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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

TS Study Circle UPSC - CIVIL SERVICES Free Coaching to ST,SC and BC Candidates During the Year 2022-23

 TS Study CircleUPSC - CIVIL SERVICES:  Free Coaching to ST,SC and BC Candidates During the Year 2022-23

Applications arc invited from the eligible ST, SC & BC Candidates of Telangana State for Eligibility Test to select the candidates for Integrated Guidance Scheme for UPSC Civil Service Exaii ination 2023 for Prelims cum Mains cum personality test. The selected candidates will he provided the guidance scheme for (9) months / till the date of Prelims examinations whichcver is earlier in residential mode at IAS Study Circle for STs at Manasa Hills, R.ajendi anagai, Hyderabad
TS Study Circle UPSC - CIVIL SERVICES  Free Coaching to ST,SC and BC Candidates During the Year 2022-23


Age: A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attainedthe age of 37 years for STs and SCs and 35 years for BCs and 42 years for PHCs as on 1st  August, 2022.Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed Degree or its equivalent qualification from any recognized Universities.

Already Availed candidates: 20% of students those who have taken coaching for UPSC-CSE during 2021-22 at IAS Study Circle for STs, Rajendranagar by considering their attendance and weekly test merit are eligible.

The candidates who have already availed coaching for Civil Sep/Ices at any Government study circle (SC, BC) or taken the coaching at any private Study Clrcles with financial assistance from the Government are not eligible to apply,

Income Ceiling: Annual family income should not exceed Rs.3.00 lakhs

Eligibility Test: The admission to the Institute is by way of conducting Eliglb|llty Test located in the surroundings of Hyderabad. The Test paper will be objective & Descrlptive type questions on the pattern of LIPSC Prelims. There will be 1/3 Negatly9 lVlarks in Objective type test.


Eligible ST, SC and BC Canditaes can apply through Online mode at

 Selection: The candidates who secure 50% and above marks in Eligibility Test (Both Objective and Description) will be called for Certificate verification and aptitude test (Ineterview). Basing on the consolidated merit (Both Screening Test and Interview) candidates will be selected. 

SYLLABUS: Syllabus for the screening test is annexed.


The pattern of screening test will be intimated through the Website.


Hall Tickets can be downloaded by the students one week before the Screening Test frOrN the website of


A) Fresh

1 ST 75

2 SC 15

3 BC 10

Total 100

33 1/3 % for Female candidates in overall seats

3% for disabled (PH) candidates as per norms

Additional weight age will be given to PvTGs

B) Renewal

(20%) of renewal from 2021-22 batch of IAS Study Circle for STs, Rajendranagar.


Admissions will take place only after announcement of resv,!›•  •/ Eligibility Test, the selected students will be admitted after scrutiny of original certificates. However, the selection shall be purely on merit basis on the marks obtained in Eligibility Test. Originals shall be kept with the Institute as this is a full time residential programme. All the selected candidates shall sign an undertaking, that they will abide by the terms and conditions of the Institute.

Facilities available:

The candidates admitted for the coaching in the institution will be provided with the following facilities.

1. Free lodging and boarding

2 Book fund of Rs.8, 000/- per candidate will be supplied only in kind of worthy books.

3. In case of renewals Book fund of Rs 4000/-, which are required for mains preparation, will be provided once.

4. Library with adequate number of books, magazines, Standard Newspapers are available for preparation.

5. Computers lab for both Girls and Boys are available.

6 Pocket money of Rs.750/- per month for Boys and Rs.1000/- per month for Girls will be paid on having 90% attendance in a month by a student.

7. Notebooks (Long- 20)

8. Provision of (50) pages of Xerox per month to each student. Over and above the ceiling shall be met by the candidate on their own from the book money or personal allowance.

9. Daily News Papers (English & Telugu) will be supplied to each room.

10. Conveyance will be paid @ Rs.200/- per candidate including lunch for writing UPSC Preliminary examination. 

Submission of online application

Starts from : 20.07.2022 ends on 10.08.2022

Click Here to Download

Civil Services Aptitude Test of UPSC- CSAT 2021  free coaching programme at T.S. Study Circle (Expired)

The Telangana State Scheduled Castes Study Circle, Hyderabad, which is working under the control of department of Scheduled Castes Development Dept., is going to organize  free coaching for UPSC CSAT-2022 during the academic year 2021-22 for (250) candidates of SC, ST & BC communities, of which, (200) are for freshers and (50) repeaters. The rule of reservation followed is 75% - SCs, 10% - STs and 15% - BCs, and among total seats 33.33% percent of seats to women candidates and 5% to Physically challenged persons within all reserved categories.

