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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

TS SSC Suplementary Exams 2023 Time table Download

TS SSC Suplementary Exams 2023 Time table  Download

The BSE Telangana will publish the TS SSC Supplementary Exam Time Table 2023 or TS 10th Class Supplementary Exam Time Table 2023 on its official website: Students who will be taking the TS SSC supplemental examinations may view the details and download the TS 10th class supplemental examinations Time Table 2023 from the DGE Telangana website.

Every year, the BSE Telangana organises the TS SSC examinations for class 10 children in the state. However, for a variety of reasons, some students may be unable to pass the 10th grade tests on their first attempt.

TS SSC/10th Class Slow Learners Study Material Download


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TS SSC 10th Class Supplementary Time Table 2017 – Telanagana Board (BSETS)TS SSC Supplementary Exam Time Table 2017: Telangana TS SSC 10th Class Time Table 2017 Download official website, TS 10th class exam final public timetable 2017, Telangana Board of Secondary Education has been released their academic year 2017 timetable on their official website in the month of November 2017. All the Telangana SSC students or Tenth class students can able to download the academic year 2017 timetable by visiting the official site or from this website.TS 10th Class Supplementary Exam Time Table 2017: The Board Of Secondary Education, Telangana State (BSETS) released & (SSC) 10th class examination 2017 schedule, who are currently studying in 10th class in 2017. The exam Time Table / Date Sheet is now available online on the official website. The 10th class examination will be held in the month of May 2017. And the official website released the exam date sheet/ time table. You can download TS SSC 10th Exam Time Table 2017 from this website. Also, Check TS SSC 10th Exam Schedule 2017 Or TS SSC 10th Exam Routine 2017 or TS SSC 10th Exam Dates 2017 from this website./2017/05/ts-ssc-10th-class-supplementary-exam-timetable-2017-download-halltickets-results-bsets.html
TS SSC 10th Class Supplementary Time Table 2023 Telanagana Board (BSETS)
TS SSC/10th Class Slow Learners Study Material Download
The 10th board administers supplemental tests to such pupils, providing them a second chance to pass the exam. The TS BSE will provide the SSC examinations schedule table for the TS SSC supply exams, which will be held in June.

After the Telangana 10th class board exam results are announced, the Board of Secondary Education Telangana State (TS BSE) will release the Secondary School Certificate SSC ASE   test dates.

What  TS SSC supplementary exams are?

The Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) conducts TS SSC supplemental exams for students who did not pass the regular SSC exams. The extra tests provide students with another opportunity to pass the exams and advance in their academic careers.

When will the Supplementary examinations for the TS SSC be held?

The Telangana Board of Secondary Education has declared that the TS SSC supplemental examinations would be held in June 2023. The TS BSE will release the precise dates for the  tests very shortly.

How can students apply for the Supplementary Exams for the TS SSC?

Students who failed the normal Telangana SSC examinations may apply for the Supplementary exams by completing an application form and paying the requisite cost.The Supplementary exam online application form will be available on the TSBSE's official website. Students should keep an eye on the website for changes on the application process.

What is the schedule for the TS SSC supplementary examinations in 2023?

The TS SSC Supplementary Exams Time Table 2023 is the timetable for the 10th class supplementary exams, and it specifies the dates and times for each subject.

The TS BSE will provide the TS 10th supplementary exam time table for 2023 on its SSC board official website following the publication of the 10th results. Students should keep an eye on the official website for updates on the timetable.

According to officials, SSC supplementary examinations will be held in the month of June, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. Candidates must pay the examination fee according to the schedule.

The Secondary School Certificate advanced Supplementary test will be held in June by the Telangana Board of Secondary Education. Candidates should be aware that the Objective 

Paper (Part-B) in topics where they are offered separately must be completed in the last half-hour. All academic course subjects/papers are the same for candidates on both the SSC  Academic Course and the OSSC Course.

