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Friday, November 9, 2018

Discourse - Process of writing a recipe/preparation of Magic Ganji (gruel) - Together We Live - Class 5

A video on Teaching Learning Process on Discourse-Recipe : How to make the students write a Recipe

Magic Ganji (Gruel) - Together We Live - Class 5/Teaching Learning Processes need to excite the children and ensure 100% participation of the children/Writing a recipe is one of the discourses that can serve two purposes - tell the story (Together We Live) and make the child understand the process of writing a recipe/preparation of magic Ganji prepared by Gopanna in the story to befriend the townsmen of Shantinagar who were unfriendly/Discourse-Oriented-Pedagogy /Telangana Schools/Telugu Medium Children.
Here we are providing a video on -How to make the students write a Recipe on preparation of Magic Gangi from the lesson Together We Live of Class 5th, by Mrs Ramani SRG. As the Primary Teachers at the ground level are facing many difficulties to transact discourses like Recipe, here this video will make us to know very clearly on how to transact this discourse Recipe. We all teachers are very much thankful to Mrs Ramani for providing such a wonderful video which will give a clear idea on the steps involved on how to make the students write recipe on their own.

A video on Teaching Learning Process on Discourse-Recipe : How to make the students write a Recipe/2018/11/discourse-recipe-process-of-writing-a-recipe-of-preparation-of-magic-ganji-how-to-make-the-students-to-write-a-recipe.html

    Process of writing a recipe/preparation of Magic Ganji (Video)

This lesson plan will help Students learn how to write a recipe. Students will practice writing in logical order and using appropriate vocabulary through a hands-on model experience.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Write a recipe using a logical sequence
Use appropriate vocabulary to write recipe
Lesson Objective
Objective: Students will be able to determine the sequence or order of a recipe by breaking apart a recipe that has no steps and rewriting the recipe with steps.
Lesson Plan
 Objective:  Students will be able to determine the sequence or order of a recipe by breaking apart a recipe that has no steps and rewriting the recipe with steps.

Do-Now:  On a note card make a recipe card and write down one of your favorite recipes, make sure you list the ingredients, supplies, steps, and cook time.

Connection:  What is the importance of following a recipe directly?  What do you think would happen if we didn’t follow a recipe in the order things were suppose to go?  It is really important that when you follow recipes you a really figure out what order things should be happening and you follow that order.


What are some things we see when we look at recipes, we may have seen these elements or components many times but its important that we know the relevance to them.  Things that should be included in every recipe are:

Supplies :  the items you need to prepare the recipe

Ingredients:  the elements from the kitchen that you will need what will go into the recipe that you will eat

Procedure/Steps:  The order things should be made.

Pictures/Diagrams:  may be included so you can have a visual of processes you might have to do or what your end product should look like.

Why This Is Helpful
Writing that explains or tells us how to do something (called procedural writing) is very important in our day-to-day lives. As we all know, there is nothing more frustrating than directions that are unclear or badly written. This activity helps children understand what procedural writing is and how to read it. It also lets them write their own instructions and follow them to see how well they work. This demonstrates real-life uses for this kind of writing and shows why it is so important.