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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2023 Download @

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2023 Download @

కానిస్టేబుల్‌ అభ్యర్థులకు హాల్‌టికెట్లు*

    28 అర్ధరాత్రి 12 గంటల వరకు చాన్స్‌

 కానిస్టేబుల్‌ పోస్టుల తుది రాత పరీక్షకు సోమవారం ఉదయం 8 గంటల నుంచి 28 అర్ధరాత్రి 12 గంటల వరకు హాల్‌టికెట్లు డౌన్‌లోడ్‌ చేసుకోవచ్చని టీఎస్‌ఎల్‌పీఆర్బీ తెలిపింది. వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో హాల్‌టికెట్లు అందుబాటులో ఉంటాయని వెల్లడించింది.

కానిస్టేబుల్‌ (సివిల్‌) ఉద్యోగాలకు ఈ నెల 30న ఉదయం 10 గంటలనుంచి మధ్యాహ్నం ఒంటి గంట వరకు, ఐటీ అండ్‌ సీవో ఉద్యోగాలకు మధ్యాహ్నం 2:30 గంటల నుంచి సాయంత్రం 5:30 గంటల వరకు పరీక్షలుంటాయని వివరించింది. హాల్‌టికెట్ల డౌన్‌లోడ్‌లో సమస్యలుంటే support మెయిల్‌కు లేదా 9393711110, 9391005006 నంబర్లను సంప్రదించాలని బోర్డు సూచించింది.*

Click Here to Download

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download @

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download – Telangana Constable Admit Card @
TS Police Constable Exam 2018 Hall Ticket download expected to begin by end of this week on, updates

Telangana Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download: TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 will be released on 20th September. The Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) has recently issued the notification 16,925 Police Constable vacancies. Many of the hopefuls have applied for the Police Constable posts in the state of Telangana. The TSLPRB is going to conduct the Constable Preliminary Written test on 30th September (10AM to 1PM). Hence aspirants applied for the TS Police Constable posts can get ready to appear for the test by downloading the hall ticket. The hall ticket will be released on TSLPRB Official website, before 10 days of the examination (approximately). Candidates have to compulsorily download and preserve the hall tickets safe to carry to the examination centre. Without showing the admit card/hall ticket candidates will not be allowed to appear for the examination. Hence candidates must download TSLPRB Police constable hall ticket and keep it safe to carry it to the examination.

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download @

TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download @

Telangana Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 – Download TSLPRB Constable Written Test Admit Card

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) is the state level police recruitment board that announces various jobs for the aspirants wishing to get police jobs. The TSLPRB has announced the notification for 16,925 above constable posts recently. A large number of candidates wishing to become police constable in the Telangana state have applied for the announced posts during application dates. The TS Police Department is going to shortlist the aspirants by conducting the few tests such as physical eligibility test, physical standards test, written test, and interview rounds. Candidates clearing all these rounds will be essentially taken into consideration for appointment. Candidates applied for the TS Constable posts need to appear for the written test on scheduled dates. Candidates have to download TS Constable admit card to appear for the test.

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board issued a Notification on 31st May 2018 for recruitment of 16,925 vacancies of SCT PC Civil and / or equivalent Posts and the Preliminary Written Test of the recruitment process is scheduled to be held from 10 am to 1 pm, on 30th September 2018 (Sunday) throughout the State.

TS Constable Hall Ticket/Admit Card 2018 – Important Details

  1. Organization Name Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB)
  2.  Job Designation Constable 
  3. Total no. of vacancies 16,925 
  4. Category Hall Ticket/Admit Card 
  5. Official Site
  6.  Admit Card Release Date 20-09-2018
  7.  Exam Date 30-09-2018 

TSLPRB Police Constable Exam Admit Card/ Call Letter 2018 – Test Centers District Wise

