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AP SSC Time Table 2019 – Download AP 10th Class Exam Time Table 2019 pdf @ Schedule

AP 10th/SSC JUNE 2019 Advanced Supplementary Public Exams Time Table Schedule- Download

Andhra Pradesh Board of SSC anounced 10th Class  Advanced Supplementary Exams Time Table in AP | AP SSC Advanced Supplementary Time Table 2019 – Download AP 10th Class Exam Time Table 2019 pdf @ Schedule |
AP School Secondary Certificate SSC Time for June 2019 for Regular and Private Academic and Vocational Courses in Andhra

AP SSC Supplementary Time Table 2019 is now available. So, the candidates appearing for class 10 compartment examination can now download the time table from the direct link provided on this page. However, Directorate of Government Examination (DGE) has released the complete time table for class 10 supplementary on the official website- Moreover, the board announced the AP Class 10 main examination result on May 14, 2019. Scroll down the page to get more information related to the AP SSC Supplementary Time Table 2019.
AP 10th/SSC March 2018 Public Exams Time Table Schedule- Download Andhra Pradesh Board of SSC anounced 10th Class Exams Time Table in AP | AP SSC Time Table 2018 – Download AP 10th Class Exam Time Table 2018 pdf @ Schedule | AP School Secondary Certificate SSC Time for March 2018 for Regular and Private Academic and Vocational Courses in Andhra AP SSC Time Table 2018 – Download AP 10th Class Exam Time Table 2018 pdf/2017/11/

AP SSC Supplementary Time Table 2019

Earlier, the board released the time table for supplementary examination in the month of May. However, the examination started on June 11. In 2019, the board is going to start the supplementary examination a bit late i.e from June 17. However, it is expected that the board will release the result for the same in the month of July 2019. Before moving forward, let us have a look at the table below to know the important dates related to the class 10 supplementary examination: 

  1. AP SSC Supplementary Time Table 2019 Important Dates
  2. Availability of Time Table:         13 May 2019
  3. Commencement of Examination: 17 June 2019
  4. Last Date of Examination:         29 June 2019
  5. Announcement of Result:         July 2019

AP SSC JUNE 2019 Time Table Day Wise Schedule

17 June 2019
First Language Paper I
Group A
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
First Language Paper I
Composite Course
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM

18 June 2019
First Language Paper II
Group A
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
First Language Paper II
Composite Course
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
OSSC Main Language Paper I
( Sanskrit Arabic Parsian )
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
19 June 2019
Second language
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
20 June 2019
English Paper I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
21 June 2019
English Paper II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
22 June 2019
Mathematics Paper I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
24 June 2019
Mathematics Paper II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
25 June 2019
General Science Paper I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
26 June 2019
General Science Paper II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
27 June 2019
Social Studies Paper I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
28 June 2019
Social Studies Paper II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
29 June 2019
OSSC Main Language Paper II
Sanskrit Arabic Parsian
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM

Download: AP SSC Time Table 2019

  1. The objective paper which is given in Part B has to be answered in the last half an hour.
  2. The schedule of examination released by the board will not be changed even if it is a national holiday or any other holiday.
  3. If the candidate will not give the examination in the allotted centre, his/her paper will get canceled on the spot.
  4. All the academic course subjects/ papers are common for both SSC and OSSC course candidates. 

Steps to Download  AP SSC Supplementary Time Table 2019

Every candidate needs to score the minimum qualifying percentage in order to pass the exam. However, if any candidate is not able to score the minimum marks, then they can appear for the re-examination. Moreover, the schedule for the compartment exams is available online only. Candidates have to follow these basic steps to download the supplementary time table:

Step.1- Firstly, you need to click on the link provided on the page to check the result. 

Step.2- After that, you will be directed to a new page. 

Step.3- On that page, you will see your class 10 compartment time table 2019. 

Step.4- Once you will see the time table, you can check and download it for future purposes. 

Details Mentioned on Supplementary Time Table 2019

Supplementary time table plays a very important role for the students who have to appear for the examination again. However, time table also consists of some important details. The list of details is as follows:

  1. Date of Examination
  2. Day of Examination
  3. Subject and Paper Name
  4. Time of the Examination
  5. Paper Code
  6. Important Instructions

Note: The class 10 compartment examination will take place from 9:30 am to 12:15 pm except for the languages examination.

Important Instruction For Examination

Candidates appearing for the compartment examination need to keep in mind some important instructions before appearing for the compartment examination. However, the instructions are as follows:

  1. SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations timetable will follow strictly even if the government declares a holiday on the scheduled dates.
  2. Examination of the candidate will cancel if he answers the wrong combination of papers.
  3. The performance of the candidate will cancel if he appears in the examination centre which is not alloted to him.

Preparation Tips For The Exam

Examinations play a very important role in determining one’s performance. What a candidate has learned the whole year can only be judged by the way he performs in the exams. Therefore, it is very important for a candidate to prepare properly for the exams. However, some of the useful tips are as follows:

  1. Firstly, the candidates need to see why they were not able to qualify for the exam. 
  2. After that, you should always make a proper schedule of studies. But make sure that you follow that.
  3. Firstly, work on the mistakes you have done in the main exam.
  4. Cover the important topics first and then go through the rest of the topics.
  5. However, the candidates should always make it a habit that they revise everyone at the end of the day. 
  6. You should never learn anything new one day before the examination. 
  7. Moreover, the candidates should make it a habit to wake up early and then start studying rather than sitting until late at night.

About AP Board

Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh also known as the Directorate of Government Examinations. Hence, it was established in 1953 and functions as an autonomous body under the Andhra Pradesh’s Department of Education. However, the board regulates and supervises the system of secondary education in Andhra Pradesh State. Moreover, It executes and governs various activities that include devising of courses of study, prescribing syllabus, conducting examinations, granting recognition to schools and, providing direction, support and leadership for all secondary educational institutions under its jurisdiction.

 Click Here to download 

AP Class 10 Supplementary Time Table 2019.
Official Website: