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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

TGCET Gurukula 5th Class Entrance Exam 2025 Notifiction

TGCET Gurukula 5th Class Entrance Exam 2025 Notifiction
The Telangana Government is providing quality education to the talented
students of under privileged and weaker sections of the society through
Residential Schools. This helps to bring out the naturally hidden talents of the talented students and prepares them to face the challenges of the 21st century. SC, ST, BC and General Residential Institutions have been established through the welfare department and each year talented students are admitted to these schools /JCs.
1. Teaching by efficient and experienced teachers who stay in the campus.
2. (24X7) Continuous monitoring by teachers and provide homely
3. Special coaching for IIT, NIT, NEET, EAMCET and other National level
competitive exams in identified schools to facilitate scoring ranks and
admission into prestigious institutions.
4. Giving qualitative coaching in identified schools to secure more seats in
MBBS & BDS in Government Medical colleges.
5. Best coaching is given for admission into Central Universities, Azim Premji University, Delhi University, TISS and other prestigious universities.
6. Providing environment and facility for wholistic development of the child.
7. Special focus on co-curricular and extra-curricular, Games, Sports, Coding, Fine Arts etc., on par with academics.
8. Training in Physical Education and Yoga on regular basis throughout the
9. Highest pass percentage in all Government examinations
1. Nutritious & Delicious food with fortified rice and balanced diet.
2. Note Books & Text Books
3. Stationery Pencils, Record Books etc.
4. 3 Pairs of School Uniform, Trunk Boxes/Trolley Bags.
5. PT Dress, Track Suit, Sports Shoe, Socks, Night suit, Plate, Glass, Bowl, Spoon,
Bed sheet, Blanket and Mattress.
6. Monthly Cosmetic charges to buy soaps, oil etc
Look in the Prospectus provided below.
Applications are invited for admission into class V, Class VI-IX backlog
vacancies, Class VI in Special schools i.e., Sainik School, Rukmapur and Fine Arts School, Malkajgiri. For Class IX in COEs i.e., TGSWRS/JC Alugunoor (CoEd), TGSWRS/JC Gowlidoddi (G) and in Class VIII i.e., TGTWRS/JC Khammam (B) and TGTWRS/JC Pargi(G) in (643) Residential Schools run by various Residential Educational Institutional Societies in Telangana State. Entrance Test will be held on 23-02-2025 from 11:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. in the District headquarters and other selected centres across the state. 
A) Age: 
B. Annual Income of the parents should be below Rs. 1,50,000 in rural areas
and Rs. 2,00,000 in urban areas.
II. Mode of Admission in Schools
A. Selection for candidates will be based on erstwhile districts (Old Districts).
B. Children of Fishermen of all districts are eligible for admission into
MJPTBCWRS Koudipalli school. In this school admissions are provided basing on the merit and reservation of the candidate.
C. All the districts candidates in Telangana are eligible for admission in TRS Sarvail (Nalgonda District) Regional Centre of Excellence school. In thisschool admissions are provided basing on the merit and reservation of the candidate.
III. Entrance Test
A. Entrance test will be in following subjects for 2 hours for 100 marks in
Objective type questions.
V Class
Telugu - 20
English - 25
Maths - 25
EVS - 20
Mental -10
VL Class
Telugu - 20
English - 20
Maths - 25
EVS - 25
GK & current Affairs - 10
VII Class
English - 20
Maths - 25
Science - 25
Social - 20
GK & current Affairs - 10
VIII and IX Classes
English - 20
Maths - 25
Phy Sci – 13
Bio Sci - 12
Social - 20
GK & current Affairs - 10

B. Answers should be bubbled in the OMR sheet.
C. Sample question paper is given in Annexure II and  sample OMR sheet is
given in Annexure III for the students.
D. The Entrance Test question paper will be in both  Telugu & English Medium.

