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TSW-RJC-CET-2021 Results Download

TSW-RJC-CET-2021 Results Download

TSWREIS Inter Ist Year Admission Notification for MPS Group at Telangana Social Welfare Residential Sainik School  for the Academic Year 2021-22
TSWREIS  Inter  1st year Admission /TS Social Welfare  Inter Admission 2020 TSWREIS Inter Admission Notification – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission @ | TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions | Entrance Application – | TSWREIS Admissions Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TSWRIWS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups | tswreis-inter-admission-entrance-test-TSW-RJC-CET
TSWREIS Inter First year Admissions: TSW Residential Inter Admission  Telangana social Welfare  junior inter Admission .(TSWREIS) Telangana  Social welfare Residential Sainik School has announced the TSWR inter Admissions notification .The TSWREIS Official are invited the online application for boys from the eligible SSC passed for Admissions into Junior Intermediate into TSWREIS Institutions for the  academic year 2020-21 As per the TSWR Sainik School, Rukmapur, Karimnagar District is a specialized institution and first of its kind in the education sector of the Telangana State, candidates from all over the telangana state can apply for admissions. The following are the instructions to apply for admission.

గురుకులాల్లో ప్రవేశాలకు ఆహ్వానం

తెలంగాణ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల పాఠశాలల్లో, కళాశాలల్లో జనరల్, వృత్తి విద్యా కోర్సుల్లో ప్రవేశాలకు దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నట్టు తెలంగాణ సోషల్ వెల్ఫేర్ రెసిడెన్షియల్స్ కార్యదర్శి ఆర్‌ఎస్ ప్రవీణ్ కుమార్ ఆదివారం ఒక ప్రకటనలో తెలిపారు. అర్హులైన అభ్యర్థులు ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తులు చేసుకోవచ్చని పేర్కొన్నారు. మార్చి 4న నిర్వహించే పరీక్షలకు దరఖాస్తులను ఈ నెల 28 లోపు సమర్పించాలని తెలిపారు. రెగ్యులర్ ప్రాతిపదికన 2020-21 విద్యా సంవత్సరంలో సీబీఎస్ఈ/ఐసీఎస్ఈ ద్వారా 10వ తరగతి లేదా పదో తరగతి పరీక్షలకు హాజరవుతున్న విద్యార్థులు కూడా దరఖాస్తులు చేసుకోవచ్చని పేర్కొన్నారు. మరిన్ని వివరాలకు లేదా, దగ్గరలోని గురుకుల, జూనియర్ కళాశాలల్లో సంప్రదించొచ్చని తెలిపారు.TSWREIS Inter 1st year Admission 2019/TS Social Welfare Inter Admission 2019 TSWREIS Inter Admission Notification 2019-20 – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission 2019 @ | TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2019-20 | Entrance Application – | TSWREIS Admissions 2019 Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission 2019 Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TSWRIWS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions 2019 Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups | TSWREIS 2019 Inter First year Admissions./2019/01/

Eligibility for TSWREIS 2021:
1. The students (only Boys) who appeared/passed in class X examination from any recognised school for the academic year 2021-22 are eligible to write the entrance test and appear in Physical and Medical Screening.
2. The annual income of the parent shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for Urban Students) and Rs. 1,50,000/- (for Rural Students) as certified by the MRO.
3. The students from Telugu/English media are eligible for this entrance test.
4. The age of the students of all communities (SC, SC-CC, ST, BC, Min, OC/EBC) shall not exceed 16 years as on 31.08.2021, i.e, they should be born before ....
5. The admission for the selected students would be confirmed only after submitting following certificates in original along with one set of xerox copies at the time of admission.
a). Caste Certificate
b). Income Certificate
c). Transfer Certificate
d). Study Certificate
e). Marks Sheet/Pass Certificate of Class X
f).  Aadhaar Card
g). Arogya Sree/Ration Card
h). Passport Photographs - 5
Admission Details:
Admission are provided for Boys only in first year Intermdiate only for the academic year 2020-21. The 28 Vacancies, are availabe in Ist year intermiediate (MPC), will be filled through three types of screening tests, mentioned below, for securing admissions.
A). A written exam on academic subjects of class X
B). Physical Fitness Tests.
C). Medical Test for Medical Fitness.
All the vacancies are for MPC Group only.The Secretary, TSWREIS is competent authority to modify the above no of seats, subject to availability of merit post the entrance test.

Admission Procedure / Selection Process for TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year admissions. 
). The applicant must submit his application only through ONLINE by visiting website
2). Candidates have to pay registration fee of Rs.100/- for submission of application through ONLINE from any Internet centre through NET banking / Credit Card / Debit Card.
3). Before filling the application through online the candidate has to read the
information / prospectus already uploaded in the website
[ADVICE: They can prepare a hard copy first and then fill online to avoid mistakes].
4). Candidates should upload their passport size photo and signature in *.jpg or jpeg formats within size of 100 kb.
5). The candidates shall be considered for admission based on their merit in the caste concerned.
6). The Candidates are advised to download their Hall tickets immediately after
uploading the online application to appear in written and Physical & Medical Tests .
The Date and Venue details of the entrance test will be intimated in due course of time due to COVID-19 PANDEMIC

Important Dates for TSWREIS 2021

Hall tickets can be downloaded immediately after successful uploading online application.

Click Here to Download TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admission Notification 2021