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Monday, January 7, 2019

New 10% EBC Reservation Eligibility Norms Know Here

New 10% EBC Reservation Eligibility Norms Know Here

Union Govt of India  has decided to bring EBC Reservations for Educational Admissions and Govt Recruitments. Know here about EBC Reservation Eligibility Norms Guidelines Guidlines to decide who comes under this Reservation. Do you comes under the EBC Reservation? Know Here the details new-ebc-reservation-eligibility-norms-criteria-get-details Govt of India Union Cabinet decides EBC Reseervations

New 10% EBC Reservation Eligibility Norms Know Here Union Govt of India has decided to bring EBC Reservations for Educational Admissions and Govt Recruitments. Know here about EBC Reservation Eligibility Norms Guidelines Guidlines to decide who comes under this Reservation. Do you comes under the EBC Reservation? Know Here the details new-ebc-reservation-eligibility-norms-criteria-get-details Govt of India Union Cabinet decides EBC Reseervations/2019/01/new-ebc-reservation-eligibility-norms-criteria-get-details.html

Norms for 10% EBC Reservation

  1. Annual Income Should be 8 Lakhs
  2. Agricultural Land should be Less than 5 Acres
  3. House constructions should be in Less than 1000 Sq Yards
  4. House should be in 100 Sq Yards in Notified Muncipalities
  5. House should be in 200 Sq Yards in Non Notified Muncipalities

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