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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) B.Ed Admission 2024: Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Steps to Apply Online

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) B.Ed Admission 2024:  Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Steps to Apply Online

IGNOU B.Ed Admission 2024: IGNOU has released the application form for the BEd course for the year 2024. The last date for IGNOU BEd Admission is 31st December 2024 for the academic period 2024-25. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for IGNOU B.Ed Admission before the last date. IGNOU BEd program for the duration of 2 years. The registration process for IGNOU is made online at

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) B.Ed Admission 2023:  Important Dates, Eligibility Criteria, Steps to Apply Online
Important Details of IGNOU B.Ed Admission:


IGNOU Admission

Course Duration

2 years

Maximum Period

5 years


INR 55,000

Available Medium

Hindi and English

IGNOU Official Website

Important Dates:
  • Opening date for Application Form : 12th December 2023
  • Application Form Submission Last Date : 31st December 2023
  • Entrance Exam Date : 7th January 2024
  • Admit Card Releases on : Before 1 Week
  • Announcement of Result : 
Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Applicants should have passed a bachelor’s degree with 50 percent marks in any stream from India’s approved institution/university.
  2. Master’s degree holders with a 50 percent score can also apply to the IGNOU B.Ed program.
  3. ST/SC/OBC will have a reservation and relaxation of 5%.     
Selection Process:
  • To applying for the IGNOU BEd course, the candidates need to attempt the online entrance exam. Students who will be able to score high enough to get their names in the top applicants will be able to secure their seats for IGNOU BEd admission.
Documents required during Admission Process:
  1. Identity Proof like Aadhar Card /Passport/PAN Card/ Other valid Govt IDs
  2. Scanned image of latest photograph
  3. Qualifying degree certificates
  4. Class X and XII mark-sheets and certificates
  5. Category Certificate (if applicable)
  6. Account details to pay the online application fee
  7. Scanned image of a signature
IGNOU BEd Admission Application Process 2024:
  1. Visit the IGNOU Official Portal-
  2. Register yourself by entering the necessary details.
  3. Click on the login button at the bottom
  4. Enter the username and password.
  5. Fill in personal, program, qualification, and correspondence details.
  6. Upload a photo and also a signature 
  7. Pay the IGNOU BEd Admission application fee.
  8. Print the payment receipt for future reference
Admission Process after selection:
  1. Candidates who are shortlisted through the entrance exam can complete the remaining admission process.
  2. Remaining admission process is a process which includes document verification and payment of admission fee.
  3. Confirmation of IGNOU B.Ed admission can be checked online at the official portal of the university.
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IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - Application Form, Dates, Syllabus

IGNOU Indira Gandhi Open University B.Ed Notification 2019 Apply Online | IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - Application Form, Dates, Syllabus | IGNOU B.Ed 2019 Admission: Application Form(Started), Dates, Eligibility | IGNOU B.Ed admission process for January 2019 session begins | IGNOU Invites Applications For Bachelor Of Education (B.Ed) Programme For January 2019 Session | IGNOU B.Ed Admission 2019: B.Ed Admissions | IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - See Notification, Eligibility, Application Form and Dates

IGNOU Indira Gandhi Open University B.Ed Notification 2019 Apply Online

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - Application Form, Dates, Syllabus IGNOU Indira Gandhi Open University B.Ed Notification 2019 Apply Online | IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - Application Form, Dates, Syllabus | IGNOU B.Ed 2019 Admission: Application Form(Started), Dates, Eligibility | IGNOU B.Ed admission process for January 2019 session begins | IGNOU Invites Applications For Bachelor Of Education (B.Ed) Programme For January 2019 Session | IGNOU B.Ed Admission 2019: B.Ed Admissions | IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2019 - See Notification, Eligibility, Application Form and Dates IGNOU Indira Gandhi Open University B.Ed Notification 2018 Apply Online/2018/10/

IGNOU invites applications for BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (B.Ed) PROGRAMME for Jan, 2020 Session Indira Gandhi National Open University has announced the B.Ed programme for the January, 2019 session. The applicants can submit the forms through online mode.

The B.Ed. Programme offered by IGNOU is an innovative programme utilizing self instructional materials and information technology along with interactive personal contact programmes.  The programme is essentially a judicious mix of theoretical and practical courses to develop in a practicing teacher appropriate knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. The B.Ed. Programme of IGNOU is recognized by the NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education).

Important Dates for IGNOU BED Admissions:
Online Application submission last date is 01-07-2019
Date of Conduct of  Entrnace Test 27-07-2019

Eligibility for IGNOU BED:
Candidates with:
a) at least fifty percent marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree and/or in the Master’s Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Commerce/Humanity. Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto, and

b) The following categories are eligible to be students of B.Ed. (ODL): Trained in-service teachers in elementary education Candidates who have completed a NCTE recognized teacher education programme through face-to-face mode. Reservation for IGNOU BED The reservation and relaxation of 5% marks in minimum eligibility will be provided to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/PWD candidates as per the rules of the Central Government. Reservation to Kashmiri Migrants and war widow candidates will be provided as per the University Rules. Masters’ Degree awarded without a first degree is not accepted for purpose of Academic Studies in IGNOU.