IV Examination Centres
Entrance Test will be held in the centres selected by the concerned district
Mode of Selection for Admission in Schools
1. Merit in Test.
2. Reservation criteria (based on the rules of the respective societies).
3. Nativity.
4. Special Category (Minorities, orphans, children of the Army personnel, ST students of the Agency Areas and children of the employees who are
working in the Agency Areas).
5. If more than one student score the same marks, rank will be decided based on the marks secured in Maths, Marks in Environmental Science, Marks in Mental Ability, Marks in English, Marks in Telugu considered one by one to decide the rank. In case if everything matches then Date of Birth will be taken as criteria where elder one will be given opportunity.
6. The reservation for physically challenged Children (Divyangulu), Orphans and children of the Army personnel are considered in their respective caste reservation quota.
7. The Chief Convener has the right to allot the seats of one category to
another category if there are no suitable candidates in any reservation
8. The vacancies in the special categories (Physically challenged, orphans,
children of the army personnel) are filled as per the directions of the
9. If the Tribal students of the Agency areas and the Children of the
employees working in Agency areas are not available, these vacancies are
filled with the Tribal students as per the directions of the Government.
10. The Chief Convenor has the right to reject the admission of any student
who got selected, if he/she is found ineligible for any reason.
Process of Application
1. The candidates can apply through any one of the following websites:
2. Candidates can apply online from 21-12-2024 to 01.02.2025
3. It is a two stage process:
A. Acknowledgment
B. Application
Requirements for acknowledgement :
a. Income certificate issued on or after 01.01.2024 ( Exemption is
given to orphan children and CAP)
b. Caste Certificate (OC’s can upload EWS certificate otherwise
not required)
c. Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate, Passport or any Government
issued document)
d. Aadhar Number
e. Online Payment facility in the form of Net Banking, UPI (Paytm,
Google Pay, Etc.,), Credit/ Debit card payments.
Requirement for Application:
a. Passport size photograph
b. Certificate for OH/VH/HH if candidate is claiming under physically challenged category
4. Hall tickets will be available for download immediately after submission of  application. The candidates have to preserve a printout of the hall ticket
 and bring it to examination centre.
1. Candidates have to go through the seat matrix carefully and check
how many seats are available for each caste in the four (4) Residential
Educational Institutions Societies and select their priority accordingly.
2. While filling application candidate details are to be entered carefully.
3. Parents or the Guardians of the candidates are totally responsible for
the mistakes while filling online application form. TGSWREIS, TGTWREIS,
MJPTBCWREIS, TREIS and CGG are not at all responsible for such mistakes
once submission is completed.
4. No changes can be done after the application is uploaded.
5. Once the application is uploaded, there is no chance to make any
changes. So before filling the application all the details should be
6. Candidates are not eligible for admission just by attending the entrance
7. Only parent’s (either father or mother) phone number has to be given.
8. No change in examination centre will be entertained once application
is submitted.
1. The Chief Convener has the power to cancel / make necessary
changes in the admission process. A candidate allotted to a particular
centre cannot be allowed to write the test in any other centre.
2. After downloading the hall tickets, students/ Parents must personally
verify the examination centre to make travelling arrangements.
3. No candidate will be allowed into the examination hall after 10 minutes
of the commencement of the test.
4. Candidates should bring their examination pad and a blue/black ball
pen with them.
5. If the candidates need more information or if they have any problem,
they can contact the following phone numbers on all working days from
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM or send a mail to the following Mail IDs.
TGSWREIS Office – 040-23391598/
TGREIS – 040 – 24734899 /
TGTWREIS – 9491063511 /
MJPTBCWREIS –040 – 23328266 /

Click Here to Download

TS/Telangana TGCET Gurukula 5th Class Entrance Exam 2024 : Download Hall Tickets

TGCET 2024 for TS Gurukulam / Residential Schools 5th Class Admission Common Entrance Test 2024, Telangana Residential CET Notification 2024, TG Gurukul CET 2024, TGCET Online Application form, TMREIS 5th Class Admission, TS Gurukulam Entrance test Syllabus, MJPTBCWREIS Admission Test Exam Pattern, TREIS, TTWREIS, TSWREIS Admission test Online Application at TS Residential Schools has released 5th Class Common Entrance Test 2024 SC, ST and BC Welfare Residential Schools for the academic year 2024-25, TS Gurukulams 5th Class Common Entrance test 2024 Notification, TG Gurukul CET 2024  Hall Tickets,TS Gurukulam 5th class admissions Counselling Dates, Telangana Gurukulam 5th class Common Entrance test for Telangana Gurukuls, TS Residential Schools 5th Class admissions Test Results.Telangana TG Gurukul CET 2024 5th Class Entrance Test Question Paper and Answer Key
Telangana TG Gurukul CET 2023 5th Class Entrance Test Online Application Form Exam Dates TS Gurukulam CET 5th class admission application form, last date for apply, application fee, eligibility criteria, selection process, exam Syllabus Exam Pattern, Hall tickets and results more details at or or or

