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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Retirement and Death Gratuity to CPS Employees in Telagana GO 60 Released - Download

Retirement and Death Gratuity to CPS Employees in Telagana GO 60 Released - Download

Retirement and Death Gratuity to CPS Employees in Telagana GO 60 Released - Download
PENSIONS - Contributory Pension Scheme - Extension of benefits of 'Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity' to the State Government employees covered by Contributory Pension Scheme (National Pension System) — Orders issued.

Retirement and Death Gratuity to CPS Employees in Telagana GO 60 Released - Download/2018/05/retirement-and-death-gratuity-to-cps-employees-telangana-go-60-download.html
Retirement and Death Gratuity to CPS Employees in Telagana GO 60 Released - Download


 In the G.O. 1st  read above, the Contributory Pension Scheme was introduced with effect from 01.09.2004 to all State Government employees who are recruited on or after 01.09.2004. The employees covered under Contributory Pension Scheme are excluded from the applicability of T.S. Revised Pension Rules 1980. Accordingly, employees covered under Contributory Pension Scheme are not eligible for benefit of Gratuity.

2.         In the reference 2nd  read above, the Government of India allowed the benefit of 'Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity' to the Government employees covered by National Pension System on the same terms and conditions, as are applicable to employees covered by Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972.

3.         Several representations were made to the Government to extend similar benefit as allowed by the Government of India i.e., 'Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity' to the Government employees covered by Contributory Pension Scheme (National Pension System) in the State.

4.         Government, after careful consideration, hereby extend the benefit of Retirement Gratuity/ Death Gratuity to all the employees as mentioned in the G.O.Ms.No.653, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated.22.09.2004, covered by the Contributory Pension Scheme (National Pension System) on the pattern applicable to employees governed by the Telangana Revised Pension Rules, 1980.

5.         These orders are applicable to those Government employees who joined Government service on or after 01.09.2004 and are covered by Contributory Pension Scheme and shall take effect from the same date i.e., 01.09.2004.

6.         The necessary amendment to the Telangana Revised Pension Rules, 1980 and the guidelines for drawal of amounts as per this order   will be issued separately.

Download  GO Ms No 60