.

Name of the Post
Educational Qualification
(JACT) in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur.
1. A University Degree and a Diploma in Computer     Application     from     an     Institute recognized   by   the   Government   of   Andhra Pradesh/University/competent   authority   who offers the Diploma Courses in Computer Application (Duration of Diploma : Minimum of six (6) months)
B.C.A. Degree (OR)
A  Degree  with  Computer  Science  as  one  of the elective subjects.

2.   A pass in Government Technical examination in Typewriting in English by the Lower grade.

The Applicants have to read the User manual for On-Line submission of application and then proceed further. User manual is available at ANGRAU Website or

STEP I:  The  candidate  after  satisfying  himself/herself  about  the  eligibility  criteria  for  the notification shall pay fee through corresponding notification Online Payment Form.
At  the  payment  Gateway  the  candidate  has  to  give  his/her  Basic  Personal  Details such as Name  of  the  Candidate,  Date  of  Birth,  Gender,  whether  the  Candidate  belongs to Andhra Pradesh State, Community, Mobile Number etc. Candidate should enter his/her particulars   i.e.   Name,   Father   Name,   Mother   Name   &   Date   of   Birth   as   per   his/her Secondary Education Board Class X Certificate. On receipt of fee at Payment Gateway, the  candidate  will  be  issued  a  “Payment  id”  with  which  he  /  she  can  proceed  with submission of Application online. Issue of Payment id does not mean that the candidate has  completed  the  submission  of  application  online.  It  is  only  a  confirmation  of  the  fee received.

STEP II:   After   payment   of   Fee   the   Applicant   should   visit   Online   Application   Form Submission link and enter the Payment id, Date of payment and Date of Birth to get and fill the format of Application and should submit ON-LINE.

STEP III :  The  applicant  shall  affix  a  recent  Colour  Passport  Size  Photograph  on  a  White Paper  and  then  sign  below  the  photograph  with  Black  Pen,  Scan  the  above  Photo  and Signature  and  Upload  in  the  appropriate  space  provided  (JPG  Format)  in  Application Form.

STEP IV:   The applicants have to invariably fill all the relevant columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
  1. Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not be Accepted and liable for rejection.
  2. Applicants  willing  to  serve  anywhere  in  Andhra  Pradesh  should  alone apply.
  3. For any problems related to online submission under downloading of Hall tickets,  please  contact  0866-2527820  /  2527821  (Call  Timings:  10.30  A.M  to 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M) or mail to
Exam Pattern for Acharya NG Ranga University Jr Asst Recruitment 2019
Screening Test
Main Examination
General Studies & Mental Ability
Paper-II  Secretarial Abilities

NOTE-I:    As    per    G.O.Ms.    No.235    Finance    (HR-1,    Plg    &    Policy)    Dept, Dt:06/12/2016, for each wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
NOTE-II: Where the examination is held in more than one language medium, the  candidate  has  to  select  the  medium  opted  by  him/her  in  the application form itself.  The candidates paper will be evaluated only with reference to that medium.
Click here for ANGRAU Jr Asst cumTypist Recruitment Details

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ANGRAU Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Junior Assistant cum Typist Recruitment 2019 Eligibility Educational Qualification Vacancies Online Application Form