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Friday, January 5, 2018

AP Model School 6th Class Results Download 2023-24 @

Andhra Pradesh Model Schools (APMS) 6th Class Admission Entrance Exam Notification 2023-24

Andhra Pradesh Model Schools 6th class Admissions 2023-24 are now underway, with many students having already taken the exam. On June 11, 2023, a selection test for class 6 was held at numerous exam centres, and many candidates took part. These candidates are now awaiting the release of the AP Model School Results 20233  class 6, which is due in the final week of June 2023. All applicants who took the entrance test should go through this page for more information on the APMS 6th class results 2023-24. You may all verify your grades when the results are released by entering your candidate ID and Date of Birth.
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Andhra Pradesh Model Schools 6th Class Admission Entrance Exam Notification 2023-24. Detailed Notification will be Released soon. Online Application has to be submitted at APMS official website . In that Notification, dates will be uploaded and the Application form for AP Model School 6th Entrance exam, Examination Dates announcement of merit List Display of Selection list and Certificate verification and Counselling details will be uploaded in the official website. Download of Hall Tickets for AP Model School VI Class Entrance Exam Notification 2023 will be provided in the website. AP Model Schools entrance test 2023 for 6th class admissions 2023-2024. #APMS Entrance Test 2023 /AP Model Schools Entrance Test 2023-24. Notification

💥💥Hall Tickets Released 

AP Model School Society Released Admission Notification 2023 to get Admission into VI Class through Entrance Exam. Aspirants have to upload Online Application Form to attend Entrance Test and to get selected.
The Model Schools Scheme is meant for catering to the needs of Educationally Backward Mandals to provide Quality Education on Kendriya Vidyalaya template. The Government of India sanctioned Model Schools to Andhra Pradesh (AP Model Schools Admissions 2023) and these schools were established in Educationally Backward Mandals.

Important Dates:
  1. Application Registration starts on 10.05.2023
  2. Application Registration ends on 25.05.2023
  3. APMS Exam will be conducted on 11.06.2023
APMS Admission Eligibility Criteria 2023:
  1. The candidate should be a resident of Andhra Pradesh.
  2. The candidate should have completed Class V from a recognized school.
  3. The candidate should possess a minimum age of 10 years and a maximum age of 12 years as of 31st August 2023.
APMS Admission Application Fee 2023:
  1. For Open Category or General Category/BC - Rs.150/-
  2. For SC/ST - Rs.100/-
Documents required for APMS Admission 2023:
  1. Passport Size Color Photo.
  2. Aadhar Card or any ID Proof.
  3. Domicile Certificate
  4. Date of Birth Certificate
  5. Transfer Certificate From Previous School
  6. Caste Certificate
  7. Income Certificate
  8. Residential Proof
  9. Attendance Proof
  10. Previous Year Marksheet
How to Apply for AP Model School Admission 2023:
  1. Go to Official Website of AP Model School
  2. APMS home page will be appear on the screen.
  3. Check the latest news section of APMS.
  4. Click on APMS Admission 2023 for class VI link.
  5. Then you will be redirected to the new window
  6. Click on applying link, and fill all the details and pay the application fee.
  7. Once cross check the details you filled while paying the fee.
  8. Further, you have to submit your Online AP Model School Application form.
  9. Finally download it and then take a print out for the further reference.
After Submission of online application the same print copy for admission must be submitted to the concerned Principal of Andhra Pradesh model school in which the candidate is seeking admission.

For more details click here


AP Model School 6th Class Admissions Notification 2021

AP Model School 6th Class Admissions 2021-22  Apply @ | AP Model Schools Entrance test 2021 for 6th class admissions 2021-22  | AP Model School | AP Model School VI Class Admission Notification 2021-22  | AP model school admissions 2021, apms apply online to 6th class | AP Model Schools Admission Entrance Test Notification 2021 Schedule | AP Model School notification 2021 APMS admissions | AP Model Schools 2021 /2021 Notification is Online Information Bulletin | AP Model School E.M Admissions Notification released at
AP Model School E.M Admissions Notification released at The Andhra Pradesh Model School (APMS) admission into 6th class English Medium classes. Exam Conducting 6th class entrance exams for admission into 164 model schools across the Andhra Pradesh State. The ap model sc
A medium of instructions in model schools totally in English. All the students who domicile from the Mandal or studied in the particular mandal in any recognized institution are excursively eligible for admission into the Model Schools. The entrance exams will be conducted at each Mandal headquarters in all districts of AP.


AP Model School E.M Admissions Notification Details:

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Important Dates
1. Online submission of Applications Starts from :16-04-2021 
2. Last Date for Submission of filled Applications: 30-06-2021 
3. Conduct of School wise lots in Districts : ......................
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