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Friday, October 12, 2018

CBSE relaxes passing criteria for Class 10 students

CBSE relaxes passing criteria for Class 10 students

CBSE relaxes passing criteria for Class 10 students | CBSE Passing Result Criteria for Class X Students | cbse-relaxes-passing-result-criteria-for-class-x-secondary-education

From next year, the students need to get a minimum of 33 per cent marks in theory and practical combined to declare pass in the subject

In a relief to Class 10 students, the Central Board of Secondary Education has extended the passing criteria. “To give relaxation to students, the board has decided to ease the passing criteria for Class 10 students from 2019,” said CBSE chairman Anita Karwal. From next year, the students need to get a minimum of 33 per cent marks in theory and practical combined to declare pass in the subject.
CBSE relaxes passing criteria for Class 10 students | CBSE Passing Result Criteria for Class X Students | cbse-relaxes-passing-result-criteria-for-class-x-secondary-education From next year, the students need to get a minimum of 33 per cent marks in theory and practical combined to declare pass in the subject/2018/10/cbse-relaxes-passing-result-criteria-for-class-x-secondary-education.html
CBSE relaxes passing criteria for Class 10 students

“It has now been decided to extend the same passing criteria henceforth for the students of secondary classes i.e. candidates apprearing for Class 10 examination 2019 onwards will have to secure 33 per cent (both taken together) in the subjects to be eligible to pass the subject,” mentioned the official release.  Earlier, CBSE had announced that students do not have to pass separately in theory as well as practical exams.

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♦‘‘à°ª్à°°à°¤ి సబ్à°œెà°•్à°Ÿుà°²ో à°‡ంà°Ÿà°°్నల్à°¸్‌, à°¬ోà°°్à°¡ు పరీà°•్à°·à°²్à°²ో వచ్à°šిà°¨ à°®ాà°°్à°•ులను పరిగణనలోà°•ి à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ుంà°Ÿాం. à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°’à°•్à°•à°°ూ 33 à°¶ాà°¤ం à°¸ాà°§ింà°šాà°²ి. à°…à°ª్à°ªుà°¡ే à°µాà°°ు ఉత్à°¤ీà°°్ణత à°¸ాà°§ింà°šినట్à°²ు à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿిà°¸్à°¤ాం’’ à°…à°¨ి à°ªేà°°్à°•ొంà°¦ి.

♦ఇప్పటివరకూ à°¥ియరీ, à°ª్à°°ాà°•్à°Ÿిà°•à°²్‌à°²ో à°µిà°¡ిà°µిà°¡ిà°—ా 33 à°¶ాà°¤ం à°¸ాà°§ింà°šాà°²్à°¸ి à°‰ంà°¡à°—ా.. ఇప్à°ªుà°¡ు à°¦ీà°¨ిà°¨ి à°¸ీà°¬ీà°Ž్‌సఈ సరళీà°•à°°ింà°šింà°¦ి.👇👇
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