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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

MJP Telangana BC welfare Residential Schools 6th 7th 8th Class Admission Notification

MJPTBCWREIS Admission Notification 

Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society has issued MJPTSBCWREIS 6th, 7th 8th Admission Entrance Test Notification 2023 shortly. This Entrance Test Notification 2023 for admissions into VI, VII,VIII Classes(English Medium) in TS MJP BC Welfare Residential Schools in the Telangana State for the academic year 2023-24. The MJPBCWREIS Inviting Online Applications from 07-03-2023 to 20-04-2023. Aspirants may Apply Online through Official web portal of MJPTBCWREIS |
MJP Telangana BC Welfare Residential Schools 6th 7th 8th Class Admission Notification 2018 Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society has issued MJPTSBCWREIS 6th, 7th 8th Admission Entrance Test Notification 2018 shortly. This Entrance Test Notification 2018 for admissions into VI, VII,VIII Classes(English Medium) in TS MJP BC Welfare Residential Schools in the Telangana State for the academic year 2018-19. The MJPBCWREIS Inviting Online Applications from 10-05-2018 to 31-05-2018 . Aspirants may Apply Online through Official web portal of MJPTBCWREIS | MJPTBCWREIS Admission Notification 2018/2018/05/
MJP Telangana BC Welfare Residential Schools 6th 7th 8th Class Admission Notification 2023

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MJPTBCWREIS Junior Colleges  Entrance Exam  Notification

MJPTBCWREIS Degree Colleges Entrance Exam  Notification 

Salient Features of MJPTBCW Residential Junior Colleges:
  1. Providing quality education on Residential mode
  2. Individual attention is being paid to each student
  3. Loco parent system is implemented to look after and guide the student.
  4. Day starts with the physical exercise and classes will commence from
  5. 7.30 AM and the academic activities will continue till 9:00 PM.
  6. Apart from the academic activities, importance is given to Sports and Games and other Co-curricular activities for all round development of students
  7. Medium of instruction will be in English.
  8. This Society also aims at exposure of talented students to quality education.
  9. Admission Pattern in Residential Schools & Colleges
  10. The ratio for admission of students into BC Residential Schools is as follows: BC-A: 20%, BC-B: 28%, BC-C:3%, BC-D: 19%, BC-E: 4%, SC: 15%, ST: 6%, EBC: 2% and Orphans: 3%.
  11. Admission pattern in Residential Schools meant for Fishermen Community:
  12. Fishermen children: 46%, BC-A: 7%, BC-B: 10%, BC-C: 1%, BC-D: 7%, BC-E: 4%, SC: 15%, ST: 6%, EBC: 1%, Orphans: 3%. Budget : Government of Telangana provide entire budget under Grant in Aid (non-plan) towards maintenance of the above institutions.
Types of Institutions
  1. Residential Schools for boys and girls V to X Class
  2. Residential Jr. Colleges for boys and girls with M.P.C., Bi.P.C., C.E.C. and M.E.C. groups.
  3. Residential Degree College for Women – B.A., B.Com., (General) B.Com.(Comp), B.Sc.,(MPC.), B.Sc.,(MSCS), B.Sc.,(BZC),
  4. Present Status At present 19 BC Residential Junior Colleges (Boys-12, Girls-7) and 1 BC Residential Degree College for Women are functioning under the control of the Society. Colleges are located all over Telangana State. The medium of instruction in these institutions is English.
The students appeared for X Class Examination March-2023 or its equivalent alone are eligible to appear for the Entrance Test. Advance Supplementary Candidates are not eligible for Admission.
25% of Seats will be reserved for the students studied in MJPTBCW Residential Schools and BC Welfare Hostel Boarders. 75% of the seats will be allotted for other students
Annual Income of the Parents/Guardian shall not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- Rural areas and Rs.2,00,000/- in Urban Areas.

Schedule for MJPTBCWREIS 6th ,7th ,8th class admissions
  1. Submission of online applications: From 07/03/2023
  2. Last date for Submission of online applications:20/04/2023
  3. Date of Entrance Examination:  10-05-2023.
  4. Download hall Tickets from: 02-05-2023

Get more details from!/home0602asderf.rps

How to Apply
  1. The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully, available in the website, satisfy his/her eligibility for appearing the written test.
  2. The candidate after satisfying himself/herself about the eligibility shall pay Rs.150/- through PAYMENT GATEWAY centres from 08-03-2018 to 11-04-2018 to enable to submit application online.
  3. Visit for Updates

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MJPTBCWREIS 6th ,7th ,8th class admissions Notification

MJP Telangana BC Welfare Residential Schools 6th 7th 8th Class Entrance Exam Results Download

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Entrance Exam Held in Feb and April Results out for the Students who are seeking dmission into the Educational Society with Free Hostel Fecility. Intended Candidates may check their results in the Official Website With an aim to provide quality education to the students belonging to Backward Classes and other communities of below poverty line, Government have established Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society in July, 2014.