TS SSC Advanced Supplementary Exams Brief Information
  • Name of the Time Table : TS SSC Supplementary Exams Time Table 2023
  • Title  : Check TS 10th Class Supplementary Exams Time Table 2023
  • Subject :BSE Telangana will release TS 10th Class Supplementary Exams Time Table
  • Category : Time Table
  • 10th Supply Exam Dates: 14-06-2023 to 22-06-2023
  • Official website :
  • SSC ASE Time Table: Download the Telangana SSC Supplementary Exam Time Table From Here

Even if the government declares a Public Holiday or a General Holiday on any of the dates listed previously mentioned, the SSC Advanced Supplementary Examination will be heldprecisely according to the timetable.

Candidates who answer incorrect combination question papers will have their performance canalised. As a result, applicants are held accountable for requesting/answering incorrect question papers.

How to Get the TS SSC Supplementary Exams Time Table PDF

After the registration procedure is completed, the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education will publish the Telangana 10th Class Supplementary Exams Time Table on its official  website, Students will be able to check their timetable on the official weblink once it is issued. Students can get the timetable by taking the basic assessments provided.

For getting the time schedule, 10th class enrolled students must go to the official website, via their device browser.

Select the Quick link Section.

When you arrive at the official website, go to the home page and look for the Quick Link area. This section would provide access to the most recent announcement.

Select the SSC ASE time table link.

Search for and click on the Telangana SSC Supplementary Exams timing table link on the Quick Link section web page.

SSC ASE Time Table Download

When you click on the link, you will be able to get the Telangana 10th Class Supplementary Exams time schedule.

The 10th ASE Time Table should be printed.

Students can verify the test dates after downloading the 10th class Supplementary Exams time schedule, print it, and save it for future use.

How should you study for the TS SSC Supplementary Exams?

Students must study attentively and practise previous year's question papers in order to prepare for the TS SSC Supplementary Exams. They must recognise their weak points and work to improve their performance in those areas. Students can also seek advice from their lecturers or enrol in coaching programmes to receive further assistance.

What happens if you do not pass the TS SSC Supplementary Exams?

If a student fails the TS SSC Supplementary Exams, they must retake the whole academic year and retake the normal SSC exams the following year. As a result, it is critical for students to prepare well and perform admirably in the Supplementary Exams.

Telangana SSC Supplementary Exams 2023 Time Table

Guidelines and Instructions: 

The Objective paper B will be distributed solely to candidates who have previously failed the old syllabus. Except for First Language, the Objective Papers in the former curriculum were to be answered in the last hall for an hour in the subjects in which they were offered. Subjects Third 

Language English Papers I and II, as well as OSSC Sanskrit Papers I and II, for which Part A and Part B should be supplied at the start of the examination and collected at the end. The new syllabus does not include a separate objective examination for applicants taking the exam beginning in March 2023.

All academic course courses and papers are the same for both SSC Academic Course applicants and OSSC Course candidates.


The objective paper in topics where they are offered individually must be presented in the last half-hour alone.

All academic course subjects I Papers are the same for both SSC Academic Course and OSSC Course applicants.

SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations, June 2023, shall be held precisely according to the following timetable, even if the government announces a public holiday or a general  holiday in respect of any of the dates listed above.

Candidates who answer the improper combination of question papers will have their performance annulled.  As a result, applicants are held accountable for requesting I answering incorrect question papers.

If a candidate presents in an examination centre other than the one initially designated, his or her performance in the examination will be cancelled.

0202 - Education, Sports, Arts & Culture.
01 - General Education
102 - Secondary Education
06 - Director, Government Examinations,
800 - User Charges.

*♦️SSC Recounting & Reverification procedure....👇👇*

👉 రీ కౌంటింగ్ అంటే ఆల్రెడీ వేసిన మార్కులను మళ్లీ ఒకసారి కౌంట్ చేసి ఏమైనా తేడా వస్తే సవరిస్తారు.

