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Sunday, September 9, 2018

How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018

How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018

AP Mukhyamantri Yuva Nestham Scheme Online Registration Started – Apply Online For Nirudyoga Bruthi (Unemployment allowance) | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2018 – Online Registration, Eligibility @ | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2018 – Online Registration, Eligibility for AP Mukhyamanthri Yuva Nestham Scheme @ | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme Online Registration 2018 | Andhra Pradesh Mukhyamantri Yuva Nestam Apply Online | AP Nirudyogula Nestham Registration 2018 | Andhra Pradesh Mukhyamantri Nestam Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme Apply Online

How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018:

AP Mukhyamantri Yuva nestham Scheme Online Registrations, AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Registrations, Chief Minister Yuvanestham Scheme in AP for Unemployment,  Nirudyoga Bruthi AP Online registrations, Nirudyoga bruthi Last date, Nirudyoga Bruthi Apply online, AP Nirudyoga Bruthi apply online, Yuvanestham registrations, Yuva nestam registrations, nirudyoga bruthi.  The AP State has finalised the list of eligible beneficiaries of the much-awaited Chief Minister Yuva Nestham unemployment allowance scheme, which will be implemented from October 2. The website to enable the unemployed youth to register for the scheme will be launched on September 14. In addition to diploma and degree holders, the Govt also decided to extend the benefit to the youth with D Pharmacy qualification.  Similarly, the youth who are already availing of social security pension, will also be eligible for getting the dole (benefit paid by the government to the unemployed).

How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018 AP Mukhyamantri Yuva Nestham Scheme Online Registration Started – Apply Online For Nirudyoga Bruthi (Unemployment allowance) | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2018 – Online Registration, Eligibility @ | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2018 – Online Registration, Eligibility for AP Mukhyamanthri Yuva Nestham Scheme @ | AP Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme Online Registration 2018 | Andhra Pradesh Mukhyamantri Yuva Nestam Apply Online | AP Nirudyogula Nestham Registration 2018 | Andhra Pradesh Mukhyamantri Nestam Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme Apply Online How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018:Eligibility for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018 What are the eligibilities require to get this scheme?/2018/09/
How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018

How to register for AP unemployment allowance (nirudyoga bruthi) scheme 2018,how to apply for ap mukhyamantri yuva nestham scheme,ap nirudyoga bruthi online registrations,chief minister yuvanestham scheme in ap for unemployment,nirudyoga bruthi last date,nirudyoga bruthi apply online,yuvanestham registrations

Eligibility for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018

 What are the eligibilities require to get this scheme?

  1. To be enrolled in Praja Sadhikara Survey(PSS).
  2. No Government employee in Family
  3. Not Having Four wheeler in family
  4. Not taken Loan/Subsidy from government(OBMMS
  5. Not Getting NTR Bharosa Pension
  6. Biometric EKYC in PSS
  7. Not Taking Scholarship
  8. Age between 22 and 35 .
  9. PG or Graduate or Diploma Holder
  10. Not Employed
  11. Having land Less than 5 acres in family
  12.  Having Ration Card
  13. Aadhaar Seeded Bank Account

Registration 14th September onwards
Monthly Rs.1000/ and Skill Development Training to Unemployed youth
ELigible Age Group: 22 years to 35 years

How to Register for AP Unemployment Allowance (Nirudyoga Bruthi) Scheme 2018

Launch the browser and enter below URL:
To apply Yuvanestham scheme, click on “APPLY NOW/LOGIN” button.
Please ensure that the required documents are ready during the registration process

