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Monday, March 27, 2017

Tholimettu (FLN) Class 4 English Year Plan, Unit Planand Period Plans

Tholimettu (FLN) Class 4 English Year Plan, Unit Plan and Period Plans  

Class 4 English All Units / lLesson  cum lesson plans|  CCE Methos 4th class English Lesson plans| Class4 English Subject  Unit cum period Plan| A Model Unit cum Period Plan of Primary English Class| Lesson plan of Primary classes class 4 | class iv unit cum period plan| Telangana State primary class 4 English sbject Unit cum period plan| English lesson plan| Class 4th  English lesson plans
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Class 4 Model Unit Plans
A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction, or 'learning trajectory' for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students There may be requirements mandated bypassed the school system regarding the plan.
[1] A lesson plan is the teacher's guide for running a particular lesson, and it includes the goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test, worksheet, homework etc.).
[2]Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching-learning process. Proper classroom planning will keep teachers organized and on track while teaching, thus allowing them to teach more, help students reach objectives more easily and manage less. The better prepared the teacher is, the more likely she/he will be able to handle whatever unexpectedly happens in the lesson.

Also Read Project Works-How to implement  the project work and the Process of Evaluation and few model projects
Lesson planning:
provides a coherent framework for smooth efficient teaching.
helps the teacher to be more organized.
gives a sense of direction in relation to the syllabus.
helps the teacher to be more confident when delivering the lesson.
provides a useful basis for future planning.
helps the teacher to plan lessons which cater for different students.
Is a proof that the teacher has taken a considerable amount of effort in his/her teaching.
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