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Friday, May 11, 2018

How to Remember Everything: Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory(Telugu)

How to Remember Everything: Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory | How To Teach Your Kids Memory Techniques | Learn How to Memorise

Hi Friends......
As this is competetive exams season , 
If you have decided to find your way to one of the most sought after jobs in the country through the Competitive  exam, you are one brave soul. However, just starting out and beginning your preparation for  exam can be an overwhelming experience. With extensive and ever-expanding syllabus that covers almost everything under the sun, studying and actually remembering the key points for all the topics in the syllabus can be a daunting task. Even veterans, who have been preparing for the exam since few years, also find it quite difficult to manage. The only way to effectively crack competetive exams can be to boost your memory and improve the retention power of your brain.

Below, we have given some basic tips, tricks and techniques to boost your memory to crack the competetive exams

Every year more than 10,000 students apply for government job but somehow they couldn’t make it because of lacking somewhere in preparation for the competition. Although there are ample of opportunities in private sectors but still most of them prefer for government jobs only because of its facility and permanent settlement till retirement. They want to establish their career in government sector as it is the hundred percent guarantee of lifetime security. Most of the candidates think of getting government job but rarely they genuinely prepare for this. Cracking government competitive exam is not a cup of tea for everyone. For this students have to do really hard work. Today candidates get offer via open competitive examination based recruitment system. The reason behind failing in government competitive examination is unorganized strategy of study and lack of memory power. That is why students should go for planned and organized way of preparation and have a look on techniques given below to enhance the memory in Telugu

Memory is the brains way of integrating sensory-motor information into a symbolic representation that allows prediction of future occurrences. This is the evolutionary basis for memory. When trying to commit information to memory, it is important to engage with the material in a fashion that complements how your brain naturally performs this task.
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/2018/05/how-to-remember-everything-great-techniques-to-enhance-your-memory-telugu-pdf-download.htmlHow to Remember Everything: Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory | How To Teach Your Kids Memory Techniques | Learn How to Memorise
How to Remember Everything: Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory(Telugu)

The world is not a two dimensional plane. The brain evolved to remember material that is living, active, colourful, vivid, and engaging. It is no wonder so many people find such a hard time trying to remember the names and sequence of complicated processes that are described abstractly in a book: there is no life to it!
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To make the task of learning simpler and more interesting, there are memorization techniques that can be employed. Arguably, the most effective and time-tested technique is the Roman Room (many rooms become a Memory Palace when practised regularly). The idea is very simple, yet powerful. This is the sort of exercise that you need to experience to appreciate. The first five techniques will be what the Roman Room is built on. Master them all and you will be surprised at the results.
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  1. How to Remember Everything: Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory | How To Teach Your Kids Memory Techniques | Learn How to Memorise
  2.  How to Improve your Memory Power..?
  3. List of Important National and International days and dates-Few Tricks to remember them Easily

1. Connect & Link (The Link Method)
2. Make a Story (The Story Method)
3. Associate Objects with Familiar Locations (The Loci Method)
4. Peg Objects to a Number (The Peg System)
5. Draw a Mind Map
6. The Roman Room (Memory Palace)
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Great Techniques to Enhance Your Memory(Telugu)