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Saturday, April 22, 2017

SSA Andhra Pradesh Notification for the Posts of Sectorial and Assistant Sectorial Officers in District Project offices

SSA Andhra Pradesh Notification for the Posts of Sectorial and Assistant Sectorial Officers in District Project offices 

 Applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed Proforma are invited for the posts of Sectoral and Asst. Sectoral Officers in the District Project Offices of SSA. Applications should be submitted to the District Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the concerned districts only.
The eligibility criteria, qualifications, application form are available at
 Last date for submission of applications: 29-04-2017

SSA Andhra Pradesh Notification for the Posts of Sectorial and Assistant Sectorial Officers in District Project offices Applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed Proforma are invited for the posts of Sectoral and Asst. Sectoral Officers in the District Project Offices of SSA. Applications should be submitted to the District Project Officers of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the concerned districts only. The eligibility criteria, qualifications, application form are available at

State Project Director  Notification

(i) Applications in the prescribed format are invited for the posts of Sectoral / Asst. Sectortal Officers,
under foreign service terms and conditions at District Project Offices, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
(ii) Gazetted and Non-Gazetted teachers of School Education Department of Andhra Pradesh are
eligible to apply. Applications should be submitted in the respective District Project Offices, Sarva
Siksha Abhiyan in which the teacher is working.
(iii) In-service candidates should apply through proper channel.
(iv) Candidates can apply for more than one post in one application.
(v) Age of the candidates shall be below 50 years as on 01.04.2017.
(vi) No applicant can claim right for deputation to SSA based on this notification.
(vii) The antecedents of the individual, previous experience, track record, etc will also be taken into
consideration for deputation.
(viii) The State Project Director may consider or reject the application for deputation to SSA.
(ix) The orders of deputation will be cancelled at any time without assigning any reason or prior notice.

1 Eligibility criteria for Sectoral Officers

  1. 1. Planning & MIS Coordinator Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in Mathematics / Statistics with Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in computers from recognized Universities/ institutions 
  2. 2. Academic Monitoring Officer Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in School Subjects 
  3. 3. Alternative Schooling Coordinator Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in School Subjects
  4.  4. Community Mobilization Officer Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in School Subjects
  5.  5. Inclusive Education Coordinator Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in School Subjects and Special Education in D.Ed. / B.Ed. / M.Ed. or 45/90 day Foundation Course in Special Education. 
  6. 6. Girl Child Development Officer (Female Officers only) Women Gazetted Head Masters (Gr-II) of Govt. / ZP High Schools / Mandal Educational Officers / Lecturers of DIETs having 2nd class P.G. in School Subjects 

2. Eligibility criteria for Asst. Sectoral Officers :

School Assistants working in Govt./ZP High Schools having 5 years of Service are

  1. Asst. Statistical Officer :2 nd class P.G. Degree with Mathematics or Statistics and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in computers from recognized Universities/ institutions 
  2. 2. Asst. Academic Monitoring Officer 2 nd class P.G. in School Subjects 
  3. 3. Asst. Academic Monitoring Officer (U) (SAs working in Urdu Medium only) 2 nd class P.G. with medium of instruction at High school / inter / Degree / P.G. level studied through Urdu medium. 
  4. 4. Asst. Alternative Schooling Coordinator 2 nd class P.G. in Sociology/ Social Work/ Anthropology/ Maths / Science
  5.  5. Asst. IE Coordinator 2 nd class P.G. in Zoology / Botany / Psychology. Special Education in D.Ed. / B.Ed. / M.Ed. or 45/90 day Foundation Course in Special Education.
  6.  6. Assistant Programming Officer 2 nd class P.G. in Mathematics / Statistics / Physical Science and MCA / PG Diploma in Computer Applications 
  7. 7. Asst. Girl Child Development Officer (Female School Assistants only) (Excepts East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, SPSR Nellore and Chittoor Dists): 2nd Class PG in School Subjects 

3. Last date for submission of application: 29.04.2017

4. Selection Procedure:

  1.  Online written test for 85 marks and interview for 15 marks
  2.  The Online written test consists both Objective and Descriptive.
  3.  The duration of the examination will be 2 hours
  4.  Date of examination, time and center of examination will be intimated in the hall ticket. 


  1. School Education scenario and state education profile- School Educational Institutions at State and National level – UDISE – MIS - Child info – Education development indicators- GER-NER –Acts and policies on
  2. education and children - Sustainable development Goals- Undeclavation on education, echlon, vision 2020- Commission and committees on educationPEMANDU initiatives, etc. 
  3. RTE Act 2009- NCPCR-SCPCR - Right to Information Act,2005 . Information and Communication technology - Digital class rooms - Computer skills cum office automation Andhra Pradesh e-knowledge exchange portal (APeEX)- eHazar- Shagun web portal - other IT initiatives in the state – e-pragati etc. Philosophical and sociological foundations of education- educational Psychology - Trends and Problem in Education- Vocationalization of Education, etc. 
  4. New policy on education 1986– OBB, DPEP, SSA RMSA,RUSA schemes – Aims and Objectives – various interventions – Achievements, etc. School Management Committees – Community Mobilization – Relatedprogrammes - Out of School Children – Dropout rate – Various programs for mainstreaming- Children with special needs(CWSN)- Minority Education, etc. Girl child education –Interventions - Kasthurba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayes –“Beti Bachavo Beti Padavo”, etc.
  5. Mid day meal Programme – Health and Higene - sanitation- Swacha Bharath - Swacha Andhra Pradesh- Swacha Vidyalaya- UNICEF activities- Assessment and Evaluation - NCF 2005- Continuous and comprehensive
  6. evaluation (CCE), ASER, NAS, 3Rs assessment, National school standard evaluation programme (Shaala – Siddhi), PINDICS, LINDICS etc.

Download Sectorial and Assistant Sectorial Officers in District Project offices Notification and Application Form.