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Friday, May 4, 2018

TSWR COE CET 2024 Results


Click Here for : COE  2024 Results 

TSWR COE CET 2024 Notification

On-line applications are invited for admission into Intermediate 1st year in Center of Excellence (COE) General and Vocational Junior Colleges functioning under the control of Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad (TSWREIS). For IIT, NEET and other National wide prestigious Institutions, the TSWREIS is providing intensive coaching  through Centre of Excellence (COEs), in these COEs target oriented coaching with additional Academic Support will be provided.

Important Dates:

  1. Starting date for registration : 16th December 2023
  2. Last date for registration : 15th January 2023
  3. Date of Examination : 4th February 2024

గురుకుల ఇంటర్ ప్రవేశాలకు నోటిఫికేషన్, దరఖాస్తు ప్రారంభం!

టీఎస్‌డబ్ల్యూఆర్ఈఐఎస్- ఇంటర్మీడియట్ మొదటి సంవత్సరంలో ప్రవేశాలకు నిర్వహించే తెలంగాణ సోషల్ వెల్ఫేర్ రెసిడెన్షియల్ సెంటర్ ఆఫ్ ఎక్సలెన్స్ కామన్ ఎంట్రన్స్  టెస్ట్-2024 నోటిఫికేషన్‌ను విడుదల చేసింది.

What is the Eligibility?

1. The students are eligible to apply, who are appearing for SSC Public Examination in March-2024 / 10th class from ICSE/CBSE on regular basis. The students are eligible for admission into Intermediate in COEs, General and Vocational Junior Colleges, who pass SSC in March, 2024 / 10th class from CBSE/ICSE during the academic year 2023-24 on regular basis .

2. The annual income of the parent should not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for Urban students) and Rs.1,50,000/- (for Rural students). Income certificate issued by MRO to this extent should be submitted at the time of admission.

3. The students are eligible for the entrance test from Telugu Medium (OR) English Medium.

4. The age of the students should not exceed 17 years as on 31.08.2024. Relaxation of age for 2 years will be allowed ,in case of SC and SC Converted Christian students.

5. All relevant original certificates should be submitted by the students  at the time of admission, then only the admission will be confirmed.


Community wise reservation. (As per G.O.Ms.No.20, Dated : 02.06.2016 of Scheduled Caste
Development (RS) Department)

What is the Admission/Selection process?

1.  The application should be submitted by the applicant through ONLINE only by visiting website (OR)
2.  The candidate should pay an amount of Rs.100/- towards Registration fee irrespective of Caste. Through credit card / Debit card / NET banking this payment should be made.
3.  The candidate have to read the information/ prospectus already uploaded in the website (OR) before filling the application through online.
[*ADVICE : they can prepare a hard copy first and then fill through online to avoid mistakes].
4.  Candidate should upload the photo and signature within 50 kb size only.
5.  The admission into following COEs will be filled 1st based on the merit of the candidate, duly following the reservation pattern.

6. While applying online the Candidates must opt for the remaining COEs and General colleges. The candidates shall be considered for admission into the colleges according to their option, based on the availability of seats in those Institutions and based on their merit in that caste. The option once exercised is final and cannot be changed. Based on State wide merit COEs, Vocational and Arts Colleges, seats will be allotted , and for General colleges (MPC&BPC), seats will be allotted, based on the Region (erstwhile districts) merit. There is only one entrance test for COE Institutions for the academic year 2023-24.
7. While filling the application form, the Candidates can choose COEs, General and Vocational Colleges, based on the Group / College preferences.

Admission Test:

1. Date of test 04.02.2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

2. The test is OMR based, the test shall be for 150 marks.

3. The Questions will be of multiple choice type [MCQs].

4. Each question carries ONE mark. Each Question has only one correct answer/appropriate answer.

5.  1/4th mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

6. sets of question papers (SET-A, SET-B, SET-C & SET-D) shall be there duly jumbling the questions.

7. The candidates should write and bubble the set (series) of question paper given to them in the space provided in OMR without fail. Otherwise the valuation cannot be done.