All the fresh candidates (i.e.) who are willing to be admitted first time in TSSC Study Circle, Hyderabad, have to appear for the entrance test which has 3 folds, (i.e.) Preliminary, Mains and Viva and the admission is based on merit. Online applications are invited from 20.09.21 from any General / Professional Degree candidates of SC, ST & BC category belonging to Telangana (33) Districts for admission into Civil Services Aptitude Test of UPSC (CSAT-2022) and the last date for receipt of applications is 10.10.21. Entrance test for Prelims will be conducted 24th October 2021 between 10:00am to 12:00 noon at Hyderabad, Warangal, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Adilabad, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda
and Sangareddy Districts.

Civil Services Aptitude Test of UPSC- CSAT 2019 free coaching programme at T.S. Study Circle Online applications are invited from eligible SC, ST, OBC and Minority candidates belonging to Telangana 31 districts for admission into Civil Services Aptitude Test of UPSC (CSAT-2019) free coaching programme at T.S. Study Circle, Hyderabad for the academic year 2018-19.


1.Any Graduation of minimum three years course like B.A. / B.Com. / B.Sc. and four
years course like B.Tech., B.Pharm, B.Sc.(Ag.) etc.
2. The annual income of the parent / guardian / family should not be more than
Rs.3.00 lakhs per annum for SC, ST, BC and Minorities.
3. Aspirants should not be employed or pursuing any other courses in any educational
institutions during 2021-22 academic year.
4. Aspirants should not have availed any similar Civil Service coaching sponsored
by Government elsewhere.
5. Aspirants should also be eligible as per the norms prescribed by the UPSC for
appearing the CSAT-2022 Exam.

Important Information:

Paper Notification : 20th September, 2021
Last date for receipt of applications : 10th October, 2021
Date of Entrance Examination : 24th October, 2021

తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర షెడ్యూల్డ్ కులాల స్టడీ సర్కిల్ ఆధ్వర్యంలో 2021-22 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి నిర్వహించనున్న యూపీఎస్‌సీ-సీ శాట్ (సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్) ఉచిత శిక్షణకు అభ్యర్థుల నుంచి ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నట్లు టీఎస్ ఎస్‌సీ స్టడీ సర్కిల్ డిప్యూటీ డైరెక్టర్ ఎస్.బాలసురేందర్ ఓ ప్రకటనలో తెలిపారు.
ఆసక్తిగల వారు ఈనెల 10వ తేదీలోగా ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో www. లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలని సూచించారు. శిక్షణకు ఎంపికైన అభ్యర్థులకు ఉచిత వసతి, భోజన సౌకర్యం కల్పించనున్నట్లు పేర్కొన్నారు. ఏదైనా జనరల్ లేదా ప్రొఫెషనల్ కోర్సులలో డిగ్రీ పూర్తి చేసిన 250మంది ఉమ్మడి జిల్లాకు చెందిన ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, బీసీ, దివ్యాంగులైన స్త్రీ, పురుషు అభ్యర్థులకు శిక్షణ ఇవ్వనున్నట్లు తెలిపారు.

200మంది కొత్తవారికి, గతేడాది ప్రిలిమినరీ పరీక్ష ఉత్తీర్ణత సాధించిన 50మందికి అవకాశం కల్పించనున్నట్లు పేర్కొన్నారు. ఎస్సీలకు 75శాతం, ఎస్టీలకు 10శాతం, బీసీలకు 15శాతం కేటాయించనున్నట్లు తెలిపారు.
 అభ్యర్థులకు ప్రాథమిక పరీక్షను Oct 24th ఉదయం 10గంటల నుంచి మధ్యాహ్నం 12వరకు కరీంనగర్, వరంగల్, ఆదిలాబాద్, నిజామాబాద్, ఖమ్మం, నల్గొండ, మహబూబ్‌నగర్, సంగారెడ్డి, హైదరాబాద్ జిల్లా కేంద్రాల్లో నిర్వహించనున్నట్లు పేర్కొన్నారు. అర్హత పొందిన అభ్యర్థులకు ఇంటర్వ్యూలు నిర్వహించి తుది జాబితా ప్రకటించనున్నట్లు వివరించారు.