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Monday, July 9, 2018

Professor K. Nageshwar Rao Sirs speech on D Ed and B Ed Conflict

Professor K. Nageshwar Rao Sirs speech on D Ed and B Ed Conflict

B.Ed candidates are also eligible to SGT Posts , B.Ed is Eligible for SGT Teacher Posts in Primary Schools - Indian Gazette, B Ed Candidates eligible for Secondary Grade Teacher Posts in primary Schools . Govt of India has given Gazette notification for allowing B.Ed candidates are eligible for SGT Posts.

In this regard the Candidates who have completed their D.Ed may feel tough competition with B.Ed candidates to achieve SGT posts in TRT Entrance Examinatios. So, there arises a conflict between D.Ed and B.Ed Candidates in this regard. Here we are providing a Vedio of Professor K. Nageshwar Rao Sirs speech on D Ed and B Ed Conflict which is very much genuine.

Watch Professor K. Nageshwar Rao Sirs speech on D Ed and

 B Ed Conflict


B.Ed Candidates Eligible for the post of SGT in Primary Schools-Gazette Notification