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Monday, June 26, 2017

Rc.No:42 : Calling for applications for grant of financial assistance under the Scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" for the academic year 2014-15

 Calling for applications for grant of financial assistance under the Scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" for the academic year 2014-15

National Foundation For Teachers' Welfere (NFTW) was set up in 1962 under the Charitable Erdowments Act, 1890, to provide financial assistance to teachers who may be in indigent circumstances under various welfare schemes. Applications for financial assistance under the scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" are invited from al SWCs of States/UTs/KVS/NVS) for the academic year 2014-15 with guidelines approved by the competent authority as detailed below- The scheme is applicable to school teachers only Financial assistance will be granted to children of school teachers pursuing professional/diploma courses in the fialds of engineering. medicine and management. The professional courses for which financial assistance is granted are as follows-

Calling for applications for grant of financial assistance under the Scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" for the academic year 2014-15 National Foundation For Teachers' Welfere (NFTW) was set up in 1962 under the Charitable Erdowments Act, 1890, to provide financial assistance to teachers who may be in indigent circumstances under various welfare schemes. Applications for financial assistance under the scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" are invited from al SWCs of States/UTs/KVS/NVS) for the academic year 2014-15 with guidelines approved by the competent authority as detailed below- The scheme is applicable to school teachers only Financial assistance will be granted to children of school teachers pursuing professional/diploma courses in the fialds of engineering. medicine and management. /2017/06/national-foundation-for-teachers-welfare-nftw-rcno42-calling-for-applications-for-grant-financial-assistance-scheme-support-professional-education-children-of-school-teachers-.html
Rc.No:42 : Calling for applications for grant of financial assistance under the Scheme of "Support for Professional Education of Children of School Teachers" for the academic year 2014-15

a) Engineering degree course of 4 years duration (8 semesters) in the discplines of Civi, Mechanical, Electrcal and Flectronics, Electronics and Telecommunication, computer science, autcmobile and chemical Engineering, architecture. textiles, mining. rubber technology, naval architecture, petroleum engineering, pharmacy, printing, chemical
technology engineering mentioned above.

b) Metallurgical engineering, instrumentation and control and aeronautical sti:m,

c) Dploma curses of not less than 3 years duration in the disciplines

d) Medical courses in Allcpathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic forms of

f) Managerment ccurses of duration not less than 2 years after degree
madicines, Veterinary Science

e) Diploma course of not less than 2 years duration in B.Pharma. course

i) All the columns of application form should bet filled in and sigred by the
teacher. The application should also have the signature and official seal of
the Head of the Institution where the teacher is employed and the
Secretary Treasurer of the State Working Committee.

iv) The actual fee paid should be clearly indicated in Column 13 of the
application. Only original cash receipts are to he ensd

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Guidelines and Application