👉 రీ వెరిఫికేషన్ లో మళ్ళీ ఒకసారి టోటల్ చేయడంతో పాటు ఏవైనా దిద్దని జవాబులను దిద్ది మార్కులు ఇచ్చి మళ్లీ టోటల్ చేసి జమ చేస్తారు.

👉 రీ వెరిఫికేషన్ లో మన జవాబు పత్రాన్ని జిరాక్స్ తీసి పంపిస్తారు.

👉 రీకౌంటింగ్ ఫీజు సబ్జెక్టుకు ₹500 , రీ వెరిఫికేషన్ ఫీజు సబ్జెక్టుకు ₹1000 చలాను  ద్వారా మాత్రమే కట్టాలి. ఒరిజినల్ చలానును అప్లికేషన్ కు జత చేయాలి

👉 రీకౌంటింగ్ అప్లికేషన్ ఫారాలు హైదరాబాదుకు (డైరెక్టర్ ఆఫ్ గవర్నమెంట్ ఎగ్జామినేషన్ కు) పంపించాలి.

👉 రి వెరిఫికేషన్ ఫారాలు జిల్లా విద్యాధికారి కార్యాలయంలో సమర్పించాలి.

👉 రి వెరిఫికేషన్ ఫారంకు ఒక ఫోటో అతికించవలసి ఉంటుంది. అలాగే ఒక పెద్ద కవర్( బుక్ సైజు- స్కూలు అడ్రస్ రాసి), ఒక చిన్న కవరు పంపించవలసి ఉంటుంది.

👉 రీకౌంటింగ్ అప్లికేషన్ ఫారం తో పాటు ఒక చిన్న కవర్ (మన అడ్రస్ రాసి) పంపించవలసి ఉంటుంది

👉 రీ వెరిఫికేషన్ అప్లికేషన్ ఫారం మీద ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయుల సంతకం అవసరము.

👉 ఈ రెండు అప్లికేషన్లతో పాటు మన హాల్ టికెట్ జిరాక్స్, ఆన్లైన్ మెమో పంపించవలసి ఉంటుంది.

👉రీ వెరిఫికేషన్ కు అప్లై చేస్తే, రీకౌంటింగ్ కు అప్లై చేయవలసిన అవసరం లేదు

June SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations 2022 (Expired)

TS SSC Advance Suplementary Exams 2022 Hall Tickets @ manabadi. Come Download

TS SSC Supplementary Exam Time Table 2022

Telangana TS SSC 10th Class Time Table 2022 Download official website, TS 10th class exam final public timetable 2022, Telangana Board of Secondary Education has been released their academic year 2022 timetable on their official website in the month of November 2022 . All the Telangana SSC students or Tenth class students can able to download the academic year 2022 timetable by visiting the official site or from this website.

TS 10th Class Supplementary  Exam Time Table 2022 

The Board Of Secondary Education, Telangana State (BSETS) released & (SSC) 10th class examination 2022 schedule, who are currently studying in 10th class in 2022. The exam Time Table / Date Sheet is now available online on the official website. The 10th class examination will be held in the month of  July 2022. And the official website released the exam date sheet/ time table. You can download TS SSC 10th Exam Time Table 2022 from this website. Also, Check TS SSC 10th Exam Schedule 2022 Or TS SSC 10th Exam Routine 2022 or TS SSC 10th Exam Dates 2022 from this website.

So all the students should keep in touch with the official web portal of Telangana Board Secondary Education to get the 10th Exam Time Table. The Timetable is very important for all the students.

