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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sri Ramanuja Scheme -Fee reimbursement to the students from Brahmin families belonging to BPL

Sri Ramanuja Scheme - Fee Reimbursement to the Students from Brahmin Families Belonging to BPL(Below Poverty Line) Category.

Fee reimbursement to the students from Brahmin families belonging to BPL (Below Poverty Line) category.
This scheme is applicable for Brahmin students of Telangana State covering all 31 districts, who are studying Post Metric courses i.e., Intermediate/ equivalent onwards for the academic year 2018-19.

Sri Ramanuja Scheme - Fee Reimbursement to the Students from Brahmin Families Belonging to BPL(Below Poverty Line) Category./2018/10/

Amount of Financial Assistance / Selection Process / Disbursement:
The eligibility criteria, quantum of reimbursement, selection process and
other guidelines for this scheme shall be the same as those prescribed by the
Government for other communities

  1.  The student and his/her parents should belong to Brahmin community and parents should reside in Telangana State.
  2.  Annual Family income of Parents / Guardian should not be more than Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two lakhs only) in Urban area andRs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand only) in Rural areas.
  3.  Should be pursuing a regular course in College/ Institute / University for the year 2018-19.
  4.  Should have passed in all the subjects till previous year of study (i.e., students who do not have backlogs in their previous semesters / years are only eligible).
  5.  Should not have availed himself/ herself any amount under any other Government scheme for the same purpose.

How to apply:
Eligible candidates shall fill their applications online in the prescribed
format (
Applicant should upload the scanned copies (In .pdf of maximum of 250kb
size each)
1. Passport size photograph (in .jpeg format of maximum of 50kb size).
2. Caste Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre
3. Income Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre after 01-04-2017
4. Certificate from the Principal / Institution in the prescribed format (Enclosed
as Annexure – I).
5. Student should have a Mobile number for receiving One Time Password for
registration of app (Mobile number may belong to the student or any one of
his/her family members)
6. Consecutive 7 years study / bonafide certificates from 4th standard onwards.
7. Furnish CET (Common Entrance Test) allotment order for CET courses
8. If there is a gap in study due to discontinuation on health grounds or on any
other grounds, the place of residence of the gap period as given by the MRO
critically determines as to know whether a student is a local candidate or not.
9. Aadhar card of the student
10. Bank passbook first page
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Certificates to avail Scholarship Under Ramanuja Scheme
Online Registration
Official Website