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Monday, June 19, 2017

Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation-ABC A.P Bharati Scheme for Masters Degree Overseas Education (BS-MDO) -provide financial assistance to Brahmin Students

Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation - ABC A.P  Bharati Scheme for Masters Degree Overseas Education (BS-MDO) -provide  financial assistance to Brahmin Students

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AP Brahmin Welfare Corporation or ABC in short, is a State Government-owned vibrant organization committed to the development and welfare of the weaker and marginalized sections of the Brahmin community. ABC serves the needy members of the community in AP in a selfless and inspirational manner by providing financial, intellectual and physical resources for their overall development which includes education, skill building, entrepreneurship, welfare and value-based cultural life, on a sustainable basis. The Corporation also strives to inculcate a sense of belonging to the community for improving cohesiveness, morale and pride. The resources are provided through distinct schemes and initiatives in various categories.

Bharati Scheme for Education (BSE)
Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation (ABC) is introducing "Bharati Scheme for Education” (BSE) for the year 2017-18 for the Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh. Under this scheme, specific amount shall be paid to the selected applicants as one time financial assistance through the prescribed process.

Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Welfare Corporation-ABC A.P Bharati Schenme for Education (BSE) -provide financial assistance to Brahmin Students AP Brahmin Welfare Corporation or ABC in short, is a State Government-owned vibrant organization committed to the development and welfare of the weaker and marginalized sections of the Brahmin community. ABC serves the needy members of the community in AP in a selfless and inspirational manner by providing financial, intellectual and physical resources for their overall development which includes education, skill building, entrepreneurship, welfare and value-based cultural life, on a sustainable basis. The Corporation also strives to inculcate a sense of belonging to the community for improving cohesiveness, morale and pride. The resources are provided through distinct schemes and initiatives in various categories. Bharati Schenme for Education (BSE)/2017/06/ap-bharati-schenme-for-education-bse-brahmin-welfare-corporation-abc-financial-assistance-to-brahmin-students-.html

To encourage Brahmin students continue their education ,by providing one time financial assistance.
This scheme is applicable for Brahmin students of Andhra Pradesh covering all 13 districts, who are studying from 1st Standard to Post Graduation in the Academic year 2019-20, as per the eligibility criteria provided in the Annexure.
• The student and his/her Parents should belong to Brahmin  community and parents should reside in Andhra Pradesh.
• Annual Family income of Parents / Guardian should not be more than Rs. 3,00,000/-
• Should be pursuing a regular course in School / College/ Institute/ University for the year 2019-20
• Should have passed in all the subjects till previous year of study (i.e., s students who do not have backlogs in their previous year are eligible).
• Should not have availed himself/ herself any amount under any other Government scheme for the same purpose. However ,students availing benefit from Archaka Welfare Trust are eligible under this scheme, in addition to the assistance they get under Archaka Welfare Trust.
• Detailed Course wise Financial Assistance and eligibility criteria is provided as Annexure to this document

For more details kindly go through the Notification

Click Here to Download

Bharati Schenme for Education (BSE)  Noitfication
Bharati Scheme : for Education Online Registration
Bharati Scheme- Re-Scan and Upload Documents
Bharati Scheme 1st Class to PG Guidelines in Telugu 
Official Website