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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad Free Coaching for Gurukula Recruitments Apply online

TS BC Study Circle  Free Coaching to Gurukula Teachers 

It is to inform you that the BC Study Circle will be providing free coaching to Gurukula teachers for the next 75 days. The online registration period runs from 12.05.2023 until 25.05.2023. The manner of applicant selection will be based on the marks obtained in the Degree/B.Ed Examination, as stipulated by the recruitment agency, and as per reservation.
It is asked that the project manager CGG advise the project manager to enable registration for free coaching Gurukula Teachers for a term of 75 days.

Important Guidelines for Gurukula Teachers Participating in a Free Coaching Programme
Applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging to BC, SC, and ST for free coaching Gurukula Teachers for a period of 75 days from Hyderabad.
 Important Dates 
1. Opening of Online Registration: 12-05-2023 
2. Last date for Online Registration: 25-05-2023 
3. Selected Candidates List: 27.05.2023 
4. Coaching begins: 01.06.2023
 5. Qualification: Degree, B. Ed.
What is the Eligibility Criteria:
1. The maximum annual family income of the candidate must be Rs 5.00 Lakhs.
2. According to G.O.Ms No.13 BCW(B) Dept. dated 23-06-2018, the reservation for women is 33 1/3% of the total trainees selected from each centre and ROR (Backward Clases 75%). BC-A-18%) BC-B-26% 3% BC-C, 18% BC-D  BC-E 10%  15% Scheduled Casts Others 5% (EBC Orphans) Scheduled Tribes 5%
3. Candidates must upload their SSC, Intermediate, and Degree certificates, as well as their caste certificate, income certificate, and Aadhar card.
4. No one who is a regular student in any course or who is currently employed in any position in any cadre is eligible for this coaching.
5. Candidates who have already received free coaching in any of the 12 TS BC Study Circles are ineligible.

What is the Mode of Application:
The final selection will be determined on the grades obtained in the Degree Examination/B.Ed reservations, as well as the availability of places (disrict wise) in that specific study Circles. Candidates are recommended to visit the official website: for further information and registration criteria. The candidate may contact the TS BC Study Circle in Hyderabad at 040-24071178.
Click Here to Download

TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad Free Coaching for Gurukula Recruitments 2017 Apply online (Expired)

TSPSC has issued Detailed Gurukula Recruitment Notification to Recruit PGT TGT PET PD Staff Nurse Librarian. Free  coaching for Gurukula Recruitments by TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad | TS BC  Study Circle is offering Free Coaching for Telangana Gurukula Residential Institutions Societies Recruitment Notification through Telangana Public Service Commission TSPSC for Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers| Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Department established BC Study Circles in Hyd to help needy Youth to achieve their Goals|  TS-BC-Study-circle-apply-online-for-free-coaching-for-gurukula-pgt-tgt-prt-pd-staff-nurse-librarian-post-recruitments
TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad Free Coaching for Gurukula Recruitments Apply online TSPSC has issued Detailed Gurukula Recruitment Notification to Recruit PGT TGT PET PD Staff Nurse Librarian. Free coaching for Gurukula Recruitments by TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad | TS BC Study Circle is offering Free Coaching for Telangana Gurukula Residential Institutions Societies Recruitment Notification through Telangana Public Service Commission TSPSC for Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers| Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Department established BC Study Circles in Hyd to help needy Youth to achieve their Goals| TS-BC-Study-circle-apply-online-for-free-coaching-for-gurukula-pgt-tgt-prt-pd-staff-nurse-librarian-post-recruitments/2017/04/TS-BC-Study-circle-apply-online-for-free-coaching-for-gurukula-pgt-tgt-prt-pd-staff-nurse-librarian-post-recruitments.html

Free Coaching for All Gurukula Recruitment 2017 Posts by TS BC Study Circle , Apply Online

Government of Telangana Ministry of BC Welfare decided to give free coaching to BC candidates to ensure jobs in TS Gurukula Residential Schools Recruitment Notification by TSPSC. Interested candidates can apply Online at Telangana BC Study Circle Official Website
Last Date to Apply Online is 23-04-2017