 All the Candidates who have successfully uploaded their Applications are informed that the Hall Tickets for Preliminary Written Test (PWT) can be downloaded from 8 am on 20th September onwards till 12 midnight on 28th September 2018 by logging into their respective accounts on the TSLPRB website: by entering their credentials. Applicants required to download Telangana Police Constable Admit Card/hall ticket to proceed for the examination. Candidates will not be allowed to continue to the examination if they do not show the hall ticket at the time of verification. Candidates must also carry any of the valid identity proof copy along with the hall ticket while going to the examination. The hall ticket and identity proof of the candidate will be verified at the examination centre. On the hall ticket, the information of examination centre, date and timings of the examination and other details such as candidate’s name, identity/registration number, date of birth, signature, photograph and other details will be printed. Once verify all the details carefully after downloading the hall ticket. Candidates can report to TSLPRB for the necessary corrections if required. Check the hall ticket downloading process from the following and follow the steps to download the hall ticket.

After downloading the Hall Tickets, Candidates shall take a printout of the same, preferably on A4 size paper on both the sides (so that the Hall Ticket is available on a single sheet paper). Though it is not mandatory to take the printout in colour, printout taken in colour nevertheless provides better visibility when compared to monochrome (black and white) printout. Once the printout is taken, each Candidate has to affix (with gum / adhesive – do not use staples / pins) his / her passport photograph (whose digital copy was earlier uploaded along with the Application Form) at the designated place provided in the left-bottom area of the first page of the Hall Ticket, without fail.

 How to Download TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Online? 

  1. Initially, visit the TS Police official website i.e On the homepage,
  2. Click on “TS Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018” Link
  3.  Enter Registration Number and Date of Birth 
  4. Press the ‘Download’ Button 
  5. Download and take a printout. 

Instructions to Candidates 

1. Candidates shall go through all the Instructions given on the reverse (other side) of the Hall Ticket carefully, in their own interest and comply with them scrupulously. Certain important Instructions are reproduced below, for the benefit of the Candidates 

2. Candidates are advised to visit their Centre of Examination one day prior to the actual Date of Examination and make sure about their Examination Centre. No traveling expenses will be paid for the journey, if any performed, to take the Test 

3. Candidate’s passport photograph has to be fastened at the designated place provided in the Hall Ticket. Otherwise, Hall Ticket will not be accepted and Admission to Examination will be denied 

4. Candidates will be permitted into the Examination Hall one hour prior to the commencement of the examination. Candidates will not be allowed into the Examination Hall, if they are late even by a minute after commencement of the examination

 5. Candidates should not bring any electronic or other gadgets including Mobile / Cellular Phones, Tablets, Pen Drives, Bluetooth Devices, Wrist-Watches, Watch Calculators, Log Tables, Wallets, Purses, Notes, Charts, loose sheets or recording instruments strapped to the body or in the pockets. Candidates, particularly women are advised not to come for the examination wearing Jewelry or carrying Handbags / Jholas / Pouches etc. No Cloak Room / Storage Facility to safeguard any valuables or belongings of the Candidates is available at the Examination Centres 

6. Candidates shall carry only Black / Blue Ball Point Pens and Hall Ticket into the Examination Hall Digital Image and Fingerprint/s (Biometrics) will be collected during the Test in the Examination Hall. 

7. Therefore, Candidates are advised not to have mehendi, temporary tattoos or any obstructive materialcovers on their fingers which may hamper the recording of Biometrics 

8. OMR Answer Sheet will not be valued if the Candidate writes any irrelevant matter, symbols, religious marks, prayers or identification marks on any part of OMR Answer Sheet as it amounts to malpractice

9.  Question Paper Booklet is printed in 2 languages viz., English–Telugu or English–Urdu. In case of any doubt or ambiguity in any question, then the English version will be considered to be the correct version 

10. Adoption of any kind of unfair means or any act of impersonation during the Examination will render the Candidate liable for invalidation of his / her OMR Answer Sheet and will forfeit the claim of appearing in the test besides being liable for criminal action 

11. Hall Ticket must be preserved till the final conclusion of the process of Recruitment

Telangana Police Constable Hall Ticket 2018 Download – Available from 20th Sept