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Sunday, April 2, 2017

SK University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017

SK University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017| Sri Krishna Devaraya University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017|  Sri Krishna Devaraya University Teaching and Nonteaching posts Recruitment 2017| Teaching and Nonteaching Staff Recruitment in SKU Ananthapuram A.P has issued recruitment Notification inviting applications for various nonteaching vacancies for SC, ST, PH  catagory candidates in SKU  hostels through special recruitment drive| SK University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017-18| Recruitment of SC, ST, PH Backlog Teaching and Nonteaching posts in Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram|SPECIAL RECRUITMENT FOR SC/ST BACKLOG VACANCIES NOTIFICATION

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Eligible candidates (SC,ST and PH  Category)  for  the  Non-Teaching  and  SKU  Hostels  Backlog  Vacancy  Posts S.K.University, Ananthapuramu on Special Recruitment. The details pertaining to Backlog Vacancies of Non-Teaching and Hostels Vacancies and the application form/eligibility criteria and other information may be obtained at University

SK University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017| Sri Krishna Devaraya University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017| Sri Krishna Devaraya University Teaching and Nonteaching posts Recruitment 2017| Teaching and Nonteaching Staff Recruitment in SKU Ananthapuram A.P has issued recruitment Notification inviting applications for various nonteaching vacancies for SC, ST, PH catagory candidates in SKU hostels through special recruitment drive| SK University SC, ST, PH Backlog NonTeaching Posts Recruitment 2017-18| Recruitment of SC, ST, PH Backlog Teaching and Nonteaching posts in Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram|SPECIAL RECRUITMENT FOR SC/ST BACKLOG VACANCIES NOTIFICATION Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Eligible candidates (SC,ST and PH Category) for the Non-Teaching and SKU Hostels Backlog Vacancy Posts S.K.University, Ananthapuramu on Special Recruitment. The details pertaining to Backlog Vacancies of Non-Teaching and Hostels Vacancies and the application form/eligibility criteria and other information may be obtained at University

List of Vacancy positions for SC, ST and PH : For details go through the Notification

Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram A.P Eligibility Criteria

1. Junior Assistant / Store Keeper
Scale of Pay: Rs. 16400-49870
Qualifications:Bachelor Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science from a Recognized University with Type writing
Grade in English / Telugu Knowledge

2. Cleaner (Hostel and NonTeaching) 
Scale of Pay: 13000- 40270
Qualifications: 7th Passed

Scale of Pay: 14600-44870
Qualifications: Bachelor Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science from a recognised University

And for the remaining posts like 4. Attenders/Watchmen’s, Sweepers/Gardeners /Servers/Provisional Cleaner/Helper/  5.Assistant Cook   6. Junior Library  Assistant  7. Technical Assistant  8. Assistant Fitter  9.Pump Driver  10.Wheel Valve Operator 11. Telephone operator  12. Drivers details go through the notiifcation

1. Age (for all the posts)  should be not less than 18 years but not more than  34 years

2. Age Relaxation (for all the posts) 
The upper age limit is relaxed with 10 years (i.e.
34+10 = 44 years)

3. Mode of Payment 
Amount shall be paid by means of Demand Draft of in  favour of the  Registrar, Sri Krishnadevaraya University payable at Ananthapurmau.

4. How to Apply 
The candidates who want to have the applications by  post must send D.D  along  with  a  letter  of  request  together  with  self  addressed  envelope  (9cm  X  24  cm)  stamps worth of Rs.40/- to the Registrar, S.K. Univ
ersity, Ananthapuramu super scribing on the envelop as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF” as
per notification on the envelop.

5. Travel & Boarding Expenses 
No T.A and D.A and other expenses will be paid by the University for attending the interview.

6.  Last  Date 
The filled in application along with all necessary  enclosures, Demand Draft  towards should reach  on or before 15.04.2017  upto 5.00 p.m. Further the application  shall be accompanied with an envelope affixing postal stamp worth of Rs.40/- for sending  the call letter by post to attend the interview. The University reserves the right to fill or  not to fill the above vacancies without assigning any reasons therefore.

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