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Saturday, June 17, 2017

PJS and ANGRAU Agriculture University Agricultural B.Tech Admission Notification Apply Online

PJS and ANGRAU Agriculture University Agricultural B.Tech Admission Notification Apply Online

Professor Jayashanker Telangana Agricultural University and Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Andhra Pradesh inviting Online Applications for the Admission into Agricultural B.Tech Engineering Course from MPC Stream under Farmers quota in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh | Online Application form for Agricultural Engineering Course for EAMCET MPC Steaming ONLINE Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into MPC stream courses viz: B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) and B.Tech.(Food Technology) under Farmers Quota for the academic year 2017-18 based on the ranks obtained in Telangana EAMCET-2017 The last date for online submission of duly filled in application for the above courses is 08-07-2017. The Prospectus and Instructions for the applicants are displayed on the University website The applicants are informed to visit University website on 13th July, 2017 for the information pertaining to the dates for verification of certificates and for further procedure.

PJS and ANGRAU Agriculture University Agricultural B.Tech Admission Notification Apply Online  Professor Jayashanker Telangana Agricultural University and Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University Andhra Pradesh inviting Online Applications for the Admission into Agricultural B.Tech Engineering Course from MPC Stream under Farmers quota in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh | Online Application form for Agricultural Engineering Course for EAMCET MPC Steaming ONLINE Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission into MPC stream courses viz: B.Tech.(Agricultural Engineering) and B.Tech.(Food Technology) under Farmers Quota for the academic year 2017-18 based on the ranks obtained in Telangana EAMCET-2017 The last date for online submission of duly filled in application for the above courses is 08-07-2017. The Prospectus and Instructions for the applicants are displayed on the University website The applicants are informed to visit University website on 13th July, 2017 for the information pertaining to the dates for verification of certificates and for further procedure.


  1. Commencement of Online Registration : 17-06-2017(09:00 AM)
  2. Last date to apply online : 08-07-2017(04:00 PM)


All the five conditions are to be fulfilled to be eligible to apply under Farmers
A pass in two year Intermediate Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate
Education or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the University or
Intermediate Board with the following subjects namely:
i. Physical Sciences
ii. Mathematics
2. If the candidate has studied in Non-Municipal area at least for four years from 1st class to
Intermediate or its equivalent.
3. Minimum 3 acres of land either in the name of the parents or in the name of the candidates. If the
land is owned by grandfather, grandmother or guardian or any other relations is not acceptable.
4. The selection of candidates for all the seats shall be made on the basis of ranks obtained by
the candidates in Telangana State EAMCET-2017 in their respective local areas out of the
merit list prepared for this purpose. The candidates will be selected based on merit by
following rule of reservation.
5. The candidates for admission to these courses shall be required to have completed 17 years
of age on 31st December of the year of admission with an upper age limit of 22 years for all
the candidates, 25 years in respect of SC and ST candidates and 27 years for Physically
Handicapped candidates.

 Documents to be scanned and uploaded

  1. Hall Ticket and Rank Card of EAMCET-2017 of Telangana State
  2.  SSC Memorandum of Marks or equivalent examination certificate, showing the evidence of the Date of Birth
  3. Pass Certificate cum Memorandum of Marks obtained by the applicant in the qualifying examination (Intermediate or its equivalent)
  4.  Bonafide / Study Certificate from 6th to 12th Class
  5. In case, an applicant belongs to Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the latest certified copy of the Social Status Certificate issued by the competent authority.
  6.  Residential Certificate (Those applicants who are having a break in the years of study for reasons other than failure or those who passed the qualifying examination by private study have to submit this certificate issued by the Tahsildar. In case, the applicant has resided in more than one place, separate certificate from the Tahsildar, should be furnished for such places of residence)
  7.  Agricultural Land Holding Certificate - FORM-I (Click here to download): It is a proforma indicating the patta numbers and extent of land owned by the applicant / parents duly certified by the Tahsildar with his office seal (or) the applicant has to upload attested photo copies of pattadar pass book as an evidence of the extent of land
  8. Non-Municipal Area Certificate - FORM-II (Click here to download): It is a proforma to be certified by the Head Master of the School with his office seal that the applicant has studied for a minimum period of four years in schools/colleges located in Non-Municipal areas during the period of study from 1st class to 12th class / Intermediate
  9. Form-I and Form-II need to be filled in with the signatures of concerned officials viz., Tahsildar and concerned Head of Institution, respectively, along with office seal. Otherwise, the claim of the applicant under this category will be summarily rejected
  10. Application fee: For applicants belonging to OC and BC social status, the amount is Rs. 1,325/- and for applicants belonging to SC, ST social status and PH category, the fee is Rs. 725/-. The applicant has to select Debit Card /Credit Card (Visa / Master Card)/NET banking/ Wallet option to pay the application fee and follow the online instructions to complete the payment of fee.
Click here to Download Prospectus

Click here to Download Form I
Click here to Download Form II
Apply Online here