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Thursday, June 1, 2017

GO MS No 31 AP Teachers Transfers 2017 Regulation of Rules Norms -Orders issued

GO MS No 31 AP Teachers Transfers 2017 Regulation of Rules-Orders issued

Andhra Pradesh Teacher Transfers GO Issued | Norms and Eligibility criteria for Teachers Transfers in AP Issued Vide GO MS No 31 Dates 31.05.2017 | Scheudle for Teacher Transfers in AP released | Andhr a Pradesh Teachers Transfers eligible and intended teachers have to Appl Online for Transfers | Entitlement Poists Service Points Rationalisation points, Special Points Performance Points Criteria for Transfers | Online Application and web assisted counselling for Transfer go-ms-no-31-ap-teachers-transfers-norms-guidelines-rationalisation

Read: AP Schools and Teachers Rationalisation Norms Vide GO MS No 29 dated 23.05.2017

GO MS No 31 AP Teachers Transfers 2017 Regulation of Rules-Orders issued   Andhra Pradesh Teacher Transfers GO Issued | Norms and Eligibility criteria for Teachers Transfers in AP Issued Vide GO MS No 31 Dates 31.05.2017 | Scheudle for Teacher Transfers in AP released | Andhr a Pradesh Teachers Transfers eligible and intended teachers have to Appl Online for Transfers | Entitlement Poists Service Points Rationalisation points, Special Points Performance Points Criteria for Transfers | Online Application and web assisted counselling for Transfer go-ms-no-31-ap-teachers-transfers-norms-guidelines-rationalisation
GO MS No 31 AP Teachers Transfers 2017 Regulation of Rules Norms -Orders issued

A.P.Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules O R D E R:-

  1. In order to facilitate and regulate the transfers of Headmasters Grade II Gazetted and teachers working in Government / ZPP / MPP schools in Andhra Pradesh School Education Service and the Andhra Pradesh School Education Subordinate Service, Government have decided to issue rules relating to transfers.
  2. Further, under Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009, every child in the age group of 6 to 14 years is to be provided upto Eight years of Elementary Education on admission to an age appropriate class in the vicinity of his / her neighborhood. Further, there is a need to rationalize the staff in schools and posts in Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools as there are some schools with higher enrolment of students vis-à-vis the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand there are some schools with uneconomic enrolment of students with more the justified teacher posts. Government desires to ensure appropriate school/class level teacher – pupil ratio and strengthen academic monitoring / support to teachers at mandal and divisional level. Keeping the above in view, there is need to regulate the staffing pattern by way of transfers.
  3. The Commissioner of School Education will take action to call for the applications for transfer of teachers through online and conduct web counseling duly obtaining the options every year after the closure of academic session for that year. A proper time schedule would be announced by the Commissioner of School Education for this purpose which will lay out all the details including time frame for application, counselling, grievance redressal, issue of orders and relief and joining of HM/teachers. The Headmasters/teachers shall apply online at the IP address given for the purpose.
  4. For the purpose of Transfers of Teachers, the assessment of Teacher posts required in any school will be based on U-DISE of the previous academic year with cutoff date as 31st December.
  5. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 78 and 99 of A.P. Education Act 1982 (Act 1 of 1982) and under Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all the earlier Rules and guidelines on transfer of teachers, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Rules regulating the transfers of the categories of Headmasters Gr.II Gazetted, School Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers and their equivalent categories in the A.P. School Education Service and in the A.P. School Education Subordinate Service working in the Government Schools and Z.P.P. and MPP Schools in the State.
  6. The Commissioner of School Education shall be competent to remove difficulties/ issue clarification for smooth and proper implementation of these orders. Govt will be competent to modify/ amend these rules, if required at any point of time.
  7. Government in the Department of School Education, shall be competent to transfer teachers if required, on administrative grounds, outside these rules/framework and time schedule during an academic calendar.
  8. Work adjustments orders to shuffle teachers can be carried out by the Commissioner of School Education during an academic calendar year to ensure proper and optimum utilization of HM/Teachers in schools wherever their services are required for the purpose of better academic performance of the students.
Read : Click here to Download All Declaration Certificates Proforma
  1. Schedule for Transfers: The Commissioner of School Education shall draw schedule and communicate the same to the competent authorities for effecting transfers from time to time.
  2. The Commissioner of School Education shall also facilitate the process through appropriate Information Technology (I.T) solution.
  3. Transfers Counseling:  All the transfers shall be processed by applications filed and options exercised through an online processes. Transfer orders will be issued by the designated authority/Committees constituted for this purpose in each district / zone.
  4. Competent Authority for Postings & Transfers: The appointing authority concerned shall issue transfer and posting orders based on the final outcome of the web options exercised by the Teachers.

Online Application and Process for Web Assisted Counseling

  1. The Headmasters/teachers shall apply for transfer in the prescribed online services for web based allotment at
  2. Only online applications received through the website shall be considered for transfer and processed further
  3. After completion of the online submission, the applicants shall thereafter obtain the printout of the application from the specified website and submit the same duly signed to their respective authorities, viz., Mandal Educational Officer/Headmaster High School/Deputy Educational Officer, as the case may be.
  4. Note - Submission of Hard copies is only for verification purpose and shall not be processed for transfer).
  5. The Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who is eligible as per the criteria prescribed in Rule 5 may apply online through website specified for the purpose in the prescribed proforma and the particulars furnished in the proforma shall be final and no modification shall be allowed.
  6. An applicant seeking to apply under Preferential categories / spouse category shall also submit along with application the latest certificate from the competent authority in that regard.
  7. After receipt of applications, the authorities concerned shall display the provisional seniority lists and call for objections if any. After redressing the objections / grievances, the authority shall display the final seniority along with the entitlement points in the website / notice board.
  8. Once the Headmaster / teacher submits an application through online it shall be final. No teacher is allowed to apply twice on online
  9. If any Headmaster Gr.II Gazetted / Teacher who is compulsorily transferable under Rule 5 does not apply online or having applied does not attend the online counseling and exercise his/her options  shall be transferred to the available left over needy vacancies in category III & IV schools, apart from taking disciplinary action deemed fit.
  10. Any HM / Teacher who is under compulsory transfer and does not apply / submit his / her transfer application serious view will be taken against the Teacher / H.M. and M.E.O. and appropriate disciplinary action initiated.

Click here to Download GO MS NO 31 Dated 31.05.2017