💥💥Click Here To 
Download TGCET Hall Tickets

గురుకులాల 5వ తరగతి ప్రవేశ నోటిఫికేషన్
తెలంగాణ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల గురుకుల పాఠశాలలో 5వ తరగతి లో ప్రవేశమునకై 2024 – 25 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి…

 అప్లికేషన్ ప్రారంభ తేదీ :  18-12-2023
 అప్లికేషన్ చివరి తేదీ :06-01 -2023
 ప్రవేశ పరీక్ష తేదీ : 11-02-2023
సమయం :ఉదయం 11:00 గంటల నుండి మధ్యాహ్నం 1:00 గంటల వరకు

 అప్లికేషన్ చేయుటకు కావలసినవి:-*
1. విద్యార్థి పేరు
2. ఇంటి పేరు
3. స్కూల్ బోనాపైడ్ లో ఉన్న DATE OF BIRTH 
4. మొబైల్ నెంబర్
5. విద్యార్థి ఆధార్ నెంబర్
6. కులం (వివరాలు)
7. ఆదాయం ( వివరాలు)
8. చదువుతున్న స్కూల్స్ అడ్రెస్
9. విద్యార్థి ఫోటో
10. విద్యార్థి సంతకం
11. తండ్రి పేరు 
12. తల్లి పేరు
13. గ్రామము పేరు
14.మండలం పేరు
15. జిల్లా పేరు
16. పాత జిల్లా పేరు
17. విద్యార్థి చదువుతున్న జిల్లా పేరు
18. పోస్ట్ బాక్స్ నెంబర్
Important Dates:
Starting Date to Apply Online :  18-12-2023
Last Date to Apply Online : 06-01-2024
TGCET Entrance Exam Date :11-02-2024

Telangana Gurukul TGCET 2024 Exam Date 
Gurukul Society of Telangana has decided to conduct the V TG CET 2024 on 11-02-2024  Finally, Ts residential Educational Society has decided to conduct the 5th Class Gurukula  Entrance Examination on 11-02-2024
Important links

TG Gurukul CET 2024 Notification 

Telangana Gurukulam Schools are famous for Free English Medium with Hostel facility by Govt of Telangana. Quality Education is being served to poor children in Telangana. Telangana Government brought all Residential Educational Societies under one branch and named as Telangana Gurukul Schools. Common Entrance Test will be conducted to get Admission into the 5th Class. Apply Online Schedule Exam Dates Eligibility of the Students Model Papers have been given in Prospectus.

TS Gurukulams Specialties:
  1. Significance/specialities of various Gurukuls accredited to  different Govt Departments
  2. Teaching by well qualified and experienced teachers.
  3. 24 hrs teacher’s supervision.
  4. Parallel coaching for competitive tests like IIIT,  EAMCET for scoring best ranks and admissions into prestigious institutions.
  5. Coaching through summer camps to get admissions into central university, TISS etc.
  6. Housemasters/ house parent system to solve the student’s problems.
  7. Special focus on co-curricular activities, spats etc along withcregular lessons.
  8. Coaching in physical education & yoga.
  9. High percentile in all govt exams.
  10. Facilities provided to children;-
  11. Nutrition & tasty food along with fine rice.
  12. Free textbooks & notebooks.
  13. Free stationery (pens, pencils, record books etc).
  14. 3 pairs of uniform.
  15. PT dress, tracksuit, sports shoe etc.
  16. Plate, glass, bed sheet, blanket etc.
  17. Money for soaps.
  18. Govt is planning to give all the facilities completely free for the students.
Eligibility for TG GURUKUL CET 2024:
Eligibility Criteria for TGCET:
Age Limit: (A) Candidates of OC & BC Age should be between 9 to 11 years and (B) Candidates of SC & ST Age should be between 9 to 11 years
Annual income: For the year 2024-2025 students parents/ guardians annual income should not exceed Rs.1,50,000/- (for rural areas ), Rs.2,00,000/- (for urban areas ) children of armed 
personnel are exempted.
Qualification: Student should be in 4th class for the academic year 2024-2025 in govt school or school recognized by govt is eligible to apply for the TG Gurukul CET (5th Class Common 
Entrance Test)