  • Aadhaar Number.
  • Mobile Number Linked With Aadhaar.
  • Original or Xerox copy and image of Diploma/Graduate/Post Graduate Certificates.To Enter the Register/Hallticket Number Available in Certificate.
  • White Ration Card.
✓To know about mobile number linked with aadhaar number, Then click on “Click Here” button.
✓Enter aadhaar number, Security code and click on “Verify” button.
✓Details will be displayed.
✓Enter unemployed Aadhaar number, and click on “SEND OTP” button, OTP will be sent to Aadhaar linked mobile number.
✓Enter received OTP and click on “VERIFY OTP(Note : Resend OTP will be enabled after 1 minute)” button after successful verification of OTP page redirects to personal details page.
✓This page displayed with your personal details. If you want to change your address details then click on edit button and update your address details.
✓If you want to change your Mobile number then click on “edit” button window will be displayed.
✓Enter mobile number and click on “Send OTP” button, OTP will be sent to entered mobile number.
✓Enter received OTP and click on “Verify OTP” button. Your mobile number successfully updated.
✓After successful updating of mobile number enter E-Mail ID(Optional)click on “APPLY /CONTINUE” button. Your eligibility criteria with status will be displayed.
✓If you want to check your Aadhaar and bank account linking status , Then click on “Click here” button
✓Enter UID/VID number, Security code and click on “SNED OTP” button, OTP will be sent to Aadhaar linked mobile number. Enter received OTP and click on “LOGIN” button
✓Your bank Aadhaar mapping status will be displayed.
✓If you are not eligible remarks with description will be displayed. Eligible criteria will be shown as tick mark, Not eligible criteria will be shown as cross mark.
✓ This module will appear when your aadhaar number not seeded with registration number.
✓ Enter hall ticket number and click on “Get education details” button your education details, personal details will be displayed.
✓ Name should be same in both Aadhaar and education details
✓ If your name not matches it shows “Name mismatch”
✓ Choose certificate and click on “Upload” button, Your certificate successfully uploaded. Click on declaration checkbox and click on “Agree” button data uploaded successfully and submission of application module will be populated.
✓If you are agree to as per the information available with us select “Agree” and click on “Submit & Close”button alert message will be displayed and reads like “Success” and page redirects to login page
✓If you are disagree to as per the information available with us, You are eligible but system shows as not eligible for the allowance then select as disagree and click on “GREIVANCE REGISTARTION” button

✓Select one grievance and enter all fields and click on “SUBMIT” button. Your grievance raised successfully.

✓If person eligible all eligibility criteria will be show with tick mark
✓If you want to opt out from the scheme then click on “Opt Out” button, Alert message will be displayed and reads like “Are you sure do you want to opt out NO YES”
✓Click “NO” stay in same screen, Click on “Yes” you are successfully opt out from the scheme.
✓Click “NO” stay in same screen, Click on “Yes” you are successfully opt out from the scheme.
✓You are successfully opt out from the scheme and Yuvanestham ID successfully generated and page redirects to “My Profile” screen.
✓Click on declaration checkbox and click on “Apply for Mukhyamantri Yuvanestham”button. Data submitted successfully and application id will be generated
✓Data submitted successfully and application id will be generated and page redirects to my profile screen and Yuvanestham ID will be sent to registered Mail ID and Mobile number
✓Your profile details will be displayed as shown, If you want to Opt Out from the scheme then click on “Opt Out” button
✓Click on “Educational details " button your educational details will be displayed.
✓If you want to add more education details, Then fill all mandatory fields and click on “ADD” button. Your education details added successfully.
✓Click on “Areas of interest" button details will be displayed. Select type job placement or self employee and select any 3 area of interest and click on “SUBMIT” button data submitted successfully.
✓Click on “Trainings attended" button details will be displayed.
✓Click on “Payment transaction" button details will be displayed.
✓Click on “Grievance details" button details will be displayed.
✓If you are not raised any grievances it will shows “No grievance details found”
✓If you raised any grievances details will be displayed like as shown in below image
✓Click on “Preview” button, Preview page will be displayed.
✓If you want to logout from the application then click on “LOGOUT” button.

#MukhyamantriYuvanestham, #Yuvanestham, #nirudyogabruthi, #APMukhyamantriYuvanestham
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Apply For Mukhyamantri Yuvanestham