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Monday, June 19, 2017

Govt Memo. -School Education -Norms for Rationalization of Schools-Certain Instructions Issued

Govt Memo. -School Education -Norms for Rationalization of Schools-Certain Instructions Issued

Govt Memo. -school eucation -norms for Rationalization of schools , posts ad staff under various managements , govt,zp, mandal parishad schools -certain instructions issued

Govt Memo. -School Education -Norms for Rationalization of Schools-Certain Instructions Issued Govt Memo. -school eucation -norms for Rationalization of schools , posts ad staff under various managements , govt,zp, mandal parishad schools -certain instructions issued/2017/06/govt-memo-school-education-norms-for-RATIONALIZATION-OF-Schools-certail-instructions-issued.html

Govt Memo. -School Education -Norms for Rationalization of Schools-Certain Instructions Issued

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Govt Memo. -school eucation -norms for Rationalization of schools-certain instructions issued