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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

TS Jr Panchayat Secretary Recruitment 2018 District wise Last Selected Ranks

TS Jr Panchayat Secretary Recruitment 2018 District wise Last Selected Ranks

TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 – Merit List & Cutoff Marks Download @ | TS Panchayat Secretary Exam Results Download | Telangana Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018-19 — TSPRRE 2018 Exam Result, Cutoff Marks

Telangana Junior Panchayat Secretary Recruitment Exam Results to be released on 25th October 2018 at official web portal, officials said. Great News from Officials on Telangana Panchayat Secretary Recruitment Exam Results for the candidates who have appeared the exam held on 10th October 2018 to fill up 9335 vacant posts in Panchayat Raj Dept of Telangana StateTelangana State Panchayat Raj Department is going to release selection list/ Merit List with Marks for Junior Panchayat Secretary vacancies. Telangana Panchayat Secretary Recruitment exam conducted by JNTU Results to be anounced on 25th October 2018. Immediately after anouncing the results , officials take up the certificate verification process. Candidates have to be ready with the required documents ts-panchayat-secretary-exam-results-merit-marks-selection-list-tsprrecruitment-download

TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 – Merit List & Cutoff Marks Download @ TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 – Merit List & Cutoff Marks Download @ | TS Panchayat Secretary Exam Results Download | Telangana Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018-19 — TSPRRE 2018 Exam Result, Cutoff Marks

        TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 

Telangana Panchayat Secreatry Exam Results, Selection List: 

Telangana Junior Panchayat Secretary written test Conducts on 10th October for a large number of applicants in Paper 1 & Paper 2. This year more than 4.5 lakh candidates have competed for the Junior Panchayat Secretary posts. As the competition is high for the Panchayat Secretary Posts candidates with good merit will be taken into account for the employment process.  Candidates who have competed for the junior panchayat secretary posts will have to wait a few more days to check the result. The Telangana will soon announce the result on its official website Candidates can keep checking the TSPSC website on a frequent basis to download the result. TSPSC Jr Panchayat Secretary Cutoff marks will also be released along with the result. Check more details from the following article. TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 For Paper 1 & 2, Cutoff marks, Merit List Download @

Telangana State Panchayat Raj Department is the state level organizer of the panchayat department. The department annually releases various job notifications to hire suitable people into various designations. This year the Telangana State Panchayat Raj has issued notification for 9335 junior panchayat secretary posts. The application process was held from 3rd September to 11th September. Lakhs of the aspirants seeking to get Telangana state government jobs have applied for TSPRI Panchayat Secretary Posts. While the selection process will be done through the written test and interview rounds. Candidates must qualify all the rounds to get finally shortlisted for the announced posts.

TSPSC Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018, Selected Candidates List – Important Details 

  1. Department Name Telangana State Panchayat Raj Department (Grama Jyothi) 
  2. Official Website, 
  3. Name of Post Junior Panchayat Secretary 
  4. Total Vacancies 9355 
  5. Written Test Date 10th October 2018
  6.  Telangana Panchayat Secretary Result Release Date Expected to Release in October/ November 2018 

Download Telangana Jr Panchayat Secretary Result 2018 

TS will release the Panchayat Secretary Examination results within 3 to 4 weeks after the examination (tentatively). That is the TSPSC Jr. Panchayat Secretary Result is expected to release in October (approximately). Hence the competitors can keep checking the official website, Aspirants can also check the score and rank obtained in the examination.

TSPSC Jr. Panchayat Secretary Cutoff Marks (Qualifying Pass Marks) & Merit List 2018 

The Telangana PSC will announce the cutoff marks of Panchayat Secretary Examination along with the result. Candidates have to score the qualifying marks/cutoff marks in the exam to get qualified in the test. The TS Panchayat Secretary cutoff marks will be based on the level of competition, the number of posts and other facts. TSPSC will announce the cutoff marks soon. Aspirants can stay checking the official portal for more details.


1. The applicants will be subjected to written examination of Paper-I & Paper-II of Objective Type and the final selection will be made based on the total marks secured in all the (02) papers in the respective categories duly following the Rule of reservation.
 2. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the objective tests of Paper-I & II. For each question for which a wrong answer is given by the candidate, one fourth (1/4) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e., if no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
3. Marks secured in Paper-I and Paper-II will be counted for preparation of Merit list.
4. All the vacancies are district specific. Candidates will be selected as per vacancies available in district, nativity, merit and reservations. Non-local quota candidates will be given the preference according to their merit for district opted by them subject to the availability of vacancy.

How to download TSPSC Junior Panchayat Secretary Results 2018 & Merit List

  1. Visit the TSPri Official website, 
  2. Log in with the user id, password. 
  3. On the homepage, the latest notifications will be displayed. 
  4. TSPSC Junior Panchayat Secretary Result 2018 link will be seen when the result is declared by the organization. 
  5. Click on the link and enter your hall ticket number; tap on the submit button. 
  6. The result gets downloaded. 
  7. Check the result, score and take a printout for further reference.

Required Documents For Certificate Verification

Immediately after placing the results in the website, officials will release time schedule for certificate verification. Meritorious candidates have to be ready for certificate verification with the following documents

  1. Hall Ticket
  2. Printed Application Form
  3. Residence Certificate
  4. Caste Certificate if any Reservation ( BC SC ST )
  5. Academic Certificates ( 10th Inter Degree Marks Memo )
  6. Physical Fitness Certificate by Asst Civil Surgeon

Click Here for

TS Junior Panchayat Secretary Results (Download JPS District Wise Caste wise Genderwise cut off marks and Ranks)