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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018. to Candidates while Attending Exam

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018. Telangana Panchayat Junior Secretary Hall Ticket 2018

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018:, Telangana Panchayat junior secretary Hall ticket 2018 Download. Here Telangana State Public Service Commission is all set to conduct the TS Panchayat Secretary examinations 2018. Aspirants who are interested in this notification have already applied for the posts mentioned in the official notification. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018 and to write the Exam

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018.

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018. Telangana Panchayat Junior Secretary Hall Ticket 2018
TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018. Telangana Panchayat Junior Secretary Hall Ticket 2018

Candidates who applied for the above mentioned are waiting for the Telangana Panchayat junior secretary Hall ticket 2018 to download. All the candidates who are attending the examination should download the hall tickets from the official website or from the website announced by the TSPSC. Candidates should frequently visit the official website of TSPSC to know when the hall tickets are being released.

Telangana Panchayat Junior Secretary Hall Ticket 2018 Details

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018

  1. Online Application Starts From 03-09-2018
  2. Last date for Payment 12th-09-2018
  3. Last date for Telangana Tspri Panchayat Secretary Notification 2018 11-09-2018
  4.  No.of Post 9355
  5. TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018 Release Date 10days Before the Exam
  6. TS Panchayat Secretary Exam Date 10th October 2018 (Wednesday)
  7.  Official website

Download The TSPRI Panchayat Secretary Exam Hall Tickets 2018

Many aspirants applied for this post released by TSPSC. Candidates attending the TS Panchayat Secretary examination should have to carry the admit cards along with them. The official website will provide the basic information from the official site will contain exam dates, job location, exam pattern, syllabus, other information regarding the examination.

Admit cards that candidates download will contain the Candidates name, exam date, timing, exam center, timetable, instructions etc. All the candidates attending the examination should follow the instructions mentioned in the hall ticket.

Instructions For The TS Panchayat Secretary Applicants:

  1. Keep your hall ticket safe till the recruitment process for the announced posts is completed
  2. Make a copy of the hall ticket for any assistance
  3. Carry the hall ticket during the examination
  4. Make sure all the details mentioned in the hall ticket are correct
  5. Carefully read all the instructions mentioned in the admit card before going to the examination
  6. Reporting time will be mentioned in the hall ticket and candidates should reach the exam center by that time
  7. Make sure our details are properly visible on the hall ticket like Photo ID, passport photo and other details

The last date to apply for the above mentioned posts is 12th September 2018. The Junior Panchayat secretary is announced to pay Rs 15000 as an initial pay during the probation period.

The examination will be conducted in two papers where each paper consists of 100 marks. For each paper, there is 100 number of questions for which the time duration is 2 hours. More details regarding this can be seen on the official website.

TS Panchayat Junior Secretary Exam Syllabus:

Paper I: Paper I will consist of General Studies and Mental ability, Culture, and History of Telangana for which there are 100 marks and 2 hours duration.

Paper II: Paper II will consist of Telangana Panchayat Raj Act 2018, Rural Development Programmes, other government schemes which include the Government of India and Government of Telangana. Again for paper II also 100 marks and 2 hours duration.

How To Download The TS Panchayat Junior Secretary Hall Tickets 2018:

  1. Candidates should visit the official website or follow the link given below. (
  2. In the page displayed search for the Admit card option.
  3. Click on the TS Panchayat Secretary Admit Cards 2018.
  4. You will be redirected to the next page.
  5. Fill the required details like application number and date of birth.
  6. Click on submit button.
  7. Your hall tickets will be displayed on the screen.
  8. Download the TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018.
  9. Take a print out of the Telangana State Panchayat Secretary Exam Hall Ticket for further assistance.

Instructions to Candidates while Attending Exam

  1. Date of written examination for Paper-I & Paper-II is Rescheduled to 10th October 2018(Wednesday).New Time Paper 1: 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon and Paper 2: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  2. The Hall Ticket must be presented for verification along with at least one original (no photocopy or scanned copy) valid identification card (for example: Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, Government Employer ID, and Driving License).
  3. Preferably, Aadhaar Card may be carried by the candidate.
  4. This Hall Ticket is valid only, if the candidate's photograph and signature images are legible.
  5. To ensure this, candidate is advised to get the printout of the Hall Ticket on A4 sized paper using a laser printer preferably on a colour photo printer.
  6. The candidate who does not have clear photograph or no photo on the Hall Ticket will have to bring two passport size photographs along with a written representation to Chief Superintendent in order to be permitted to appear for the test.
Click here to Download

TS Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket 2018.