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Sunday, March 19, 2017

A P Rc.No.117 Implementation of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) in 114 Double Teacher Primary Schools in Guntur District – Identification of ALA Demo Schools in the Mandal – Certain instruction Issued.

A P Rc.No.117 Implementation of  Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) in 114 Double Teacher Primary  Schools in Guntur District – Identification of ALA Demo Schools  in the Mandal – Certain instruction Issued.

A P Rc.No.117 Implementation of Ananda Lahari Abhyasana (ALA) in 114 Double Teacher Primary Schools in Guntur District – Identification of ALA Demo Schools in the Mandal – Certain instruction Issued./2017/03/a-p-rcno117-implementation-of-ananda-lahari-abhyasana-ala-identification-of-ala-demo-schools-guntur-district.html

                                     PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROJECT OFFICER,

                                          SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN,GUNTUR

                             Present: A.Ramesh Kumar, M.A(Litt), M.A(Psy), M.A(SW).,

                              The attention of all the Mandal Educational Officer in the District in invited to the subject read above that as the part of implementing PEMANDU Lab initiative the Government of Andhra Pradesh has accorded permission to introduce the Multi Grade and Multi Level (MGML) pedagogy of Rishi Valley Institute, Chittor District in primary schools to address the challenge of Multi Grade Teaching in Double Teacher schools. The programme aims to cover all the double teachers schools in a phased manner.
              Accordingly, it is planned to introduce the pedagogy in 114 double teacher primary schools in the district. The programme is named ANANDA LAHARI ABHYASANA in short form it is “ALA”. Out of 114 schools across the district 4 schools i.e., One School in each district is treated as ALA Demo School.
               To introduce the Pedagogy in Demo Schools first, then to the rest of the ALA schools, it is planned to train 8 Master Trainers and 8 Demo School Teachers at Rishi Valley School, Chittoor district (Training is going on). In this context the Mandal Educational Officers in the district are requested to select 2 double teacher schools in each mandal hereafter to be called as “ALA Schools” while selecting the schools the MEOs should follow the criteria for selecting schools as below and choose the school in the annexure.

Criteria for the selection of ALA Demo Schools:

1. It must be a Primary School with two teachers
2. Minimum enrolment of class 1 and 2 together should be 20 to 30.
3. School should have good infrastructural facility with spacious class rooms.
4. It should be located nearer to the divisional head quarter which is convenient to the ALA school trainees and also Training center.
5. The selection of Demo Schools should be completed before 20.03.2017.

The teachers working in these schools will undergo training at district level in June 2017.

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