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Saturday, February 4, 2017

GO MS No 18 Ammendments to GO 17 Regarding Pandit PET Upgradation in Telangana

GO MS No 18 Ammendments to GO 17 Regarding Pandit PET Upgradation in Telangana FINANCE (HRM-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.    Dated:03.02.2017. GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – Upgradation of 2487 Language Pandits as School Assistants (Languages) and 1047 Physical Education Teacher (PET) posts as School Assistants (Physical Education) in the State – Amendment - Orders - Issued FINANCE (HRM-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.    Dated:03.02.2017. go-ms-no-18-ammendments-to-go-17-pandit-pet-upgradation-in-telangana

GO MS No 18 Ammendments to GO 17 Regarding Pandit PET Upgradation in Telangana FINANCE (HRM-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.    Dated:03.02.2017. GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – Upgradation of 2487 Language Pandits as School Assistants (Languages) and 1047 Physical Education Teacher (PET) posts as School Assistants (Physical Education) in the State – Amendment - Orders - Issued FINANCE (HRM-II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.    Dated:03.02.2017.

 Government hereby issue the following amendment to the orders issued in the reference 5th read above:


Para-4 of the Government orders 5th read above shall be read as follows:-
        After careful examination of the proposal, Government hereby accord sanction for the upgradation of 2487 Language Pandits as School Assistants (Languages) by absorbing the existing Language Pandits as School Assistants (Languages) as per their seniority and eligibility in terms of G.O.Ms.No.11 and 12, School Education (Services-II) Department, dt.23-01-2009 and also hereby accord sanction for the upgradation of 1047 Physical Education Teacher (PET) posts as School Assistants (Physical Education) in the State by suppressing 392 surplus vacant posts of Secondary Grade Teachers (SGT).

Download GO MS No 18