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Monday, August 20, 2018

Telangana DDCFL Dairy Development Co-Operative Federation Vacancies TSPSC Recruitment Notification

Telangana DDCFL Dairy Development Co-Operative Federation Vacancies TSPSC Recruitment Notification

Telangana Sate Public Service Commission has come forward with another bunch of vacancies in TS Dairy Development Co operative Federation Limited with 10 plus ITI and Marketing Qualifications. Online Application started for Varioous Vacancies in TSDDCFL Check your Educational qualifications to go for the Recruitment by TSPSC. Submit Online Application for Lab Assistants Boilor Operator Plant Operators Marketing Supervisors Marketing Assistant Posts in Telangana Dairy Development Co Operation Federation Limited. Check here for Educational Qualifications Syllabus How to Submit Online Application Form Scheme of Examination Download of Hall Tickets Exam Dates Keys and Results

TSDDCFL Recruitment Notification 2018

Telangana DDCFL Dairy Development Co-Operative Federation Vacancies TSPSC Recruitment Notification Telangana Sate Public Service Commission has come forward with another bunch of vacancies in TS Dairy Development Co operative Federation Limited with 10 plus ITI and Marketing Qualifications. Online Application started for Varioous Vacancies in TSDDCFL Check your Educational qualifications to go for the Recruitment by TSPSC. Submit Online Application for Lab Assistants Boilor Operator Plant Operators Marketing Supervisors Marketing Assistant Posts in Telangana Dairy Development Co Operation Federation Limited. Check here for Educational Qualifications Syllabus How to Submit Online Application Form Scheme of Examination Download of Hall Tickets Exam Dates Keys and Results TSDDCFL Recruitment Notification 2018/2018/08/
Telangana DDCFL Dairy Development Co-Operative Federation Vacancies TSPSC Recruitment Notification

Its another Good Oppertunity to the un employee youth in Telangana with low educational qualifications at Telangana State Dairy Development Co Operative Federation Limited. Here we can go through the detailed Notifications for the vacancies with Important dates educational qualifications Scheme of Examination Selection Procedure

TSPSC TSDDCFL Vacancies Details

  1. Lab Assistants - 10
  2. Boilor Operators - 3
  3. Plant operators - 25
  4. Marketing Assts - 10
  5. Marketing Supervisors - 12

Important Dates of TS DDCFL Notification

  1. Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 08/08/2018
  2. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt.07/09/2018. 
  3. The payment of Fee will not be accepted after 11:59 P.M of last date for submission.
  4. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination.
  5. The Examination (Objective Type) dates will be announced later. The Commission reserves the right to conduct the Examination either COMPUTER BASED RECRUITMENT TEST (CBRT) or OFFLINE OMR based Examination of objective type.

Documents to be Keep Ready for DDCFL Notificaiton

  1. Candidates are requested to keep the details of the following documents ready while uploading their Applications and updating OTRs if necessary.
  2. Aadhar number
  3. Educational Qualification details i.e., SSC, INTERMEDIATE, DEGREE, POST GRADUATION etc. and their Roll numbers, Year of passing etc.
  4. Community/ Caste Certificate/ Non-Creamy Layer Certificate in case of BC’s obtained from Mee Seva/ E Seva i.e., Enrollment number and date of issue for uploading in OTR.

How Apply/Submit/Upload Online Application Form

The Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of Applications and then proceed further.

  1. Step1: The Candidate has to visit the WEBSITE and fill the OTR application if not registered earlier to obtain TSPSC ID. While filling the same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.
  2. STEP 2: The candidates have to visit the website to submit Application and Click on the Link with Notification Number and Name, provide TSPSC ID and Date of Birth to proceed further.
  3. Candidate has to verify the details fetched from various databases pertaining to qualification, caste, Aadhar etc, and displayed on the screen. If the displayed details are correct he/she has to click Yes on confirm button. If any details are not displayed or need to be changed, he/she should click No on confirm button. If details are not displayed a text box will open and candidate has to feed the details manually. Required documents have to be uploaded by clicking the upload button. In addition to the details obtained from OTR database, Notification specific details such as Examination Centre opted, required qualification, university details, eligibility and accepting declarations etc. are to be filled by the candidate. Preview and Edit facility is available to make changes and submit for proceeding to Next step of making online payment of fee.
  4. STEP 3:-Immediately on entering the above details, the applicant will get payment gateway of SBI ePay.
  5. STEP 4:-The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified through any of the four modes of payment online. Separate instructions have to be followed for each mode of payment.
  6. STEP 5:-After payment of fee, the PDF Application will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the candidates. The ID No in the PDF Application form has to be quoted for future reference/correspondence.
  7. Candidate shall note that, the details available with OTR database at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification. If, any changes are made by the candidate to OTR database at a later date will not be considered for the purpose of this Notification.
  8. Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not be accepted and liable for rejection.
  9. The applicants should be willing to serve anywhere in Telangana State.
  10. For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall- Tickets please contact 040-23542185 or 040-23542187 (Call Time: 10.30 A.M to
  11. 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M) or mail to

Download Detailed Notifications

Lab Assistant Notifications
Boilor Operator
Plant Operator
Marketing Assts
Marketing Supervisor
Apply Online