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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) తెలంగానలోని గ్రామీణ నిరుద్యోగ యువతులకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ మరియు ఉద్యోగ కల్పన

Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) తెలంగానలోని గ్రామీణ నిరుద్యోగ యువతులకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ మరియు ఉద్యోగ కల్పన

Swami Ramananda Theertha Rural Institute, Bhudan Pochampalli, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District- invites applications for admission in Employment Oriented Technical Training Programmes. These are being run under the Deen Dayal Upa Dhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY). Training, food and lodging facilities are free. Unemployed youths from rural areas of the state should attend the organization functions with their application. Candidates age should be between 18 to 35 years. Mid-term students are not eligible to apply. Job opportunities will be provided to those who complete the programs as per the rules.

* Data Entry Operator -MS Office Programme duration is three and a half months Intermediate passouts are eligible.
* Accounts Assistant (Tally) program duration is three and a half months, B.Com pass outs are eligible
* Computer Hardware Assistant programme duration is three and a half months , Intermediate Pass outs are Eligible.
* Duration of Automobile-2 Wheeler Servicing Program is three and a half months . The Cell Phone & Electronic Goods Repair Program duration is four months for which Class 10 passers are eligible.
* Electrician (Domestic) program duration is five months. Solar System Installation & Service Program duration is four months. Those who have passed class X are eligible for this. Preference will be given to those having ITI certificate.
*  Solar System Insulation and Services Programme duration for four months ,  Those who have passed class X are eligible for this. Preference will be given to those having ITI certificate.

Important information

Candidates required to appear at Institute office: Last date is 12-06-2024 (Wednesday)

* Documents to be brought by the candidates: Matriculation/Inter/IT I/BCom Original  certificates and  xerox copies, candidate photographs, Aadhaar card, Ration Card

A refundable deposit of Rs.250 to be paid by the candidates selected for the ration card

Address: Swami Ramananda Theertha Gramin Sanstha, Jalalpur Village, Pochampally Mandal, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District, Telam -508284

Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) తెలంగానలోని గ్రామీణ నిరుద్యోగ యువతులకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ మరియు ఉద్యోగ కల్పన

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Official Website


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Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) Notification

Official Website

Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) 2023 (Expired)

Applications are invited for admission into the short term skill development training programmes to be started shortly. The applications can be had in person at the campus or can be downloaded from the website. Filled-in application forms along with the necessary copies of enclosures should be submitted at the campus by hand or can be sent by post.
Admissions into the courses are based on the required qualifications and aptitude of the candidate. The applications are accepted round the year and preference is given to those who wish to take up either wage-employment or self-employment.

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Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) Notification

Official Website


Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) తెలంగానలోని గ్రామీణ నిరుద్యోగ యువతులకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ మరియు ఉద్యోగ కల్పన 2022

Applications are invited from interested trainees for admission into Free Residential Training Program(Electrical & Solar System Installation) at SRTRI. Interested candidates can apply on or before 14th March 2022  with all the orginal and xerox copies of certificates Click on below links for more details.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) తెలంగానలోని గ్రామీణ నిరుద్యోగ యువతులకు ఉచిత శిక్షణ మరియు ఉద్యోగ కల్పన 2021

Swamy Ramananda Tirtha Rural Institute (SRTRI) was established in 1995 at Jalalpur Village, Pochampally Mandal of Nalgonda District, Telangana, which is the present headquarter of the Institute. The then Prime Minister of India Sri P.V.Narasimha Rao laid the foundation for the Institute with the noble objective of creating an appropriate platform for pro-active rural development initiatives in Telangana. Within a short span of time, the Institute has emerged as one of the leading institutions in India working for cause of rural empowerment through suitable educational and vocational training initiatives
 The philosophy of the Institute rests upon holistic approach wherein the rural people are provided with unhindered access to skills in latest sustainable technologies using improved tools and equipment for enhanced productivity and quality dimensions. Special emphasis is laid on capacity building and income generating of those who are underprivileged, downtrodden, women, unemployed youth, and other vulnerable sections of the rural community. The prime focus is on smaller technologies, which are sustainable and rural friendly so as to enable the rural poor earn sustainable incomes and lead quality of life, and thus bring in confidence among them to trigger off to a greater heights. Every initiative of the Institute represents a smaller step towards realizing Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of making rural India the focal point of holistic development.
Inviting Applications for Admission into Skill Development Training Programmes
Applications are invited for admission into the short term skill development training programmes to be started shortly. The applications can be had in person at the campus or can be downloaded from the website. Filled-in application forms along with the necessary copies of enclosures should be submitted at the campus by hand or can be sent by post.
Admissions into the courses are based on the required qualifications and aptitude of the candidate. The applications are accepted round the year and preference is given to those who wish to take up either wage-employment or self-employment.
Candidates can also apply online through the online registration link and registered candidates we will be contacted shortly.
Types of courses conducted:
Very short-term:     Non Credit type, up to three months with a clear bias on hands-on training
Short-term:     Courses ranging from three to six months to enable trainee to comprehend the essentials of tolls and equipment.
    Courses Offered & Syllabus:
    Information Technology
    Engineering Trades
    Electrical & Electronics
    Textile Related Trades
    Surface Ornamentation
    Food Processing Trades
    Entrepreneurship Development Programme    Automobile & Diesel Mechanisms
    Renewable Energy Applications For Rural Livelihood Promotion
    Farm Machinery Mechanism & Tractor Driving
Future Courses:
 Proposed Training Programmes
Click Here for
Official Notification
 Application Form