8. The subject wise allocation of marks are as follows:

9. The entrance test question paper shall be in bilingual form (i.e., in both English and Telugu Media).
10. The medium of instruction at intermediate level is English only.
11.  As per the availability of seats, the Secretary has right to allot candidate from one region to another region.
12. According to the merit obtained in screening test the admission into these colleges shall be, duly considering the preferences of Group / College exercised by the candidate in the Online
13. If more than one Candidate obtains same marks then the marks obtained in subjects will be taken into consideration in order Maths, Physical Science, Bio. Science and Social studies.  The Date of Birth will be taken into consideration if the marks are also same in the Subjects.


Final Selection:
1. On merit basis subject the selection will be made to fulfillment of criteria prescribed (Eligibility and Reservation).
2. The Candidates are eligible for admission who pass in one attempt in SSC Public Examinations, 2023.
3. The state wide merit is considered for admission into COEs.
4. Erstwhile District shall be taken as Unit for admission into MPC / BPC Group in General Colleges.
5. Entire Telangana State shall be taken as one UniFor MEC/CEC/HEC/ Vocational Coursest. Therefore, students across the state of Telangana can opt for these groups / courses according to
their willingness / choice and order of preference.

Other Information:

1. As this result is processed through scanning and sufficient care is taken to ensure accuracy, there is no provision for revaluation of OMR answer script.

2. The decision of the Secretary, TSWREIS is final, in case of any dispute.

3.  The provisional selection of the candidate shall not be vested with any right to the candidate to secure admission.  Only on production of the required documents the admission shall be confirmed as stated in the online application and in accordance to prospectus (failing which admission will be cancelled).

4.  Examination centre for entrance test shall be District wise. 

5.  To postpone / modify / change admission test schedule the Secretary reserves the right.

6. Any information regarding this test shall be sent to the registered Mobile Number of the candidate through SMS. Hence, the candidates are directed not to change the Mobile Number.
7. The 2nd Language shall be Telugu only in all these Institutions .
8. Circles should be bubbled with Blue / Black Ball point pen only and Pencils should not be used at any cost in screening test (OMR based). The OMR sheet shall not be corrected / scanned if pencil is used in marking / bubbling the circle.
9. Over bubbling, semi bubbling, multiple bubbling is strictly prohibited and such bubbling shall not be valued while scanning the OMR.
10. OMRs shall not be scanned by the OMR scanning machine, if the bubbling is made with RED ballpoint pen (or) any other color (other than Blue or black) ballpoint pen. Therefore, utmost care should be taken in this regard. If any candidate uses RED / other color ballpoint pen for bubbling, he / she is sole responsible for non-correction of OMR.
11. By SC Development Department selected students will get all benefits extended  such as free boarding, lodging, dresses, books, Medical care and Examination Fee etc., as per the decisions of
the Government of Telangana State from time to time.
12. Through SMS to the given Mobile Number the result of the candidates shall be intimated .
13. The candidates shall contact Help-line number: 1800-425-45678 for any other information
14. Last date for submission of applications through ONLINE is: 25.01.2022.
15.  From 08.02.2022 to 19.02.2022 Midnight the Hall tickets can be downloaded.
16. All the candidates who downloaded the Hall ticket, will know the centre to which he/she is allotted with clear address & Mobile No. of the Principal. The candidates are advised to visit the centre at least one day in advance for overcoming the confusion in finding the locations and make their own transport arrangement to reach the centre safely, on time. No claim or complaint shall be entertained from any candidate / parent / relative for difficulty in finding location and late report.


TSRJC CET  Results 2023

The Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Society (TREIS) has declared results for the common entrance examination held for first year admissions into junior colleges. As many as 64,324 candidates had appeared for the Telangana State Residential Junior College Common Entrance Test (TSRJC-CET). Of the total, 31,527 students took entrance test for MPC course, 28,638 for BiPC and 4,159 for MEC course.

A total 1,300 seats in MPC, 1,640 in BiPC and 60 in MEC are available. The admission counselling for MPC stream will be held on the notified date and for BiPC and MEC streams it will be conducted on May 30 at select residential colleges in the erstwhile 10 districts. Students can download their result from the website:

TSWR COE CET Result 2023:

 Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad (TSWREIS) conducted the Entrance exam for admission to the Centre of  Excellence College COE . A Large number of applicants appeared  for the Combined Entrance Test on the 5th of March 2023. Those waiting for their TSWR COE CET Result 2023 can download the state-wise Merit List from the official portal ( The COE CET Result 2023 is released on 12th April 2023. The information in this page will help you with the procedure and technique and the process of checking the result of the entrance exam.

Proces  to Download TSWR COE CET Result 2023:

1. First visit the official Portal-

2. Click anywhere on the screen to go to the next page.

3. The Entrance test for admission into 1st-year Intermediate in COEs for the academic year 2023-24 page will appear on the screen.

4. Select the services option from the latest notification.

5. Click in that box 

6. Now Enter Candidate ID or Mobile Number or Date of Birth 

7. Now Enter the Verification code given there

8. Then Click on Get Results 

9. Download the PDF of the merit list.

10. Check the details.

Click Here to Download 

Steps to know TSRJC CET Result

1. First, visit the official website:

2. In this website search for the results link

3. Click on the results link, the Results page will be opened in New Window

4. In this results page enter Candidate ID or Mobile No , Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) and Enter the Verification Code as displayed in the image  and finalkly click on the GET RESULTS tab

5. Download your results and take a print for future reference

TS Gurukul JC-CET 2018 Intermediate Admissions in TSWR and TTWR Results Download

TS Gurukul JC CET 2018 -Telangana Gurukul Inter First Year Admissions 2018 in TSWR and TTWR Junior Colleges

Gurukul JC-CET 2018 Intermediate Admissions in TSWR and TTWR |TS Gurukul JC CET 2018 -Telangana Gurukul Inter First Year Admissions 2018 in TSWR and TTWR Junior Colleges | TS Gurukulam RJC CET Inter Admission Notification 2018 – TSWREIS  Inter 1st Year Admissions 2018-19 |

TS Gurukul JC CET 2018

TS Gurukul JC  CET 2018 -Telangana Gurukul Inter First Year Admissions 2018 in TSWR and TTWR Junior Colleges,TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018 for Inter 1st year admissions into TSWR, TTWR Junior Colleges in Telangana State. TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018,TSWREIS RJC CET 2018 /TTWREIS RJC CET 2018 /TS Social Welfare RJC CET 2018/TS Tribal Welfare RJC CET 2018 - TS Gurukulam RJC Entrance Test for TSWR Inter 1st year Admissions and TTWR Inter 1st year Admissions,TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018 for TS Gurukulams Inter First Year Admissions 2018, Telangana Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare Inter 1st year admissions 2018, TSW, TTW Residential Junior Collges Inter Admissions 2018.Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) has issued the TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018 notification on April 22, 2018 for intermediate 1st year admissions in TTWR and TSWR Junior Colleges in Telangana for the academic year 2018-2019. All Eligible and Interested candidates can apply online from 23.04.2018 to 07.05.2018.TS Gurukul JC CET 2018 more details given below...
TS Gurukul JC CET 2018 -Telangana Gurukul Inter First Year Admissions 2018 in TSWR and TTWR Junior Colleges Gurukul JC-CET 2018 Intermediate Admissions in TSWR and TTWR |TS Gurukul JC CET 2018 -Telangana Gurukul Inter First Year Admissions 2018 in TSWR and TTWR Junior Colleges | TS Gurukulam RJC CET Inter Admission Notification 2018 – TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2018-19 | TS Gurukul JC CET 2018/2018/05/
TS Gurukul JC-CET 2018 Intermediate Admissions in TSWR and TTWR

TS Social Welfare and Tribala Welfare Junior Inter admissions 2018 through TS Gurukulams RJC Entrance Test 2018:

Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) has issued the TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018 notification on April 22, 2018 for intermediate 1st year admissions in TTWR and TSWR Junior Colleges in Telangana for the academic year 2018-2019. The TSWREIS officials are inviting the online application forms from the eligible SSC passed Boys and Girls for admissions into Junior Intermediate into 127 TSWRJC  and 49 TTRJC Institutions in the State. The following are the instructions to apply for admissions.

