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Sunday, May 28, 2017

GO MS No 13 TS EDCET Eligibilities, Qalifications Regulations of Rules-Orders Issued

GO MS No 13 TS EDCET Eligibilities, Qalifications Regulations of Rules-Orders Issued

 Telangana ECET Notification Qualifications, TS EDCET Eligibility criterea Notification issued | Application Process Rule of Reservation Age limit for B.Ed Entrance exam Notification in Telangana go-ms-no-13-ts-edcet-eligibilities-qualifications-regulation-of-rules

GO MS No 13 TS EDCET Eligibilities, Qalifications Regulations of Rules-Orders Issued   Telangana ECET Notification Qualifications, TS EDCET Eligibility criterea Notification issued | Application Process Rule of Reservation Age limit for B.Ed Entrance exam Notification in Telangana go-ms-no-13-ts-edcet-eligibilities-qualifications-regulation-of-rules
GO MS No 13 TS EDCET Eligibilities, Qalifications Regulations of Rules-Orders Issued

O R D E R :

  1. Orders were issued in the G.O. 2nd read above framing Rules for the conduct of Education Common Entrance Test (Ed-CET/Ed-CET-AC) for entry into B.Ed course, based on the Apex court Judgment 1st read above and the Rules were amended from time to time in the G.Os 3rd,     4th, 5th and  6th  read above.
  2. The National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi, vide Notification 7th read above, issued New Regulations and Norms and standards which have come into force from the date of their publication in the Gazzette of India, wherein changed eligibility criteria among others has been prescribed for admission into the Colleges of Education.
  3. In the G.O. 8th read above, orders were issued adapting the Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (for Professional Courses offered in Private Un-Aided Professional Institutions) Rules, 2006, to Telangana State. In the G.Os 9th and 10th read above, orders were issued constituting the Admission and Fee  Regulatory Committee for regulating Admissions and Fee Fixation in Private Un-Aided professional Institutions.
  4. In the G.O 11th read above, orders were issued that all the other laws, including those made under the adapted Acts, which were in existence as on 02.06.2014, but not adapted as on the date of this Order, shall be deemed to have been adapted to the State of Telangana.
  5. The Secretary, Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, in  his letters 12th read above, has furnished proposals for issue of fresh rules for the conduct of Education Common Entrance Test (Ed-CET/Ed-CET-AC) for entry into B.Ed course in supersession of the orders issued in the G.O 2nd read above  as amended from time to time, keeping in view the National Council for Teacher Education Regulations, 2014.
  6. The Government after careful examination of the proposals of the Secretary, Telangana State Counsel of Higher Education, hereby decided to issue fresh Rules for conduct of Education Common Entrance Test (Ed-CET/Ed-CET-AC) for entry into  B.Ed course.
  7. Accordingly, the following notification shall be published in the Telangana Gazette.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3 and 15 of the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 and in supersession of the Telangana Conduct of Education Common Entrance Test for admission into B.Ed Course Rules, 2004 issued in G.O.Ms.No.72, Education (SE-Trg) Department, dt:05.07.2004, along with the amendment orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.37, Education (SE-Trg) Department, dt:26.05.2007; G.O.Ms.No.30, Education (SE-Trg) Department, dt:20.02.2008; G.O.Ms.No.44, Education (SE-Trg.) Department, dt:17.03.2008 and G.O.Ms.No.9, Secondary Education (Genl.II) Department, dt:09.03.2010, the Governor of Telangana hereby makes the following Rules for the conduct of Common Entrance Test for admission into 2-year B.Ed Course, in consonance with the National Council for Teacher Education Regulations, 2014.

    Eligibility Criteria for appearing in the Ed.CET

  1. The candidate should be of Indian Nationality.
  2. The candidate should satisfy ‘local’/’non-local’ status requirements as laid down in the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974, as subsequently amended.
  3. In any Bachelors Degree i.e., B.A, B.Com,  B.Sc, B.Sc (Home Science), BCA, BBM or in the Masters Degree, securing at least 50% aggregate marks.
  4. Bachelors in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% aggregate marks or
  5. Any other qualification equivalent thereto.
  6. However, for candidates belonging to the reserved categories viz., SC/ST/BC and other reserved categories should have secured 40% marks in the qualifying examination.
  7. Candidates    possessing    MBBS/BSC(AG)/    BVSC
  8. /BHMT/B.Pharm and such other professional and job oriented degree courses viz., LL.B are not eligible for admission into B.Ed course.
  9. Candidates possessing a Master Degree without having undertaken Under Graduate study are not eligible for admission
  10. Age limit:The candidates should have completed the age of 19 years as on 1st July of the year in which notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.