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Friday, October 12, 2018

TS SCERT Science Maths Environment Exhibition Themes District and State Level Schedule Dates

TS SCERT Science Maths Environment Exhibition Themes District and State Level Schedule Dates
As per the instructions of NCERT Telangana SCERT is proposed to conduct Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibitions at District level and State Level and communicated Themes and Sub themes to all Districts. The main theme of Telangana State Council for Education Research and Training Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibitions is "Scientific Solutions for Challenges in Life" organizer NCERT named it as jawaharlal Nehru National Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition JNNSMEE  ncert-jnnsmee--ts-scert-science-maths-environment-exhibitions-sub-theme-guidelines-schedule-download

As per the instructions of NCERT Telangana SCERT is proposed to conduct Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibitions at District level and State Level and communicated Themes and Sub themes to all Districts. The main theme of Telangana State Council for Education Research and Training Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibitions is "Scientific Solutions for Challenges in Life" organizer NCERT named it as jawaharlal Nehru National Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition JNNSMEE  ncert-jnnsmee--ts-scert-science-maths-environment-exhibitions-sub-theme-guidelines-schedule-download

NCERT/SCERT Science Maths Environment Exhibition Schedule

As per the guidelines of NCERT New Delhi Department of School Education Telangana State is Proposed to conduct District Level and State Level Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition DLSMEE and State Level Science Mahematics Environment exhibition SLSMEE for the year 2018-19

The Theme for the SLSMEE 2018-19 and JNNSMEE is Scientific Solutions for Challenges in Life

Sub themes

  1. Agriculture and Organic Farming
  2. Health and Cleanliness
  3. Resource Management 
  4. Waste Management
  5. Transport and Communication
  6. Mathematical Modeling

Schedule for SCERT Exhibitions 2018-19

District Level Exhibitions should be conducted for three days between 25.10.2018 to 09.11.2018 in their respective districts. The winners of District level Exhibitions in the above said theme / Sub themes will participate at state level. State level Science Maths and Environment Exhibitios will be held from 15th November to 19th November 2018. Upper Primary and High Schools should participate in this exhibitions at District Level
Download SCERT Guidelines
Download NCERT Guidelines