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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

SCERT TS Suggested Activities to be done by Science and Maths Clubs in Schools

SCERT Suggested Activities to be done by Science and Maths Clubs in Schools| SCERT Suggested Activities to be done by Science and Maths Clubs in Schools | State Council for Education Research and Training Telangana State suggested some important Activities and important Days to be celebrated in Schools | Science Club and Mathematic Clubs already established in all High Schools with the Co Ordination of Headmasters | Here SCERT is suggesting activities to be followed by the Clubs scert-suggested-activities-to-be-done-science-maths-clubs-download

SCERT Suggested Activities to be done by Science and Maths Clubs in Schools| SCERT Suggested Activities to be done by Science and Maths Clubs in Schools | State Council for Education Research and Training Telangana State suggested some important Activities and important Days to be celebrated in Schools | Science Club and Mathematic Clubs already established in all High Schools with the Co Ordination of Headmasters | Here SCERT is suggesting activities to be followed by the Clubs scert-suggested-activities-to-be-done-science-maths-clubs-download/2017/03/scert-ts-suggested-activities-to-be-done-by-science-and-maths-clubs-in-schools.html

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