  1. Notification name: TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018
  2. Courses: Inter MPC, BiPC, MEC, CEC and HEC Groups, Vocational Courses
  3. No.of Institutions: 127 TSWR Institutions and 49 TTWR Insitutions
  4. Date of Examination: 28 .05.2018 from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

TS Gurukul RJC CET 2018 - Eligibility Criteria:

a) The students should have passed SSC in one attempt in March, 2018
b) The students should apply within his / her own district.
c) Students who studied in Telugu Medium in 10th Class can also apply in English Medium
e) If the group desired by the student is not available in the same district, the student can apply in other district of the same Zone.
f) A copy of marks memo of SSC obtained through E-SEVA / MEE-SEVA is to be enclosed to the application.
g) The annual income of the parent shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum, which should be as certified by MRO.
h) The age of the students shall not exceed 17 years as on 31.08.2018 and in case of students  studied in Social Welfare Residential Schools and Social Welfare Hostels relaxation of 1 year will  be given.
i) The students should produce Caste and Income certificates certified by the M.R.O.

Selection method:

Selection through Entrance Test (TS Gurukul JC CET)

Salient features of TSWR and TTWR Institutions:

1. Providing quality education on Residential mode.
2. Individual attention is being paid to each student
3. Loco parent system is implemented to look after and guide the student.
4. Day starts with the Physical exercise and classes will commence from 7:30 a.m. and the academic activities will continue till 9:00 p.m.
5. Apart from the academic activities, importance is given to Sports and Games and other Co- curricular activities for all round development of students.
6. Medium of Instruction will be in English only.
7. For meritorious students, the summer coaching camps will be conducted for EAMCET, NEET, IIT, CA- CPT and CLAT.


1. There are good infrastructure facilities in addition to well equipped laboratories, Libraries, reading rooms and play grounds.
2. The Colleges offer free boarding and lodging to all the selected candidates.
3. Special care will be taken for talented and future learners.
4. Bedding material, Uniform and Note books are given at free of cost.
5. Cosmetic charges will be paid every month

Examination Fee: Rs.100/-
Eligibility :

a) Candidate must be a resident of India and must have studied in TELANGANA only.
b) Must have passed the qualifying examination in first attempt in March, 2018 as regular
candidate. Candidates who have passed in earlier years are not eligible and need not apply.

Examination Centers:

TSWR and TTWR schools in the district based on applications received.

Scheme of Examination:

  1. Question paper shall be issued in Telugu/English (bilingual) only.
  2. Test will be conducted in Objective type (Multiple Choice) for 150 Marks (30 marks each for English, Maths, Physical Science, Bio-Science and Social Studies irrespective of groups. The duration for the test is 2½ hrs.
  3. The Model Question papers are available in the Website: The question
  4. papers of GURUKUL JC-CET will be based on 10th standard in Telangana state
  5. Syllabus for subjects and English will be General English.

How to Apply:

Candidates can submit the online applications through online mode @ For all details visit or or contact any of the nearby TTWR /TSWR School /Jr. College in the Region.

Steps to be followed in submission of the application through ‘Online’.

i. The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for GURUKUL JC-CET 2018.
ii. The candidate after satisfying himself/ herself about the eligibility criteria for the submission of application through online should pay a fee of Rs.100/- through ONLINE or through Credit card (Payment gateway ) from 23.04.2018 to 07.05.2018 for submission of application through Online.

Important Dates:

  1. Schedule for applying online application: 23.04.2018
  2. Last Date for submission of online application: 07.05.2018
  3. Date of Examination: 28 .05.2018 from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

Scheme of Examination:
Question paper shall be issued in Telugu/English (bilingual) only.
Test will be conducted in Objective type (Multiple Choice) for 150 Marks (30 marks each for English, Maths, Physical Science, Bio-Science and Social Studies irrespective of groups.
The duration for the test is 2½ hrs.

TSWR Junior Colleges:
SC:75%, BC-C: 02%, ST:06%, BC:12 %, MINORITY:03%, OC/EBC:02%
Spl category Reservation: PHC: 3% within community quota.

TTWR Junior Colleges:
ST: 92.5%, SC-2.5%, BC-2.5%, OC-2.5%
[25% seats are reserved to the ST Girls students who have studied in KGBVs]
Spl. Category Reservation i.e., PHC 3% and Sports Quota 3% within ST community.

Cl;ick here to Download

 TS Gurukul JC CET 2018
Fee Payment
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Official Website
JC CET 2018 Results (TSWREIS) Download
JC CET 2018 Results  (TTWREIS) Download