Important Instructions Before Applying IGNOU BED:

  1. Only those candidates whose results are declared and qualified at the time of submitting the entrance form are eligible. The applications would not be considered even though they appear and qualify in the entrance test, if they are not fullfilling minimum eligibility at the time of submitting the application form for entrance test.
  2. The candidates are also advised to carefully read the instructions given under 2.1 and 2.2 in particular about the Educational Qualifications awarded by the Private and other Universities on the matters related territorial jurisdiction, duration of degree etc. and other rules before submitting the application form.
  3. An in-service teacher means who is employed as a teacher in elementary school or elementary stage of education’.
  4. Diploma in Elementary Education (DEIEd) Programme, Diploma in Education (DPE) through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) or any other teacher education programme completed through ODL will not be considered as a teacher education programme for admission to B.Ed. (ODL). NCTE
  5. has mandated completion of a teacher education programme through face-to-face mode only for admission to B.Ed. (ODL).
  6. Along with other requisite certificates, a candidate should also submit Marksheet and Certificate of completion of a teacher education programme through face-to-face mode duly recognized by NCTE.
  7. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Central List will be considered. 
  8. At the time of counselling, the candidate needs to submit a certificate to provide facilities for Practical Work including the Internship as per the format given at Page No. 61

IGNOU BED Entrance Test Fee:
Entrance Test Fee :Rs. 1000/- (including registration fee)

Instructions to Fill IGNOU BED Application Form Online

  1. Click on the button "REGISTER YOURSELF" that appears in the applicant login area and fill the required registration details.
  2. Remember, while choosing your Username. It must be between 8 to 16 characters. 
  3. While choosing your password, ensure that it must be alphanumeric and between 8 to 16 characters.
  4. After filling the mandatory information, click the "SUBMIT" button.
  5. Your username will be instantly sent to you via e-mail and SMS.
  6. Remember your Username and Password for subsequent login.
  7. If you have already registered i.e. you are an existing user, click the "LOGIN" button.
  8. Before proceeding for filling the form online, the applicant must have the following:
  9. Scanned Photograph (less than 100 KB)
  10. Scanned Signature (less than 50 KB)
  11. Application Fee can be paid through: Credit Card (Master/Visa), Debit Card (Master/Visa/Rupay), Net Banking
  12. Once you have uploaded your photograph and signature, click the next button. You will get the Form preview option. Save/Print your form for future reference.

Steps for filling of IGNOU BED Entrance Test Online form:

  1. Click on "LOGIN" button from the homepage of Online Entrance Test and then login with your Username and password by clicking the "LOGIN" button given on the login screen.
  2. Fill personal details, programme details, qualification details and correspondence details.
  3. Upload Scanned Photograph and Signature with specifications given below: Scanned Photograph (less than 100 KB) Scanned Signature (less than 50 KB)
  4. Pay your Application Fee through debit/credit card (Master/Visa/Rupay) and Net banking:
  5. Payment by Debit/Credit Card (Master/Visa/Rupay): You have to select Debit/Credit Card option to pay the application fee and follow the online instructions to complete the payment of fee. After successful payment, you will be able to print/save the payment confirmation slip.
  6. Payment by Net banking : If you have net banking account select this option. You will be redirected to your bank website.
  7. Once you have uploaded your photograph and signature, and clicked the "NEXT" button, you will get the Form Preview option. Save/Print your form for future reference.

General Queries regarding IGNOU BED Online Application submission
For queries related to online application and form submission, please contact the School of Education at:
Email ID
Phone 011-29572939, 29572945 between 10.00 AM – 05.00 PM  (Monday to Friday).

IGNOU BED Academic Programme Fee

Programme Fee is Rs. 50,000/- for the entire programme.
Candidates seeking admission to the B.Ed. programme are advised not to pay the programme fee along with the online entrance form. They will get a separate communication about their admission and payment of fee.
The programme fee should be paid only by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where your Regional Centre is situated. Please write in capital letters your name and the programme to which admission is sought, i.e., B.Ed., on the back of the Demand Draft to ensure proper credit of your fee to the relevant account.

Admission into IGNOU BED:
Admission shall be done on the basis of the score obtained in the entrance test conducted by IGNOU all over India. The candidate will be required to submit online the filled-in application form and upload scanned copy of documents as specified in Entrance-cum-Admission Form. The original documents are to be submitted later after receiving offer letter for admission.

IGNOU BED Programme Objectives

The B.Ed. program will focus on:

  1. Developing an understanding of context of education in contemporary Indian Society,
  2. appreciating the role of context and socio-politicalrealities about learners in facilitating learning in inclusive settings, creating sensitivity about language diversity in classroom and its role in teaching-learning process
  3. Developing an understanding of paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary knowledge in school curriculum,
  4. Identifying, challenging and overcoming gender inequalities in school, classroom, curricula, textbook, social institutions, etc.,
  5. Enabling student-teachers to acquire necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences,
  6. Developing competencies among student-teachers to select and use appropriate assessment strategies for facilitating learning,
  7. Engaging student-teachers with self, child, community and school to establish close connections between different curricular areas,
  8. Enabling student-teachers to integrate and apply ICT in facilitating teaching-learning process and in
  9. school management,
  10. Systematizing experiences and strengthening the professional competencies of student teachers, and providing first-hand experience of all the school activities through engaging student-teachers as interns in upper primary/secondary/senior secondary schools.

Duration of the IGNOU BED Course:
The minimum duration of the programme is two years. However, the maximum period allowed for completion of the programme is five years.

Medium of Instruction
The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme is offered in English and Hindi medium only.


The test paper will consist of two parts A & B. The total number of test items will be 100 of one mark each. Maximum Marks allotted to the test is 100. The composite time for the complete test isTwo Hours.

Part -A

Section I General English Comprehension 10 Questions, 10 Marks
Section II Logical &AnalyticalReasoning 20 Questions, 20 Marks
Section III Educational & GeneralAwareness 25 Questions, 25 Marks
Section IV Teaching-Learning & the School 25 Questions, 25 Marks

Part - B  Subject Competence (any one) 20 Questions, 20 Marks
Section V
i) Science
ii) Mathematics
iii) Social Studies
iv) English
v) Hindi

Contact details for Telangana state:

Contact details for Andhra Pradesh state:

Official Website
Online Registration