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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2020 Results Download

TSWREIS  TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2020 Results Download

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TSWRDC Guest Faculty selection Test 2020 Candidates shortlisted for Demo-Cum-Interview
All the shortlisted candidates are informed to attend  Demo-Cum-Interview from 7th december 2020 is detailed  scheduled of interview will updates on website on 04.12.2020
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TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018 Online Application form | TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018-19 - Guest Faculty Posts in TSWR Degree Colleges |

TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2020

Guest Faculty Posts in TSWR Degree Colleges: Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) issued TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018-19 Notification for the recruitment of Guest Faculty positions for the academic year 2018-19 in TS Women Residential Degree Colleges (TSWRDC). Eligible candidates can apply online for TSWREIS Gurukulam Degree College Guest Faculty Posts through TSWREIS website

Applications are invited from the eligible women candidates in Telangana. Guest Faculty Recruitment Notification in Telangana State Social Welfare Residential Degree Colleges from women candidates Apply Online Here for Guest Lecturer Posts in Social Welfare Degree Colleges 

TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018 Online Application form TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018 Online Application form | TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018-19 - Guest Faculty Posts in TSWR Degree Colleges | TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018-19 Guest Faculty Posts in TSWR Degree Colleges: Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) issued TSWREIS TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018-19 Notification for the recruitment of Guest Faculty positions for the academic year 2018-19 in TS Women Residential Degree Colleges (TSWRDC). Eligible candidates can apply online for TSWREIS Gurukulam Degree College Guest Faculty Posts through TSWREIS website before 28.06.2018. Applications are invited from the eligible women candidates in Telangana. Guest Faculty Recruitment Notification in Telangana State Social Welfare Residential Degree Colleges from women candidates Apply Online Here for Guest Lecturer Posts in Social Welfare Degree Colleges Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018 in TSWRDC/2018/06/
TSWREIS  TSWRDC Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018 Online Application form

Guest Faculty Recruitment 2018  in TSWRDC

Online Applications are invited from Women candidates belongs to Zone V and VI

Educational Qualifications & Eligibility:
Women candidates having Masters Degree with a minimum of 55% (SC/ ST - 50%) of marks in the relevant subject are eligible to apply.

Vacancies Details

1) Telugu 2) English 3) History 4) Economics 5) Political Science 6) Mathematics 7) Physics 8) Chemistry 9) Statistics 10) Computer Science 11) Botany 12) Zoology 13) Micro Biology 14) Commerce to work as Guest Faculty in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for women for the academic year 2018-19.


Candidates belonging to Zone-V and Zone-VI are alone eligible to apply.

  1.  A Masters Degree (i.e., M.A / M.Sc / M.Com) with a minimum of 55% (50% in case  of SC/ST candidates) of marks in the relevant Subject is required. M.C.A / M.Sc Computers/M.Tech(CSE) in case of Computer Science subject. Additional qualifications like Ph.D / NET / SLET / M.Phil will be preferred.
  2. Candidates with B.Tech qualifications with 60% of marks possessing exceptional abilities shall also be considered to engage classes in Computers subject.
  3.  Interested Candidates have to apply online through
  4.  The last date for submission of application is 28.06.2018 up to 12:00 a.m.
  5. The selection will be made on the basis of performance in written Test

Exam Pattern

Written Test to be conducted for a duration of 1 ½ Hours. Question paper model:

Question No.1 on contemporary issues – 10 Marks Question No.2 on recent trends in Higher education– 10 Marks Question No.3 on the subject concerned (UG Level) – 15 Marks Question No.4 on the subject concerned (PG Level) – 15 Marks

Total: 50 Marks

Demonstration (10 marks) and Interviews (10 marks) 20 Marks

Additional qualifications

(Ph.D-5 Marks, NET – 4 Marks, SLET – 3 Marks 5 Marks & M.Phil – 2 Marks)

TOTAL: 75 Marks

1. The written test will be conducted on 01.07.2018 i.e Sunday from 2:00p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Telangana Social Welfare Residential institutions in Hyderabad.
2. The services of the selected candidates will be utilized purely on temporary basis during this academic year.
3. The remuneration payable is Rs.25,000/- per month depending on the work load in the subject concerned i.e., Number of periods to be engaged in a week by the selected candidates in the subject.
4. The candidates are informed to pay an amount of Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) through online towards examination fee.