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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Upload SSC/10th Internal Marks Online entry at Board of SSC

Upload SSC/10th Internal Marks Online entry at Board of SSC

Internal Marks awarded for  Formative Assessments have upload Online at Directorate of Govt Examinations Official Website Headmasters of High Schools in Telangana have to Login into bse Telangana Website with User Id and Password. User ID is Dise Code and Password is HMs Phone Number |  SSC/10th Internal Marks Online entry at Board of SSC | CCE Marks for SSC Students uploading at Board of SSC Official Website for March, 2021.

SSC/10th Internal Marks Online entry at Board of SSC | CCE Marks for SSC Students uploading at Board of SSC Official Website for the 2016-17 Academic Year | Internal Marks awarded for Summative and Formative Assessments have upload Online at Directorate of Govt Examinations Official Website Headmasters of High Schools in Telangana have to Login into bse Telangana Website with User Id and Password. User ID is Dise Code and Password is HMs Phone Number

Board of Secondary Education, has introduced the new grading system for the  SSC 
Result 2021 as each and every year. The grading system is the same as the previous 
year. Based on this NEW grading system, Telangana SSC 2021 Results will be 
released. The complete details regarding the  SSC 2021 Grading system and the 
information of calculating the Grade Score are clearly given below. Students are 
advised to check the details clearly to know more.

Know here how to calculate SSC Exams 2021 Grades and Points:
If the headmasters have already uploaded the subject wise and candidate wise average of the formative test marks online in the official website 
The Grades and points will be calculated as follows:
Case I : Suppose if a student has secured 12 marks in the 1st formative test, 14 in the 
second, 15 inthe third and 13 in the 4th formative test in a particular subject, then 
the average hhas tp ne talem as follows:
A). The sum of the formative tests : 12 + 14 + 15 + 13 = 54
The average is : 54/4=13.5
B). The 13.5 may be rouded off to 14 and the figure has to be taken into the account 
for posting. If the average score is between 13.1 - 13.4 it has to be rounded off to 13 
Case II: If a candidate has secured 15 in the 1st formative test, 14 in the 2nd, 15 in 
the 3rd and absent for 4th formative test.
The sum of the 3 formative tests : 15 + 14 + 15 - 44 and dived it by 4 : 44/4=11
The Quotient 11 has to be taken into the account. If the Officials decide to calculate Grades and Grade Points for 100 marks then the Internal marks ( Four FAs Average Marks ) will be Multipled by 5 then the marks will be considered for 100. Then the Grade and Grade points will be as follows. 

Click Here to Upload SSC Internal Marks Online

Know How to Upload SSC Internal Marks Online
The Headmasters shall keep the cumulative records containing the marks of 4 
formative tests of all the subjects of SSC March - 2020 candidates.

The headmaster have to verify the marks posted in the cumulative record with 
reference to the subject wise records, and other evaluation material maintained by 
subject teachers. Headmasters are required to undertake this exercise after 
completion of every formative test and ensure that the subject-wise records 
maintained by the concerned subject teachers are 100 % accurate. The teachers will 
sign on the individual records of subject wise where formative test marks are 
recorded after completion of every formative test. Similarly the Headmasters 
concerned also shall authenticate the records by putting their signature after the 
verification of records.

The similar exercise has to be done by the Headmasters in respect of posting of 
subject wise marks on the cumulative records. Headmasters may obtain the signature of individual teachers, if necessary, on the cumulative record alsowhile duly affixing his signature o the record in taken of having verified the marks posted in the records and completes the autentication of records. The Headmasters shall take the subject wise and candidates wise average of the formative test marks thoroughly before the posting of marks through online.
For Example: Suppose a student has secured 12 marks in the Ist form test, 14 in the 
second 15 in the third and 13 in the 4th formative test in a particuar subject then the average has to be taken as follows.
The sum of the 4 formative tests : 12 + 14 + 15 + 13 = 54
The average  is : 54/4=13.5 may be rounded off to 14 and the figure has to be taken 
into account of posting.

If the average score is between 13.1 - 13.4 it has to be rouned off to 13 only. In case 
a candidate has taken only three formative tests and absent for 4th formative test, it is the responsibility of the concerned teacher and the Headmaster to conduct the 4th formative test by intimating the same to the cnadidate. If the candidate fails to turn up and if the candidate attendance is within the range of condonation, the sum of the  maks of 3 formative tests secured by the candidate shall be divided by 4 and the Uuotient has to be taken into account.

For Example: Suppose if the candidate has secured 15 in the Ist formative test, 14 in the 2nd, 15 in the 3rd test and absent for 4th formative test.
The sum of the 3 formative tests : 15 + 14 + 15 = 44 and Divided it by 4 : 44/4=11 
and the Quotient 11 is to be taken into the account.
While feeding the marks in the computer the Headmasters has to take utmost care. He  shall not be entust this item of work to any other person but he may take the 
assistance for help and he has to ensure that the correct marks are posted for each 