Selection Procedure:
Selections of the process through Entrance Test. Admissions through counselling for selected candidates.
  1. Merit Students will get Admission as per their merit and Reservation
  2. District will be considered as Unit
  3. Kowdipally, Medak School reserved only for Gangaputhra Children ( Mathsakarulu )
  4. 31 Districts children are eligible for Sarvail Nalgonda School
  5. Application Fee: There is an Rs.100/- registration fee for submission of online application.
Exam Pattern for Gurukul CET 2024
  1. Questions covered from Telugu English Maths and EVS
  2. Total 100 Marks, 2 Hours Exam
  3. Telugu 25,
  4.  English 25,
  5. Maths 25 and
  6.  EVS 25 Marks Questions
How to Apply for TG Gurukul CET 2024
  1. After confirmation for Eligiilty for Telangana Gurukul CET 2024 Visit
  2. Give Primary Information like Student Name Date of Birth Mobile Number , District Name and AADHAAR number 
  3. pay Fee Rs.100/- through Online Payment using Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card and Get Refference ID.
  4. Using Refference ID Complete Application Form and Submit.
  5. Getting Refference ID is not meaning of completing Application Form
  6. Immediately after Submission of Online Application Form you get Hall Ticket

*5వ తరగతిలో తెలంగాణ సాంఘీక సంక్షేమ  గురుకులాల ప్రవేశ నోటిఫికేషన్*
*తెలంగాణ సాంఘీక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల పాఠశాలలో 5వ తరగతి లో ప్రవేశమునకై 2023 - 2024 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి ఉమ్మడి ప్రవేశ పరీక్ష ప్రకటన*
తెలంగాణ సాంఘీక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల పాఠశాల మరియు  విద్యా శాఖల ఆధ్వర్యంలో ఇంగ్లీష్ మీడియం విజయవంతంగా నడుస్తున్న గురుకుల పాఠశాలలో 5వ తరగతి ప్రవేశమునకు అభ్యర్థులు దరఖాస్తులను ఆన్ లైన్ ద్వారా సమర్పించాలి
  1.       ప్రవేశ పరీక్ష తేదీ -  11-02-2024
  2.        పరీక్ష సమయం - 11:00 am నుండి 1:00 pm వరకు
  3.      అప్లికేషన్ ప్రారంభ తేదీ -18-12-2023
  4.     అప్లికేషన్ చివరి తేదీ - 06-01-2024
  5.       వెబ్సైట్ -,

 2024-2025 విద్యా  సంవత్సరంలో 4వ తరగతి చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థిని విద్యార్థులు మాత్రమే దరఖాస్తు తీసుకోవడానికి అర్హులు
 అభ్యర్థులు తమ అర్హతలను పరిశీలించుకుని ఆన్లైన్లో రూ.100/- రుసుము చెల్లించి దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చును ఒక ఫోన్ నెంబర్ తో ఒక దరఖాస్తు మాత్రమే చేయవచ్చును

*ఆన్లైన్ అప్లికేషన్ చేయుటకు కావలసినవి*
👉 1. అభ్యర్థి ఫోటో
👉 2. అభ్యర్థి సంతకం
👉 3. ఆధార్ కార్డ్ నెంబర్
👉 4. పుట్టిన తేదీ వివరాలు మాత్రమే 
👉 5.కులం , ఆదాయం , నివాసం వివరాలు మాత్రమే
👉 6. పూర్తి అడ్రస్ సమాచారం

Click Here to Download
Download Prospectus 2024 (will be Updated Soon)
Apply Online 2024 (will be Updated Soon)

Click Here to Download V TG [GURUKUL] CET-2024  Hall Tickets

V TG [GURUKUL] CET-2024 Hall Tickets Download @

Common Entrance Test for Admission into 5th Class for the academic year 2024-25 (in TSWREIS, TTWREIS, MJPTBCWREIS and TREIS) 21st Century   Entrance Test for Admission into 5th Class for the academic year 2024-25 Hall Tickets Download . Gurukul Schools Admission Aspirants have to Download Entrance Exam Hall Tickets from 7days before exam  onwards  from the official website. Here in this page we are providing information on how to download the Gurukul Entrance Hall Tickets

1.  First Login to the official portal
2. Click on Download Hall Tickets 
3.  Enter Application Reference Number/Name?  Mobile Number and Date of Birth
 4. Click on Submit
 5. Click on Download Now
 6. Take printout and keep it safe up to results announcement and get Admission


Click Here to Download
TGCET Hall Tickets Download 2024
Question Paper 2017
Question Paper 2018 Answer Key

Labels ~ Telangana Gurukula 5th Class Entrance Exam Notification 2024 TGCET 2024 Apply Online Fee Payement Model Papers Hall Tickets Results Download