TS SSC Advanced Supplementary Exams 2022 Time Table

ఆగ‌స్టు 1 నుంచి టెన్త్ అడ్వాన్స్‌డ్ సప్లిమెంట‌రీ ప‌రీక్ష‌లు
హైద‌రాబాద్ : తెలంగాణ ప‌దో త‌ర‌గ‌తి అడ్వాన్స్‌డ్ స‌ప్లిమెంట‌రీ ప‌రీక్ష‌లు ఆగ‌స్టు 1 నుంచి నిర్వ‌హించనున్న‌ట్లు రాష్ట్ర విద్యాశాఖ మంత్రి స‌బితా ఇంద్రారెడ్డి ప్ర‌క‌టించారు. ఈ ప‌రీక్ష‌లు 10వ తేదీ వ‌ర‌కు కొన‌సాగుతాయ‌ని వెల్ల‌డించారు. ఉద‌యం 9:30 నుంచి మ‌ధ్యాహ్నం 12:45 గంట‌ల వ‌ర‌కు  నిర్వ‌హించ‌నున్నారు. ఫెయిల్ అయిన విద్యార్థులు జులై 18వ తేదీ లోపు సంబంధిత పాఠ‌శాల‌ల్లో ఫీజు చెల్లించాల్సి ఉంటుంది.

అడ్వాన్స్‌డ్ సప్లిమెంట‌రీ ప‌రీక్ష‌ల టైం టేబుల్ ఇదే..

ఆగ‌స్టు 1 – ఫ‌స్ట్ లాంగ్వేజ్
ఆగ‌స్టు 2 – సెకండ్ లాంగ్వేజ్
ఆగ‌స్టు 3 – థ‌ర్డ్ లాంగ్వేజ్(ఇంగ్లీష్‌)
ఆగ‌స్టు 4 – మ్యాథ‌మేటిక్స్
ఆగ‌స్టు 5 – జ‌న‌ర‌ల్ సైన్స్(ఫిజిక‌ల్ సైన్స్, బ‌యాల‌జీ)
ఆగ‌స్టు 6 – సోష‌ల్ స్ట‌డీస్
ఆగ‌స్టు 8 – ఓఎస్ఎస్సీ మెయిన్ లాంగ్వేజ్ పేప‌ర్ -1
ఆగ‌స్టు 10 – ఓఎస్ఎస్సీ మెయిన్ లాంగ్వేజ్ పేప‌ర్ -2

Andhra Pradesh//AP SSC Advanced Supplementary Exam Dates 2022,10th Class advanced Exam Time table
    Exams Fee Payment Dates, Schedule
  1. Last date for remittance of Exam fee by candidate to the HM: 18-07-2022
  2. Last date for remittance of Exam fee by HM in to the Sub Treasury 20-07-2022
  3. Last date for submission of computer extracts by the HM to DEO: 21-07-2022
  4. Last date for submission of computer extracts by DEO to DGE: 23-07-2022
Important Note
  • If any of the above dates are declared as Public Holidays the next immediate working day, may be reckoned for the purpose.
  • Due dates of remittance of Examination fee will not be extended further under any circumstances.

Fee Particulars:

Fee up to three and less than 3 subjects is Rs. 110/-
Fee more than 3 subjects is RS. 125/-

DDO Code: 25000303001

Time Table of Telangana SSC Advanced Supplementary Examinations.

  1. The Exams are scheduled from 01-08-2022  to 10-08-2022
  2. The First Exam i.e. First Language  will start on  01-08-2022 
  3. The Last Exam i.e. OSSC Main Language Paper-II will be held on 10-08-2022

0202 - Education, Sports, Arts & Culture.
01 - General Education
102 - Secondary Education
06 - Director, Government Examinations,
800 - User Charges.

Board of Secondary Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, Secondary School Certifcate,Advanced Supplementary Examinations June 2022, Examination Time Table for Academic regular and OSSC Candidates as follows. 
Click Here to Download

TS SSC Advanced Supplementary Time Table 2022
TS SSC Advanced Supplementary Due Dates

TS SSC Advanced Supplementary Exams 2022 Time Table

SSC Advance Suplementary Exams Time Table June 2022 (Dates will be updated soon)


First Language Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

First language Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Second Language
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
English Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

English Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
Mathematics Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Mathematics Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
General Science Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

General Science Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
Social Studies Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM

Social Studies Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:15 PM
OSSC Main Language Paper-I
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
OSSC Main Language Paper-II
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM