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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Telugu dying a slow death among youth -Is the Telugu language getting extinct day by day?

Telugu dying a slow death among youth-Is the Telugu language getting extinct day by day?

Like all other cultures, we telugu people also have our own culture. First of all, not all of telugu people forget their culture. I think there is no particular reason for forgetting our culture. There are several reasons such as:

=> Influence of foreign culture
=> Many people who move to other states and cities get influenced by that culture or may just like their culture
=>Some telugu people may find it old fashioned to follow telugu culture

There may be other reasons also … but I found these reasons most prominent.

I really feel really bad about such people who forget their own culture but I am sure one day they may realize this but it will be too late by then…
Here we are providing a pdf which contains many vocabulary terms which the new generation is not coming across the terms in their day to day life even  few parents are unfamiliar to them.  So, it is the parents responsibility to make their children to read and learn that Telugu vocabulary.

Telugu dying a slow death among youth-Is the Telugu language getting extinct day by day?/2018/09/telugu-dying-slow-death-among-youth-is-the-telugu-language-gettng-extinct-day-by-day.html

Let's see what are the characteristics shown before the language gets extinct.

People speaking the language stops following the literature
Slowly, literature doesn't add up
How many are learning in the primary level
How many are learning in the secondary level
How many are learning in the advanced level
Art Forms
Are there any art forms based out of that specific culture/language.
Are new words being created/coined.
Do they speak as a Primary language
How many could read/write in the language
Population speaking the language
Surprisingly, Telugu is falling behind in all the aspects.

Literature is drying up in Telugu
Not every one is learning in the primary level
Not many are learning in the advanced level
We have killed our art forms like Burra katha, Hari katha, …
Eenadu has been trying to coin new words
unless, people adopt them - it’s not going to work
It is assumed that more than a third of the literatures doesn’t know how to read/write their mother tongue, Telugu.
Telugu is still spoken by a lot of people - but, any decrease in numbers is not a good sign
Tamil Nadu had lot of Telugu population, Now it is dwindling as they are moving away from Telugu.
It is indeed a reality and the onus is on us to keep up the pride.

As I once mentioned else where , the answer lies with us - whether we want to continue our legacy and keep our culture for decades.

Because, if a Language extincts - the culture that associates to it dies.

Make smaller steps
  1. Enjoy speaking Telugu
  2. Speak to your kids in Telugu
  3. Reduce the influence of other languages on your Telugu
  4. Speak to fellow Telugus in Telugu
  5. I am sure, our small steps would ensure - Telugu flies high till eternity.
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Telugu Vocabulary which new generation should know