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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

CCE Grading Tablesfor Curricular and Co-curricular Areas Download

 CCE Grading Tables  for classes 1 to 5th and 6th to 10th for Curricular and  Co-curricular Areas Download

CCE Grading Tables for 1st to 10th Class Curricular and Co Curricular Areas Download

Continuous Comphrehensive Evaluation CCE Summative Assessment SA and Formative Assessment FA Grading Table for Cumulative Records Annual Examinations Evaluation of Papers. Simple CCE Grading table which most helpful to teachers in awarding grades to students.
CCE Grading Tables for classes 1 to 5th and 6th to 10th for Curricular and Co-curricular Areas Download CCE Grading Tables for 1st to 10th Class Curricular and Co Curricular Areas Download/2018/10/new-cce-grading-tables-for-languages-non-languages-curricular-co-curricular-activities-download.html

 CCE Grading Tablesfor Curricular and  Co-curricular Areas Download

 Grades are awarded to students based on work experience skills,dexterity,innovation,steadiness , teamwork pulic speaking , behaviour ,etc. to evaluate and present an overall measure of the students ability. This helps the students who are not good in academics to show their talent in other fieslds such as arts, humanities , sports music , athletics, etc..
Outcome and Effect :
The outcome of this system of CCE at the initial  level varies. Though most of the schools implemented it quickly , teachers and students who were more connected to the older system of evaluation and examination faced difficulties coping with the changes . The main aim of CCE being to reduce the pressure ,a mass of students enjoyed it. However , many even though that it was aiming ato make weaker students who didnot do hardwork feel as if its okay if they dont study., they were still going to pass . This  method of CCE has also reduced the competition to a great extent. Continuous Comphrehensive Evaluation CCE Summative Assessment SA and Formative Assessment FA Grading Table for Cumulative Records Annual Examinations Evaluation of Papers. Simple CCE Grading table which most helpful to teachers in awarding grades to students
New Grading Table for CCE/Smart Table Download

Click Here to Download