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Sunday, October 28, 2018

TSLPRB PET PMT Schedule Filling up Part II Application Form Required Documents

TSLPRB PET PMT Schedule Filling up Part II Application Form Required Documents

TSLPRB PET PMT Schedule Filling up Part II Application Form Required Documents
Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board issued Notifications on 31-05-2018 for direct recruitment of 1,217 vacancies of SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent Posts, 29 vacancies of SCT SI IT&C, 26 vacancies of SCT ASI FPB and 16,925 vacancies of SCT PCs Civil and / or equivalent Posts, 231 vacancies of SCT PCs Technical (IT&C, PTO Drivers and PTO Mechanics). As per the Recruitment Procedure, Preliminary Written Tests (PWTs) were conducted on 26th August 2018 for SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent Posts, on 9th September 2018 for SCT SI IT&C and SCT ASI FPB and on 30th September 2018 for SCT PCs Civil and / or equivalent Posts.

On the basis of these PWTs, Candidates who achieved the minimum prescribed qualifying mark or above – pertinent to their Community / Ex-Serviceman Status have qualified to participate in the next stage of Recruitment viz., Physical Measurement Tests and Physical Efficiency Tests. Additionally, all those Candidates who applied for the 231 vacancies of SCT PCs Technical (IT&C, PTO Drivers and PTO Mechanics) will be administered Physical Measurement Tests and Physical Efficiency Tests (PMT / PET). Details of the Candidatures (initially) for the PMT / PET to be held tentatively from 17th December 2018, Monday are as follows –

Sl No.
Post / Rank
Candidatures for PMT / PET*
SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent
SCT PCs Civil and / or equivalent
SCT PCs Drivers in PTO
SCT PCs Mechanics in PTO
PMT / PET will be conducted at 4 Venues / Grounds in Hyderabad (for Hyderabad and erstwhile RR District Candidates), at 2 Venues / Grounds in Warangal and at 1 Venue / Ground in each of the Headquarters of the other erstwhile Districts of Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda, Sangareddy, Adilabad and Nizamabad and this process is likely to be completed within a period 35-40 working days.
TSLPRB PET PMT Schedule Filling up Part II Application Form Required Documents TSLPRB PET PMT Schedule Filling up Part II Application Form Required Documents Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board issued Notifications on 31-05-2018 for direct recruitment of 1,217 vacancies of SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent Posts, 29 vacancies of SCT SI IT&C, 26 vacancies of SCT ASI FPB and 16,925 vacancies of SCT PCs Civil and / or equivalent Posts, 231 vacancies of SCT PCs Technical (IT&C, PTO Drivers and PTO Mechanics). As per the Recruitment Procedure, Preliminary Written Tests (PWTs) were conducted on 26th August 2018 for SCT SI Civil and / or equivalent Posts, on 9th September 2018 for SCT SI IT&C and SCT ASI FPB and on 30th September 2018 for SCT PCs Civil and / or equivalent Posts.

Filling-up Part-II Applications, Uploading Documents from 29th October to 18th November

All the Candidates participating in PMT / PET as detailed above have to fill their Part- II (Final) Application Form, Online, by logging on into their User Account on the TSLPRB Website between 10 a m on 29th October 2018, Monday and 12 midnight on 18th November 2018. It may please be noted that Part-II Application has to be filled along with uploading the photocopies of the relevant Certificates / Documents and it will take substantial time to fill-up the Form completely. For the aforementioned purpose, Candidates are advised to keep  all the relevant Certificates / Documents readily available for scanning and uploading.
Nearly 3 lakh Candidates have to fill-up their Part-II Application Form in these 21 days at an average of nearly 15 thousand per day. During the procedure, the Candidates are advised to take personal care while typing or choosing various entries in the Application Form and in ensuring that only photocopies of their relevant Documents / Certificates are uploaded at the appropriate slots / places. Candidates are cautioned not to leave it to Operators of Photocopy / Net Centres. They may take the assistance of the Operators of Photocopy / Net Centres, yet, they should be personally present and see to it that right information and uploads are provided in their Online Application Forms. They will be personally held responsible for any discrepancy, erroneous information, and undeserved claims figuring in their respective Applications.
Ex-Serviceman Status Wrongly Claimed by Several Candidates – Automatic Disqualification

The Board has been receiving quite a few applications from Candidates saying that they had erroneously claimed Ex-Serviceman Status and that the Status has to be changed now. In all those cases that have been brought to the notice of the Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, action has been taken to effect the necessary modifications in the  Applications. In very few cases wherein Candidates requested modification in their data (including Community Status), Board has been taking suitable action.
Consequently, certain Candidates who qualified in the PWTs earlier by virtue of the erroneously claimed Ex-Servicemen Status (especially belonging to Other Communities and Backward Classes) are disqualified now as they got less number of marks than the minimum  marks of qualification designated for their Community. All such changes in the Status of Qualification (as discussed in the aforementioned paragraph) are being issued as a Corrigendum to be published in the Login Area of the Candidates in the TSLPRB Website Individual Candidates who are getting affected will also be informed in change of their Qualification Status through text messages on their Registered Mobile Numbers.
All the Candidates who qualified for the PMT / PET and whose Ex-Serviceman Status is showing as ‘Yes’ are requested to check once again if they had wrongly claimed the

Ex-Servicemen Status and inform in writing to the Board wherever required so that their genuine qualification can be assuredly determined to avert any disappointment at further Stages of the Recruitment Process. It is clarified once again that whoever qualified by virtue of Ex-Serviceman or any Community Status, by making a wrong claim of such Status is automatically disqualified and there is no use of such Candidates continuing any further in the Recruitment Process.
Physical Measurement Test / Physical Efficiency Test – Certain Details

As already mentioned above, in the continuous process of this Recruitment that started with issue of Notifications on 31st May 2018, the Physical Measurement Tests and Physical Efficiency Tests will be conducted from 17th December 2018 onwards for a duration of 35-40 working days in these Cities / Towns: Hyderabad, Warangal, Karimnagar, Khammam, Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda, Sangareddy, Adilabad and Nizamabad.

Admit Card for the PMT / PET Process will be issued through our Website soon after the process of receiving Online Part-II Applications is over. More details on PMT / PET will be informed in due course. However, at this stage, it is being informed for the benefit of the Candidates that they will be allowed to participate in the PMT / PET only on

Documents to be Scanned and Uploaded

  1. Producing the Admit Card
  2. Satisfying the Biometric Verification of Identity
  3. Where relevant – Submission of Self-Attested Photocopy of the Community Certificate (Issued by Competent Authorities of Government of Telangana)
  4. Where relevant – Submission of Self-Attested Photocopy of Ex-Serviceman Certificate / No-Objection Certificate (by Personnel yet to be discharged)
  5. Where relevant – Submission of Agency Area Certificate by Aboriginal ST Candidates (Issued by Competent Authorities of Government of Telangana)

Part-II Online Application can be filled along with uploading of documents on all the 21 days starting from 10 a m on 29th October (Monday) till midnight on 18th November 2018 (Sunday) and Candidates will not be able to fill up their Part-II Application after 12 midnight on 18th November. Therefore, they are requested to complete the procedure well in advance without delaying it till the last moment. It may please be noted that this deadline will not be extended in any circumstances and only those Candidates who have satisfactorily filled their Part-II Online Application Form will be allowed to participate in Physical Measurement Tests and Physical Efficiency Tests.
Click Here
Download Notification 

 To Fill up Part II Application Form